
Chapter One

Chapter One

The four of us sat in the living room as we waited for Viktor.

"Come on, Viktor! Hurry your ass up!" Josh shouted from outside the restroom door. He had his towel in hand, ready to take a shower...about two hours ago.

"He showers longer than me and Dani combined," Cailee mutters, rolling her eyes.

A muffled voice from behind the door answered Josh back. "I know, I just finished taking a shower and I'm changing right now--"

He stopped abruptly in his sentence, a moment of unexpected silence taking over, before the door burst open, almost hitting Josh during the process. Fotunately, Josh had jumped back just in time.

Viktor stood there, with his hair still wet. Drops of water ran down his face and dripped onto the floor. His face was flushed, and a towel was wrapped around his waist. The four of us gape at him, startled by his appearance. But what shocked us the most was his hair; it was not its original black color but instead a stark blue.

"Who did this?!" Viktor roared, his fist clenched. "I swear, when I get my hands on whoever did this..."

We all tried to stifle our laughter at his appearance. Viktor looked silly with his blue hair, half naked, and still wet from the shower.

Viktor stomped up to Cailee. "Was it you?"

Cailee scoffed and folded her arms in denial. "Of course not, dumbass. If it was me, I would have dyed it neon orange or something, to make it more hideous."

Viktor huffed and crossed the room to Tristan.

"It wasn't me," Tristan said, before Viktor could even open his mouth. "I wouldn't even bother."

Viktor looked like he was struggling to say something back but gave up. He came to me next. "Dani?" He demanded.

I shake my head while grinning. "Nope. It's a neat trick though. Wish I had done it. But hey, it still looks pretty good."

He growls at me and then spins around."Josh, was it you?"

Josh chuckles. "You know it's not me Viktor. I wouldn't do that."

Viktor gives a shake of his head, believing him and then walks up to Collin.

"So it must be this little weiner," Viktor growls.

Collin put up his hands up in surrender and smiled innocently. "Hey, Viktor, calm down. Why would you blame this trouble avoiding cutie?"

Viktor growls and lunged for him. Collin quickly dodged.

Collins shakes his head in disapproval. "I wouldn't do that if I were you. You know I can just pull your towel off right?" Collin drops his voice to a loud whisper. "And there are girls in this room, if you know what I mean." He winks at Cailee and I.

Cailee gags. "Gross. Who said I would like anything that's Viktor?"

We can see Viktor's brain working as he contemplates on what to do next.

He gives Collin a menacing laugh, a slow grin emerging on his face. "Well, I'll just have to change into some clothes and then beat you up, won't I?"

Collin's eyes widen at the thought, clearly haven't thought this through. "No please.."

It was then when we all burst out laughing, no longer able to contain it.

We certainly are family.


I enter my house, feeling tired but my breath still coming out evenly after my morning jog. The clock read 6:45 am. It was time to get ready for school.

After taking a quick shower, I quickly slip into my usual black skinny jeans and fitted v-neck shirt, pulling my hair up into a messy bun. Then I quickly stuff everything I need into my school bag and went downstairs to grab an apple for breakfast.

Before I walk out the door, I glance at the sketch of a distant face in my past, hanging as one of my portraits. The sketch had every line and angle drawn to perfection. The boy's head was slightly tilted to the side and his green eyes seem so real in the drawing; it looked as if he was staring right at me. I had to convince myself it wasn't. A familiar pang goes through my chest at the thought of him, but I had become so used to the feeling that I am numb to it.

I hurriedly walk out the door, away from these memories. I apply a layer of Chapstick to my dry lips and breath in deeply. Closing my eyes for a moment, I let the familiar surroundings comfort me.

Four years since Josh's death, I'm back.