
Great Alchemist - GOT

Alexander suddenly found himself in the body of a master of the alchemists' guild in GOT, he gained advanced knowledge of the true art of alchemy as a gift of transmigration, no longer playing with fire, as he now mastered true alchemy, potions of healing and strength , transmutation or even create homunculus soldiers, why not help the mad king stay in power to increase his guild status Now alexander is lord rossart and hand of the king

Jade_beauty_tits · TV
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12 Chs

The change in the world, the legendary profession appears

Soon Belis returned, behind them some acolytes, they carried wooden carts loaded with ingredients.

some ingredients that were originally green turned white from so much dust and mold, but Rossart didn't care, although it harms the quality of the potion it doesn't affect the result, because the potion he will make is level D, easy for him

"Belis, use our savings fund and buy as many unique herbs, plants, fruits and liquids as are available in the market in Kings Landing" Rossart

"grandmaster, our fund is limited, we still need to buy more materials with good burning ability and...." Belis

"forget about it, cancel any purchase of incendiary items from now on" Rossart

"but the king..." Bolis

"don't worry, with the king I understand myself, besides we already have a giant stock of Wildfire" Rossart

Rossart has become determined to change the alchemists' guild entirely, no longer a bunch of arsonists, but to become the leading guild in the production of all kinds of potions and medicines, Rossart is confident that in 10 years he can make the richest guild of alchemists in the world

Although high-level potions are difficult to make due to the lack of raw materials, it is perfectly possible to master the production of E- and F-level potions and some D-level potions, with his knowledge as an A-level alchemist, Rossart knows that can provide the raw materials for these potions easily

An F-ranked potion can cure colds and minor ailments, an E-ranked healing potion can keep any woman alive even with a bloody childbirth, nobles from all known worlds will spend fortunes to keep their wives safe when giving birth to their children.

This is a medieval world, with a low level of medicine which allows the endless rise of alchemists, Rossart's biggest job will be to train alchemists, after all he can't spend his time producing everything

Bolis still wanted to speak, but thinking of Rossart's current status, he just opted to comply.

Rossart then asked everyone to leave the room, in front of him were tons of materials

"Northern Grass, Dothraki Sea Straw, Duck Guts, and a Small Patch of Ghost Grass" Rossart

He then threw all this mess into a huge iron pot and turned on the fire.

"now the most important thing" Rossart raised his hands over the pot

"alchemist's authority"

As if the world responded to his words, the then normal fire took on small colored strange flames.

The alchemist's authority is the only way to be an alchemist, even if an ordinary person copies the ingredients and does the same thing at most it will come out a disgusting soup

At this time, just like the emergence of dragons, a small comet passed through the sky of the world

it was not flashy, it was small but in the tail of the comet there were several colorful colors, few people noticed in the clear sky

However, at this time, the magical order and profession came back to life in the world, the alchemist

Unfortunately, there are few books with the alchemist's teachings that give authority to the profession, Rossart is one of the only ones with the ability to instruct and help a new alchemist be born.

only a few old men in Asshai and a few priests of the gods noticed the great change beginning.