
Chapter Three

Chapter Three


Viktor, Cailee, and I sat in our booth inside the restaurant as we waited for the others to arrive.

It was a rather nice place with the layout similar to Johnny Rockets. The aroma of cheeseburger and fries made me hungry. I tried to take it off my mind, but it was hard when everyone around us was eating.

"I wonder what's taking them so long. Did they get caught up in something?" I wondered aloud.

Cailee who sat by my side shook her head. "Tristan just sent me a text that they're on their way. They should be here very soon."

Viktor groaned. "My stomach has been grumbling the whole time. If they don't come here any sooner, I'm going to order my food first."

Cailee glares at Viktor. "Have some patience, dickhead."

"Easy for you to say, because you're not going to eat anything."

Cailee's cheeks turned a faint pink but she jutted her chin out in indignance. "I will, just not that much. I need to watch what I eat."

"Why?" I said frowning, "You look great already."

"Looking good for a special someone?" Viktor said with a knowing smirk.

Cailee blushes once again, which was highly unusual. She's the type of person that hides her feelings well. "It's not any of your business," she snaps. "Back off."

I blinked in surprise. Did the Cailee really like someone?

"You like someone? How come you never told me?"

Cailee turned away. "He's.. interested in someone else."

I frowned at this. Who wouldn't like Cailee? She was popular, pretty, and a one of a kind girl.

"Then he's not worth your time," I reasoned. "You'll find someone who will appreciate you."

"I don't want to listen to girl talk," Viktor whined, acting very much like Collin. "What's taking them so long to get here? I'm starving."

Cailee glared at Viktor, apparently thinking about Collin and him just like I was. "What's with you and Collin anyway? You two never get along," Cailee said, her eye twitching in annoyance. "The ruckus you two cause sometimes! How are you two even are friends?"

Viktor scowled at this. "I don't even know myself."

"Oi!" And just in that moment, Collin, Tristan, and Josh arrived at the scene.


I enter my first period class the moment the late bell rang.

The teacher gestures for me to come over to her desk. "You're new here, am I correct?"

"Yes," I confirm.

She gives me a warm smile. "And what would your name be?"


The teacher turns to the class of talking students in their seats. "Everyone!" She waits for them to quiet down. "Please welcome Dani to our school."

There were a few mumbles of greetings before I walk to the back of class where there was an open seat.

Just as I was sitting down, the door swings open and in strolls a group of girls surrounding an individual. That one individual was a face I immediately recognized.


He still had those deep emerald eyes eyes, yet they seemed to have darkened a shade. His wavy chestnut hair was fashionably cut, his clothes on point. He still had the build of a surfer, and was slightly tanned.

Collin had an arrogant smirk plastered on his face. The bunch of girls surrounded him as he talked, his arm slung around one. They seemed to hang onto his every word. The group of girls suddenly laugh at a joke he had just made.

"You're late again, Collin. Take a seat, girls." The teacher sighs, shaking her head but didn't say anything otherwise, as if she was used to his behavior already.

"Sorry ma'am. I was a bit occupied." Collin didn't look sorry at all, but he flashed the teacher a cheeky grin and turned around to find his seat.

As his eyes briefly scanned the room, Collin's eyes met mine. He did a double take but his eyes brightened. He instantly began walking my way, with a smirk on his face. He takes a seat next to me. How did I not notice that there was another empty seat next to mine?

"Hello, babe. I haven't seen you in awhile." Collin yawns and stretches out his arms as the teacher begins to lecture the class.

I wrinkle my nose at his nickname. "What's with the the babe thing?"

He puts his legs on a desk and stretches his arms before putting it behind his head. "You don't like it?"

Collin laughs to himself. "Every other girl would be dying to hear me say that to them,'" he says cockily.

"Well, I'm not like every other girl."

Collin doesn't answer. In fact, I don't think he even heard. As the teacher said to turn in their homework up front, he uses his outstretched hand to slap a girl's butt nearby when she stood up. The girl giggles and Collin winks, flashing a smile.

I shift in my seat uncomfortably, turning my head away. When did Collin become like this? He used to be really quirky and flirtatious but now he's...well... even worse if that's possible.

"I met Vicky today," I began.

Collin grins, but I noticed how it didn't reach his eyes. "I forgot that you used call him that."

"Hey, I wasn't the only one who did. Cailee did too." My smile disappears quickly at my next thought. I purse my lips. "He wasn't very fond to see me."

Collin shrugs. "He's just being a pain in the ass. Ignore him. Besides," He flashes me a charming smile, straight white teeth, dimples and all. "You have me."

I grin and say teasingly, "I'm not sure if that's a good thing."

Instead of answering, he leans over and slings an arm around my shoulders.

With him this close, I can smell his cologne. I can't help but think how many times he's probably done this to other girls. I slightly lean away from him at the thought as Collin answers, "You'll just have to get used to it."