
Great Alchemist - GOT

Alexander suddenly found himself in the body of a master of the alchemists' guild in GOT, he gained advanced knowledge of the true art of alchemy as a gift of transmigration, no longer playing with fire, as he now mastered true alchemy, potions of healing and strength , transmutation or even create homunculus soldiers, why not help the mad king stay in power to increase his guild status Now alexander is lord rossart and hand of the king

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Rossart's trust

a few hours of pain and suffering passed, it was almost morning and the sun was almost rising

Colley although he was still ugly, now his old skinny body disappeared and in its place was a strong body, his amputated arm grew, although the skin color of the new arm was a little red

To regenerate body members, the ideal is high level healing potions, as it makes everything "normal", what Colley drank is a body modification potion, based on the salamander animal, his body is strong, much stronger than before, but the only side effect is that the skin color of the new arm has turned reddish

"don't worry too much, just cover it with a cloth and no one will notice" Rossart

old Colley looked at his new arm and his eyes filled with tears

"thank you my lord, thank you" Colley knelt down in happiness

he was a simple man, his happiness was always on board a ship, fighting at sea made him happy but without his arm he became a beggar, now he is crying with joy

he didn't even mind having a red arm or a strong body, he just wanted to go to sea

"don't thank me so much, do you know your mission?" Rossart

"yes my lord, I will keep the queen safe, I swear it on my name!" Colley with a steady gaze said

Rhaella is very important to Rossart, as he wants to make her regent for little Aegon.

soon Rhaella will be the last adult Targaryen, to keep her children and grandchildren safe she will have to trust Rossart

Rossart doesn't trust the Martell house very much, because the Martell will become very strong and influential after the war, not only will they have a queen but even the new king will have half-Martell blood, if Rhaella is smart she will realize that, that is the position of king's hand is guaranteed for Rossart

Beside Ilyn Payne looked scared at Colley, he had no tongue but his look still showed surprise

Payne thought he had been taken by a madman to be tortured, although Rossart said it would help him get stronger, but he didn't believe it.

But now he feels his body is extremely powerful and not only that, he has seen an old man with no arms become a strong man with two arms.

Rossart saw Payne stunned

"And you Ser Ilyn Payne, how do you feel?" Rossart

Payne obviously couldn't speak, but she nodded.

"great, if you do the quest right, I'll help you get your tongue back" Rossart promised

although there are loyalty potions, neither of these two potions made them faithful and loyal, loyalty potion or "enslavement" is something rare at level S

But Rossart isn't stupid, he added a drop of his blood to the potions along with another ingredient, this is like a "non-aggression" passive effect against Rossart

Although they are not 100% loyal to Rossart, they will never be able to lift a sword to try to kill him.

besides Rossart chose both men well, Colley is a simple and honorable man, he will be faithful to Rossart in thanks for his new life

Payne is a knight and has his own honor, although in the future he became a cruel Lannister soldier, he was not like the others and maintained respect and loyalty even when given stupid orders.

That's why Rossart has confidence in him, in the future he wants Payne in the royal guard, because now Payne has plenty of strength

Before the potion Payne was supposed to be a strong B-level soldier, but now? Rossart looked at Payne

His lean body was taut with defined muscles, although not large and focused on agility, Rossart is confident he can take on Arthur Dayne and at the very least draw.

before dawn two teams left Kings Landing, one by sea in a small ship and one by land with a few horses.