
Grace Fall

This is a world with awakeners with different powers, some having supernatural strength while others having magical powers, they fight against monsters to protect their family or for their own benefits. Arthur who was born in this world with different abilities, can gain power much faster as compared to others. But after reaching certain point he wondered, since he can gain power faster why not understand those things that people thought irrelevant, those emotions that people thought they understood, abilities people got for unknown reasons and save those who had fallen.

MrLonely_001 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
25 Chs


{Name} : Arthur Hightower

{Title} : Combatant Master, Devourer

{Rank} : G

{Strength} : ?

{Agility} : ?

{Stamina} : ?

{Luck} : ?

{Charisma} : ?

{Spirit} : ?

{Talent} : None

{Enhancements} : None

{Stat points} : 0

[ Time remaining until the trial ends : 00:15:30 ]


Arthur stats showed question marks, but he knew that after devouring the rat king's energy his stats must have gained a big boost, he was now happy seeing this.

Even after searching around the hall for ten minutes, he found nothing noting except some skeletons and beast scraps.

He let out a sigh, resolving to venture outside for a while, seeking solace in the open air. Upon stepping outside, he observed a marked tranquility that had settled over the surroundings, as if a hushed calm had befallen the area.

[Ranking has been updated]

A smile spread across his face as he noticed the notification, realizing that the trial was drawing near with little time left.

[Time remaining until the end of the match: 00:05:02]

Rankings :

->Arthur Hightower - 175 points

-> Maeve NorthStar - 85 points

-> Andrew Tristane - 85 points

->Bindra Mahal - 80 points

->Kester Mante - 70 points

->Kendric Paladin - 67 points

->Eira NorthStar - 65 points

->Jon Arrowstorm- 60 points





He leaned against a tree, choosing to spend the remaining time in rest and relaxation. He started to think of the New World, where he could finally fulfill his childhood dream of embarking on thrilling adventures.

Lost in his thoughts, he suddenly became aware of approaching footsteps in the forest. Hearing those footsteps, he knew that there must be a number of people who had found their way here.

Still leaning against the tree, he paid little mind to the approaching individuals, recognizing them as participants in the trial, as they could do nothing to him currently.

While in his leisurely position against the tree, he caught sight of a figure perched upon a branch. Clad in a green hood and bearing a bow on his back, the stranger's eyes briefly met Arthur's, acknowledging his presence, then he looked around to see if there is any beast around him or any kind of trap.

After inspecting for some time and finding no other presence, he retreated. However, his tranquility was abruptly shattered when a group of people emerged from the shadows. Maeve, Kendric, Jon, and Eira appeared before him.

Maeve took the lead, guiding Kendric, Eira, and Jon toward him. As they neared, she halted their approach, maintaining a cautious distance from Arthur, who kept his face lowered, lost in his thoughts.

After a patient wait, observing Arthur's continued contemplation, Maeve took the initiative to introduce herself. "Greetings, fellow trial taker," she began, her voice carrying a regal tone. "I am Maeve NorthStar, the first princess of the NorthStar Kingdom. May I inquire as to your name?"

Arthur slowly lifted his face, seeing Arthur lifting his face Maeve wanted to confirm her suspicions regarding Arthur's identity, but when she saw Arthur's face she was shocked, not only Maeve even Kendric, Eira and Jon were shocked seeing Arthur's feature. Arthur's face, once handsome and unmarred, now bore the marks of countless scars, the most blazing feature was the absence of his right eye, leaving behind a hollow socket that spoke of loss and sacrifice. Noticing Maeve's sudden retreat upon beholding his face, Arthur found it normal.

Just as Maeve's group was contemplating their next move, a voice resonated from behind, interrupting their thoughts. "Well, well, well, what do we have here? The esteemed Princess Maeve gracing us with her presence?"

Startled, Maeve and her companions turned to face the unexpected intruders. It was none other than Andrew Tristane and his teammates. They approached Maeve with an air of superiority. Their leader, a tall and imposing figure, locked eyes with Arthur, his gaze filled with a mixture of curiosity and disdain.

As the newcomers exchanged words with Maeve, Arthur felt their piercing gazes upon him. Yet, Arthur remained steadfast, his focus unwavering. He had no desire to entertain their idle banter or acknowledge their attempts to undermine him.

With a deliberate disregard, Arthur let their voices fade into the background. His mind wandered to the trials he has faced. After the trial ends, he will be able to go to New World, which he was excited about and wanted to go there soon.

Their conversation stopped when a notification popped up in front of everyone.

[Trial has ended]

[Everyone will be teleported out of the trial grounds.]

[The rewards will be distributed after all the participant is teleported out of the trial grounds.]


[Teleporting out...]

As Arthur received the final notification, his vision began to blur, and soon he found himself engulfed in darkness.

Not only Arthur, but the other trial takers also experienced the same phenomenon. Being transported through teleportation for the first time, they all felt a sense of unease. However, they will teleport more often, they will become more accustomed to the process.

As Arthur was teleported back to his room he looked up and gasped for air, he felt like his world was moving. But as time passed, Arthur's complexion gradually calmed down.

He then focused on the notification which popped in front of him.


[You have passed the trail. Rewards are calculated in accordance with ranking]

[You gained 5 stat points]

[You gained 1000 gold coins]

[You gained enhancement : Spiritual Eyes]

[Extra Reward (for getting above 100) : 3 stat points]

[Extra Reward (for getting above 150) : 2 stat points]

[Extra Reward (for defeating Rat King) : Beast knowledge, Skill book: Mana Enforcement, Mana Enhancement, Berserk]


[You can go to New World in : 71:59:50]

{Awakening will commence in 00:29}


"Finally, I will be able leave this place" Arthur said with a light laugh.


In a grand palace, within the confines of a lavishly decorated room, a young girl dressed in a flowing light pink gown approached a mirror. As her gaze met her own reflection, a hint of sadness flickered in her eyes. With a deep breath, she shifted her attention to the status window that stood before her, engrossed in its contents.

"Just who was he?" said the girl as she thought about the person she met on the trial.

"Sister Maeve, I have awakened." a young woman ran in and hugged Maeve, she had brown hairs and a radiant smile.

"Congratulation Eira." Maeve said, as she hugged Eira too.

Maeve smiled at her sister and extended her hand forward, a small shard ice formed on her palm. Seeing this Eira said, "Wow sister, your talent advanced from water to ice manipulation, congratulation."

"And Eira stop acting like a child." Maeve said, but she still smiled like a silly girl. Eira noticed sadness in Maeve's eyes and said, "Sis, you don't have to worry about the ranking so much. Second rank is not that bad."

"Yes, I am happy. It's just that about the person we met on the trial." Maeve sighed as she acknowledged her ranking.

"I haven't heard the name Arthur associated with any prominent or royal families before." 

"Well, since now he has awakened, he will enroll in the Academy we can meet him there." Eira said with a smile.


[Awakening completed]

'Hmm, that's it. This is strange. ' Arthur thought, as he felt nothing when awakening was going on.

He then focused on his status window, but when he saw his stats, he was shocked.


{Name} : Arthur Hightower

{Title} : Grand Slayer

{Rank} : G

{Strength} :

{Agility} :

{Stamina} :

{Luck} : 200

{Charisma} : 200

{Spirit} :

{Intelligence} : ??

{Talent} : None

{Enhancements} : None

{Stat points} : 10


Skills : Weapon's Shrine(Rank ???), Devour(Rank A)


"What!?" when Arthur saw his titles disappearing and the stats returning back to one, he was shocked beyond words, 'why have my stats turned 1?'

'Does this happen whenever someone completes his trial?'

'But this is different from what father told me.'

But when he looked at his skills, he relaxed a bit. He had heard that when someone becomes awakened, he/she gains skills, which he can gain by training or by skill books which are very hard to come by.

Now that he had awakened, he was no longer confined to his current location and could freely venture in the city.

But as he was about to close the notifications he gaze landed on a particular notification, he then decided to check the notification.


{Compensation for decreasing stats: Luck-->200, Charisma-->200}

Seeing the notification Arthur nodded in understanding, "I was thinking why my Luck and Charisma are so much, so that's the reason."

Even after his status screen showed only one points in his stats, he still felt that he had the same strength as he had before.

Arthur then put a pair of white shirt and blue jeans on. He wanted to go to inner regions of city, there he will be able to buy new clothes and find a new place to live.

Arthur then came out of his shabby house which looked like it was about to break. Since he had nothing to pack, he directly went to the city gate separating inner region of the city and slums.

After walking for around ten minutes, he neared city gate which was separated by slums area by an invisible wall.

When he reached the city gates, one of the two guards who was sitting on the chair stood up and said, "Purpose?"

Arthur told them the reason that he was from the neighboring city and was here for meeting a friend and gave them five copper coins he previously had and after taking the coins form Arthur, they let him pass through the gates.

He then thought to visit Awakeners tower where he can get his id by proving that he has awakened. And with that he could move freely in any city as awakened peoples are very common in the city.

"But before that I have to change these clothes." Arthur muttered as he noticed that he was standing out of the crowd because of his clothes.

As Arthur made his way into the bustling city, he couldn't help but feel self-conscious about his worn-out garments. Determined to restore his appearance, he sought out a store where he could find decent clothing.

After wandering through the streets for some time, he stumbled upon a quaint boutique nestled among the shops. The sign displayed a simple yet elegant emblem—a golden thread entwined with a silver needle.

Stepping inside, Arthur was greeted by the soft rustling of fabric and the scent of fresh linens. The store was a haven of simple sophistication, with neatly arranged racks and a warm, inviting ambiance.

A friendly salesperson approached him, their eyes taking in his weary attire with empathy. "Welcome, sir. How may I assist you today?" they asked, their voice carrying a genuine warmth.

Arthur thought for some time and said, "I'm in need of some decent clothing," he requested, his tone carrying a hint of urgency. "I want something that can make me presentable, you know, something that matches the standards of nobles." The shopkeeper nodded, understanding the importance of a good first impression. With a thoughtful gaze, the shopkeeper began showcasing a variety of options, taking into account Arthur's preferences and the latest fashion trends.

After some time, he found clothes of his preferences, he then entered the changing room. Later Arthur stepped out of the dressing room, his appearance transformed by the ensemble he had chosen. He wore a vibrant blue shirt that accentuated his eyes, perfectly paired with sleek black jeans that hugged his form, topping it off was a stylish black hat, pulled low to hide his scars. The new attire imbued him with a sense of presence and a renewed belief in his own potential.

"That's a great choice, sir! You look quite dashing in those clothes." the shopkeeper said as he came forward while rubbing his hands together. Arthur understood the shopkeeper's intention, he then moved towards mirror, while checking his clothing he asked the shopkeeper, "So what's total cost of all these clothing?"

The shopkeeper smiled hearing this, "That will be 300 silver coins, Sir." Arthur looked at the shopkeeper and thought of something. Seeing this shopkeeper hurriedly said, "Sir, these clothes are special as they don't get dirty or tears under normal conditions." he thought that listening the cost Arthur might refuse to buy the clothes.

Arthur was confused by the shopkeeper's hurry he said, "Prepare five more pairs of clothes of same type, the color doesn't matter and..." pointing at white shirt, "that also."

The shopkeeper's eyes widened, but then a smile formed on his face he quickly nodded and said, "Ok Sir, I will prepare those clothes fast." he then ran towards a room, after waiting for five minutes. He returned with clothes Arthur asked for, "Sir, after discount it will be 1 gold coin and 200 silver."

Arthur nodded and reached into his pocket and started to search it, after searching for a while he then took out a gleaming gold coin with the number 100 imprinted on it. He handed it to the shopkeeper, whose hands were shaking as he took the coin.

This single gold coin, bearing the distinctive imprint of "100," held a value equivalent to 100 regular gold coins. Such a coin was a symbol of wealth and prestige, typically possessed only by nobles and royals. Its rarity and exclusivity made it a coveted item in the realm, and its possession marked Arthur as someone of higher status.

Since Arthur got 10 such coins worth 1000 gold coins, after trial he decided to use this to buy the clothes. Arthur then placed the clothes he bought, in his dimensional storage which he got after he awakened.

When Arthur put down the gold coin marked 100 on the table, the shopkeeper hurriedly refused it and said, "Sir, we can't take it."

The shopkeeper didn't stop and followed up, "This shop is only a middle-class store, if we were to take this then we will not be able to give any origin of the coin."

"As you have this coin, then you must be belonging to a high-class noble family, and that high class noble family buys clothes from much bigger merchants not from us. And we are not their match, because of this there will only be trouble waiting for us in the future."

"Sir, you can take these clothes, you don't have to give us any money for that." the shopkeeper finished his explanation.

Arthur knew all of this thing, but he thought that this must be a branch of a high-class clothes shop, so he took out the coin, unaware that it was just a regular family business.

He sighed thinking about this, he then took all the clothes the shopkeeper has put there. 

Suddenly, a book materialized in Arthur's hands, emitting a faint brownish glow that enveloped it. The book itself was brown, its pages tightly packed. As the shopkeeper caught sight of the book in Arthur's hands, his eyes widened, and he stammered, "S..S..Skill book?"

"Since you know about this, let's not waste time." sitting on the chair, he put the book in front of him.

"Give me five gold coins and this skill book will be yours." when the shopkeeper heard this his eyes widened.

"Sir are you-" the shopkeeper was about to continue but Arthur stopped him.

"This is a Rank-C skill book and is of no use to me, so I can sell it to you." 

The shopkeeper then started to think seriously about this matter, after some time the shopkeeper sighed and took out some gold coins from his storage ring, counting ten coins he handed the gold coins to Arthur, while the skill book was resting on the table.

After Arthur left the shop, the shopkeeper hurriedly took the skill book from the table and examined it.

[Skill book : Berserk (Rank-C)]

Seeing the simple introduction a smile formed on his face, "Such a rare skill book, this can help Priyanka in entering the Academy."



After leaving the shop, Arthur started to walk towards the Awakeners tower, which was a large building with around 15 floors. While going towards the tower he came across a restaurant.

'This restaurant looks nice.'

'Since the tower remains open all time, so I can get my pass whenever I want. Then let's eat first and get the pass later on.' he decided.

As he entered the restaurant, a person came forward and greeted him, "Sir, Welcome to Restaurant!"

"How can I help you." the man bowed.

"Could you please find me a quiet spot where I can have my meal undisturbed?" The waiter nodded, acknowledging his request, and guided Arthur to a secluded table away from the noisy hustle and bustle of the restaurant.

Arthur opened the menu, filled with an array of mouth-watering dishes. As he perused the pages, he noticed that each dish was accompanied by a vivid image, showcasing their enticing presentation. However, to his surprise, the names of the dishes were unfamiliar to him, bearing unique and exotic titles he had never encountered before.

After searching for a while, he selected a dish which was made of beast's meat. This restaurant had beast meat because beast's meat is useful for awakeners as it strengthens awakener's muscles and helps them recover faster.

Arthur patiently waited at his table, his anticipation growing with each passing moment. He observed the bustling activity in the restaurant, the waiters swiftly moving from table to table, attending to the diners' needs. The aroma of various dishes filled the air, teasing his senses and making his stomach rumble with hunger.

After a considerable wait, the waiter finally arrived at Arthur's table, delicately placing a plate in front of him. The sight before him was mesmerizing. The succulent meat, cooked to perfection, glistened under the soft restaurant lights. As Arthur glanced at his dish, he couldn't help but notice a faint golden aura enveloping the food. The sight both intrigued and astonished him, for he had never seen such a phenomenon before.

Seeing this the waiter smiled and said, "Sir, this food is made by great chief, who is currently present in our restaurant."

'So that's why the price of this dish is so high.' Arthur thought.

The aroma wafting from the dish only heightened his curiosity, enticing him to take the first bite and discover the secrets behind this extraordinary meal.

With the first bite, a burst of flavors exploded in Arthur's mouth, tantalizing his taste buds and sending waves of pleasure through his senses. The meat was incredibly tender and juicy, practically melting in his mouth. Each chew was a delightful journey as the flavors danced across his palate, creating a harmonious symphony of taste. It was a culinary experience unlike any he had ever encountered, and Arthur couldn't help but savor every morsel, completely captivated by the remarkable culinary masterpiece before him.

After he finished the dish, he saw the notification which popped while he was eating.

[ Strength +5 ]

[ Agility +5 ]

[ Stamina +5]

[ Spirit +5 ]

[ Gained skill : Heat Resistance (Rank F) {Passive} ]


Skill Description:

Weapon's Shrine(Rank ???) : Complete Weapon Mastery over all kind of weapons.

Devour(Rank A) : Can Devour other beings to increase stats. (Rank A-G), Have a small chance to gain devoured being's abilities and talent. (Rank A-G). Helps in recovering stamina, health and mana.

Heat Resistance(Rank F) : Provides a little resistance to heat ~ 1-5 degree C.

Note: The skill description is not available on the status screen.