
Great Dragon Julong - a Dragon Prince Yuan FanFic

When the Third Gods initial awakening ensued, the Ancestral Dragon Will formed a new blessing. From this, a boy was born. This is his story, the story of Wan Julong. (A Dragon Prince Yuan spin-off.)

Messianic_Complex · Book&Literature
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87 Chs

Saint Genesis Peak

Silence. Absolute silence.

"Are you sure? The Saint Genesis Peak has been half-locked for many years, you will benefit a lot more in any of the other peaks."

Julong smiled charmingly at Qing Yang.

"Cang Xuan has helped me quite a large amount. As part of my agreement with him, I said I would restore the Sect to its former glory, which includes unlocking the rest of the Saint Genesis Peak, does it not?"

Qing Yang adopted a very proud expression upon his face.

"I like you."

Cangxuan Sect - Saint Genesis Peak

Mu Wuji had been momentarily dismissed from the matter, receiving a pat on the shoulder and promised blessings for receiving both Julong and Yao Yao into the Sect. As for the aforementioned duo, Qing Yang and the Peak Masters led them both toward their selected peak.

Before they had left, Qing Yang had formally introduced all of the Peak Masters to him. Those being; Tian Shu, the Master of Spirit Rune Peak; Gu Tianhong, the Master of the Hongya Peak, also the one who had tried to argue with Liu Lianyi earlier; Liu Lianyi herself, the Master of the Snow Lotus Peak; Ling Jun, the master of Sword Cometh Peak; and Lei Jun, the Master of Thunder Prison Peak.

They were now standing in the main courtyard of the Saint Genesis Peak. Leading away from it were three different paths, all leading toward the territories that each of the Elders of the Peak trained Disciples in. Along with that, on each path, there were different Qi Dwellings, some even with their own luxury Pavilions, though these places were most likely reserved for the Purple Sash Disciples.

"These Dwellings look beautiful."

Qing Yang bitterly smiled.

"They are, though it is quite a shame since most of them are empty due to the very lacking number of Disciples in this peak. This isn't even inclusive of the Purple Sash Disciples, of which there are so few they can be counted on your fingers."

"Oh... I didn't realise the peak was so unpopular."

"Yes, it is quite the disappointment, one that won't be as disappointing after today, however. If you wish to bring glory back to this peak, you're going to need to get stronger, meaning you will need greater resources too."

Julong quickly understood what he was about to say.

"Sect Master, do not tell me you wish to enlist me as a Purple Sash Disciple?"

He nodded.

"If it was any other Peak, it would be a much greater problem, but as it is, Saint Genesis Peak needs more Purple Sash Disciples. I'm certain you would be able to take on other Purple Sash Disciples of the lower level, maybe even someone more powerful, though I cannot say for sure due to not seeing your ability."

"I will not let you down, Sect Master."

"I'm sure you won't. So allow me to call the Elders of this Peak, we will sort out everything when they arrive."

A few moments later, an undulation of Qi flowed from his body. As if on queue, three figures of vast power came from the three separate paths. However, despite being powerful, none were above the Heavenly Sun Realm. It seemed rather minuscule in comparison to the ones around him, but reaching such heights was still considered rare in the Cangxuan Heaven.

They all bowed simultaneously.

"""Sect Master."""

Qing Yang nodded toward them.

"Wan Julong, Yao Yao, I'd like to introduce you to Shen Taiyan, Lu Hong, and Lu Song."

Taking a proper look over their figures, Julong bowed.

"I pay respect to the Elders."

Yao Yao did her own form of courtesy with a small curtsey-like gesture, though saying no words.

"With all due respect, Sect Master, why is it you have come to our Saint Genesis Peak?"

Qing Yang looked toward the one who had spoken, that being Shen Taiyuan. He had long grey hair, with a headband around his forehead. He seemed to be very humble compared to his prior experiences with Heavenly Sun Experts.

"I am here to give one of you a new Disciple and his companion."

Shen Taiyuan paused for a second.

"But are they not supposed to be in the Outer Mountains right now?"

"These two are an exception. Master made a deal with them."

It was Liu Lianyi who had spoken, making the Heavenly Sun Expert seemingly freeze up a little.

"Patriarch Cang Xuan?"

Qing Yang only nodded.

"In a moment, this Wan Julong will choose which of you they will follow. But before that, I'd like all three of you to introduce yourselves."

Lu Hong was the first one who stepped forward. If they were important to Cang Xuan, perhaps they would be able to help retrieve the Peak Master Seal. That and he could gain a very powerful Disciple.

"As you know, my name is Lu Hong. I am originally from the Sword Cometh Peak, and currently have the biggest following in the Saint Genesis Peak. In addition, the reason we have moved to this Peak is in hopes of retrieving the Peak Master Seal, or in other words to open up the Peak."

Julong pondered on his words, he could tell there was truth in his words, but he could sense an underlying hint of arrogance and an ulterior motive. It was something he didn't like, so he would probably choose another Master when the time came.

The next to step forward was Lu Song, a chubby man, who seemed rather lazy.

"My name is Lu Song, as predetermined. I have the second-largest faction of the three Elders here, though I have a rather lazy temperament."

He gave a small laugh as he admitted his flaws.

Julong liked Lu Song a lot more than he did Lu Hong, he was modest and seemed to be rather carefree, but what put him off was his, of course, lazy temperament. It would be up to Shen Taiyuan as to which Master he would follow.

"I'm Shen Taiyuan. My faction is the smallest of the three factions, unfortunately. So I am not expecting you to have much thought into joining me, but even so I would like to form a good relationship with you for the future."

Shen Taiyuan... something clicked. He was serious but not as serious as Lu Hong, nor as carefree as Lu Song, he was in the middle. He was modest, with no sense of arrogance hidden behind his words, not to mention his intentions seemed pure, to the point that he reminded him vaguely of Zi Xiao. In addition, a low amount of Disciples would mean more attention to his progress. This had essentially made Julong's decision rather easy.

Giving a bow, Julong decided to speak.

"I do not wish to rush, nor offend anyone but I have already made my choice."

Qing Yang raised his eyebrow, interested.

"You are rather domineering and driven, coming to know such things so quickly, considering how quick your Peak choice was."

Julong chuckled nervously.

"I suppose..." He then directed his gaze toward Shen Taiyuan, "Elder Shen, would you be willing to take me as a Disciple of your faction in the Saint Genesis Peak?"