
Great Alchemist - GOT

Alexander suddenly found himself in the body of a master of the alchemists' guild in GOT, he gained advanced knowledge of the true art of alchemy as a gift of transmigration, no longer playing with fire, as he now mastered true alchemy, potions of healing and strength , transmutation or even create homunculus soldiers, why not help the mad king stay in power to increase his guild status Now alexander is lord rossart and hand of the king

Jade_beauty_tits · TV
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12 Chs

Old Sailor and Ilyn Payne, the New Soldiers

it's dawn in King's Landing, most people are asleep or at least trying to

Minus the alchemists' guild, all the novices and experienced masters were running back and forth, moving materials from the stockpile, Rossart ordered all items large and small to be sorted into an inventory.

A guild that has existed for centuries but only played with fire, its underground storage was full of all kinds of items, although it was just trash before Rossart, now it has become the source of wealth for every guild

Meanwhile, Rossart was in the guild's underground room, the most secluded location possible within the guild's confines.

besides Rossart there were 2 other men, who were bound with chains

one of them was an elderly man of almost 50 years old, this old man had only one arm and perhaps many people in the city recognized him as a beggar who asked for alms

However, this old man was a proud sailor, he served in the royal fleet for almost two decades, unfortunately in a battle against pirates, he had his arm injured and had to amputate it due to tetanus.

Without his arm he had to retire, there was no pension for veterans in this world and due to his character he refused to become a bandit, with no alternative employment he became a beggar

this armless man's name is Colley , Rossart got his information for just a few gold, after all a beggar who was once a great sailor would not be easily forgotten

The other man is a sullen bald man without a tongue, perhaps someone knows, Ilyn Payne a noble knight of House Payne who had his tongue cut out by King Aerys, although he is not well known he has a lot of courage as he spoke ill of the mad king and in the future cut lord stark's head

Ilyn Payne was still imprisoned under the king, but at Rossart's request, the king let Ilyn Payne go with him.

Rossart's motive for bringing these two men together? that's because he needs good men to take two level B potions that he made with effort in the last few hours, the potion dubbed salamander capable of "creating" severed limbs from 0 and not only that but amplifying physical capacity and the second potion called of lion's drool, able to strengthen the senses, strength and speed

Rossart's plan is simple, return Colley to his prime, give him a small trust team with a midwife and an alchemist with healing potions, and send him to Queen Rhaella

Rossart doesn't know who is trusted among the gold cloaks, so it's better to create your own trusty man in the navy.

As for Ilyn Payne, his mission is to go on horseback to the Tower of Joy and keep her alive and no matter what brings her to Rossart

Rossart needs lyanna stark alive to negotiate peace with the north but he doesn't know if Ser Arthur Dayne and the other knights will collaborate and return to the king's landing, if not for good then it will be for evil, Ilyn Payne is a great knight and although he is much weaker than Arthur Dayne, Rossart is confident that with his potion that will change.

"let's start, drink" Rossart

the two men were tied up because a level b physical alteration potion causes a lot of pain, without being tied up they might even want to kill themselves due to pain