
Great Entchanter

A normal person from a city died from an really bizzare accident he was wandering in the woods then one of the trees started to catch fire from something the wanderer smelled something burned and locked around and saw one of the tree burning he directly called 911 and waited for them the police also accompiened them to investigate they astinguished the flames and the police came directly to me and asked me what im doing alone in the woods so i told them that i was just wandering around because i love wandering but that wasnt enought for them and they tock me with them to the police department but something really bizzare happened on the way first the wheels from the car started to melt then 2 seconds later the car stopped working then the police officers started to lose conciousness i tried to wake them up and look if they had a heart attack but they were really cold i backed up and called the ambulance but after i tried to call them i also lost my conciousness.

Mew_you · Fantasy
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So just you know im dead this is made from my own thoughts before i died people like you understand that you die and have many things flash right before your eyes for me it was a bit different i only had thoughts flash trought my mind and nothing else no memories of how i was in a situation like this it could be bc i have alzheimer or i hit my head but that dosnt concern me anymore no one is here to help even if they can i dont have the energy to live my life anymore it could just end now just an long last sleep where i wont see me walking depressed trought my life till i die of old age nah i dont want that no more i just want to die and have no thoughts flashing trought my mind anymore like right now.

Wait im in a hospital? That cant be i was not here before and i should have died by now no doctor should have been able to save me in time how am i here wtf is this shit.

You arent in an hospital specificly this is just an projection of your hopes in this plane your hopes will take form into something between physical and not existent but you dont have to worry about that you wouldnt understand it.

So first of im dead am i? And im hear but why am i even here i should be in hell bc i wasnt believing in anything i thought i would stop existing after my death but if hell and heaven exist and now i know it exists i should be in hell right now but i aren't why?

Ik that humanity knew about karma but thats a little bit different then you people thought karma is a currency for humans to go to heaven if you cant afford it you cant go to heaven you go to hell but there a problem with this karma system it only goes to 0 thats the point of nothing there isnt something less then bc bad karma dosnt exist only good karma bad karma is something that happens if you dont have any good karma so why afe you here its bc you are in negative karma so the question is how does that happen? I have no clue but i need to fix that so im forcing this one on you you will live again i reset your balance but im giving you a favor bc how you lived your life and how you felt was bc of this error and im really sorry for this it shouldnt be happening but it did so like i mentioned ill give you a favor of 3 things 3 wishes the plain if you have one on your mind and 3 ill ask that then you are done.

I dont want to be rude but i dont want to do that i lived my life idc if i was an error i died and i wanna stay dead could you not just put me into hell i probably deserve it for an error like me.

I wont do that it isnt fair for you if you dont wanna chose ill do it for you ill erase your memories and put you in the world of your hopes and dreams till ill met you in heaven.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Remember Me