
Chapter Four

Chapter Four

"What class do you have next?" Collin asks me as we walk out of class.


Collin looks at me, amusement clearly written across his face. "Art class? I see you still have your passion for art."

I shrug. "I like it, but in a way, I can never get away from it even if I wanted to."

Collin doesn't answer but nods, understanding.

I find Collin matching my strides as I make my way to my next class. He turns to face me suddenly, grinning cheekily. "I also happen to be in art class, babe."

A faint smile comes across my lips. I didn't like that he was a player but it was nice having someone back, despite his rather annoying flirtation. He is still Collin and I like him for just being him.

Collin swings his arm around my shoulders once again. "Hey, let's cut around back here. It's a shortcut-- a secret place I always use." Collin winks at me and I raise an eyebrow in response.

"Okay then, playboy. Lead the way."

I follow his steps and after a moment he speaks, a thoughtful look coming across his handsome face.

"It's going to be an interesting class."

"Why so?"

"Tristan is in this class too."

Tristan. He was the last person I had seen before I left...

A female voice suddenly cuts through my thoughts. "Oh. My. Gosh. You didn't know?"

Collin and I halt in our steps at the sound of a female voice talking. Apparently Collin wasn't used to people knowing this route, judging by the surprise on his face.

"Well, it's sad, really," the girl continues though she didn't sound sad at all. The voice was making me feel déjà vu; she sounds familiar. No, I definitely know this girl.

"He was cheating on her the entire time."

There were a few collective gasps at this information.

I walk to get a closer look to see who was talking and I find a girl with hands on her small waist. She stands with a few other girls, who all looked eager for more of the gossip. In an instant, a small smile appears on my face. "Cailee."

She turns her head at the sound of her name, and her piercing sky blue eyes widen in shock as she slowly takes in the sight of me.

She looks..well, like the Cailee I knew. Her clothes were still tight and revealing, and today her caramel colored hair tumbled down her shoulders in waves. Her prominent cheekbones are dusted with minimal amount of blush, and her naturally red lips are currently pressed together into a thin line in annoyance.

A flicker of recognition makes its way on Cailee's face as she stares at me, her face displaying pure disbelief.

"Aren't you going to say hi, Cailee?" Collin asks, a grin on his face.

"Shut up, Collin." Cailee snaps, without a glance at him.

Collin didn't seem fazed at all, as if used to her remarks. He merely winks flirtatiously at the other girls, who all flutter their lashes and giggle.

"I'm going to make things clear," Cailee says suddenly as she fully turns to face me, the surprise now gone from her face. She's furious.

"I am not your friend." Cailee then points a manicured finger at Collin. "Collin is not our friend. In fact, there is no 'our'. The group disbanded a long time ago and it's going to stay that way."

My hands began to tremble from shock and anger at her words. What happened to my best girl friend? Can she honestly forget everything we've been through together? This was not the greeting I expected, least of all from Cailee.

I keep my voice surprisingly steady as I speak. "I didn't have a choice, Cailee. You have to understand that I had to leave."

"Well, I don't. And it doesn't matter anymore," Cailee hissed. Hurt flashes in her eyes, but it went as quickly as it had came. "You left me! You left all of us!" Cailee then took a deep breath, shooting a glare my way. "You don't just come in here and break what we've already built up."

"I am Dani's friend for your information," Collin says coldly, his usual cheery demeanor gone. This different Collin was scary, with his eyes narrowed and arms folded. The other girls seemed to think the same as they looked from Cailee to Collin apprehensively, taking a step back away from us.

Cailee gives a bitter laugh. "You probably just want to use her like every other girl you screw."

Collin's eyes flashes dangerously." I suggest you look yourself in a mirror. See what a b*tch you've turned into," he says lowly.

Cailee laughs without humor. "And yourself as well."

I notice how the other girls were already whispering among themselves excitedly, ready to start gossiping about the new girl and her encounter with their queen. I knew this was only going to get worse if we stayed any longer.

"Collin," I manage to say, taking ahold of his arm. "Let's just go."

Collin nods his head stiffly, his voice coming out gruff. "Yeah, let's go."

I walk away quickly from Cailee and the other girls with a sulking Collin in tow. I'm glad to be away from them.

If Cailee is going to be that way, then so be it. She isn't someone I should be friends with anymore. But as I walk, I couldn't get rid of the numbness, my heart strangely hollow.