

Brows furrowed and lips slightly parted, I focused on the paper in front of me in deep concentration. My pencil moved across the paper in even strokes as I sketched.

"You shouldn't frown, Dani."

A half smile made its way on my face, my eyes never leaving the paper as I immediately knew who was speaking. "What do you want Josh?"

I heard the house's floorboards creak underneath his weight, as he walked to me and sat by my side. He leaned over and peered at my drawing. Josh watched me continue to draw for a few seconds and before leaning back against the wall, sighing.

"Dani," he said.


"Let's put your artistic skills to the test. I want you to draw this beautiful face right here." He pointed at his own face which currently had a smirk.

I snort. "I've seen better."

Josh looked offended. "Of course you haven't." He grinned boyishly. "Aw come on Dani. For me?"

I sigh but give in to his wishes. "Fine."

I leave my previous drawing unfinished and flip to the next page in my notebook. I look up and observe his face.

"Allright, now don't move." Josh sat up straighter and stared directly at me.

I begin sketching the outline of his face.

"You're really pretty, Dani. Has anyone ever told you that?" I blush slightly, but Josh doesn't see because I was facing down, my eyes glued to the drawing.

"Shut up, douchebag. I told you to not move."

When I looked up again, Josh had a smile on his lips, his head slightly tilted as his sparkling green eyes bore into mine.

"Whatever you say, Dani."