
Great Alchemist - GOT

Alexander suddenly found himself in the body of a master of the alchemists' guild in GOT, he gained advanced knowledge of the true art of alchemy as a gift of transmigration, no longer playing with fire, as he now mastered true alchemy, potions of healing and strength , transmutation or even create homunculus soldiers, why not help the mad king stay in power to increase his guild status Now alexander is lord rossart and hand of the king

Jade_beauty_tits · TV
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12 Chs

rossart plan

Rossart left the red fortress, it was still very early and not past 6 am, the king was still sleeping so Rossart could leave

King's Landing is still relatively peaceful, although the people are afraid of the king, this is because the news of the death of the crown prince and the defeat of the army did not leak out to the people, Rossart rushed on horseback to the guild

After some time, Rossart arrived at the alchemists' guild, it was already possible to see some novices and helpers carrying incendiary materials.

Unfortunately the current guild of alchemists didn't live up to their name, they were mostly arsonists, luckily it's a very old guild and still has a very rich storehouse with herbs and other items from everywhere in the known world

"Grand master, you came early, do you have any orders from the king? who are we going to burn"

When Rossart entered, he was greeted by two men, Belis and Garigus, two other famous arsonists.

"No, it's a personal matter, Belis here a list, I want you to go to the secret warehouse and collect everything and you Garigus prepare an alchemical room" Rossart said

Rossart is not only the grandmaster of the guild, but also the hand of the king, in a way, he is the second most powerful man, although Belis and Garigus are not officially his servants, they still obeyed.

The two foreign men hurried to complete the tasks

Rossart sat in the living room waiting and wondering what to do

Curing the king's madness is just one step to do, the other thing is protecting the capital.

"Pycelle must die, he was the one who convinced to open the city gates, it won't be very difficult after all when the king heals he will realize the obvious, however the defense of the city is more difficult" Rossart spoke to himself

If you have time, Rossart can create strength potions and strengthen city guards, at that time defeating Tywin's army would not be difficult.

The problem though is that I doubt the King would let him live after that.

King Aerys went mad and that's a fact, but before his madness he was a good king who bet on renewal, if Aerys heals from his madness he will help Rossart in everything to keep the city but after that? it's obvious that you want his head

Rossart is responsible for burning many people including the lord of House Stark and his eldest son, a mad king might keep Rossart but a good king would undoubtedly kill him in exchange for peace with the stark

'Just healing the king is not enough, I need a new king but not now, Aerys has to heal and win the war but after that he needs to disappear' Rossart thought cruelly

After organizing his new knowledge he found the solution, this is a mixture of a cure potion and an extreme depression potion.

With this potion Aerys will maintain lucidity for days to finish the capital battle but after that the potion will have a new effect on the body

Chemically speaking, depression occurs in the brain due to neurotransmitters reacting in an unbalanced way. It is confirmed that transmitters such as Serotonin, Dopamine and Noradrenaline are directly related to depression. If we think in this sense, we will say that the origin is chemical and in the brain.

Phase two of the potion will cause a strong imbalance in the mind, but not causing madness but a strong depression, Aerys is responsible for a civil war and the death of several including his son, with that in mind he will no doubt kill himself and will probably be too sad to take other people along

After that Rossart as Hand of the King will naturally support Elia Martell's son as King, young Aegon Targaryen is still a baby and no doubt the Dornishwoman will accept Rossart's help.

And if Elia doesn't know how to be a diplomat and wants to screw him, it won't be too late to summon Rhaegar's other son to the capital, Jon Snow or better rightful heir.

Rossart has no plans to create a puppet king, honestly all he wants is to avoid taking responsibility for his actions, current Rossart is not evil but he is not a man of justice either

With his current knowledge it is not difficult to avoid the king's pursuit and with some time he can create a modified army strong enough to destroy whoever wants to kill him.

However it is much better to continue being the hand of the king and having the full support of the royal family, Rossart does not want to be a king but he does not want to obey a king either, so helping a child on the throne is the best, if he becomes a teacher of that child will no doubt have enough respect to do what he wants

"so it's decided, first I will keep some Targaryen child on the throne, but if no one wants to be diplomatic with me then I have no choice but to live my new life as a fugitive" Rossart