
Grace Fall

This is a world with awakeners with different powers, some having supernatural strength while others having magical powers, they fight against monsters to protect their family or for their own benefits. Arthur who was born in this world with different abilities, can gain power much faster as compared to others. But after reaching certain point he wondered, since he can gain power faster why not understand those things that people thought irrelevant, those emotions that people thought they understood, abilities people got for unknown reasons and save those who had fallen.

MrLonely_001 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
25 Chs

Need of Appraisal Skill

Arthur woke early in the morning, completing a swift breakfast before retreating to his chamber. The time had come for his transition to the New World.

After a brief interval, a radiant white light enveloped him, propelling him into the uncharted realms of the New World.

Upon reawakening, Arthur found himself surrounded by a sea of white, a snowy expanse stretching out before him. Alongside him, nine other individuals materialized, each standing alone in this wintry tableau.

Some swiftly retrieved warm attire from their storage devices, while others employed simpler methods to stave off the chill.

When the peoples were observing each other, their gazes paused at Arthur because he was wearing a pair of shirts and pants. He stood there calmly observing the surroundings, to others it looked like he wasn't feeling the cold. They thought that he probably has any skill that makes him resistant to the cold or it was some kind of talent.

Well, their guesses were correct Arthur have the skill elemental resistance skill which increases his resistance against many conditions like heat, cold, etc.

There was a person with red hairs, he was wearing an expensive clothing to survive the cold, he looked around and his gaze suddenly stopped on a girl, who was trembling and rubbing her hands to keep herself warm.

The girl possessed a cascade of chestnut hair, which framed her delicate countenance with an air of elegance. Her brown eyes held a hint of intrigue, their depth reflecting a curious spirit. Complementing her features was her fair complexion, lending a soft radiance to her appearance. Her hair, neatly bound in a ponytail, added a touch of practicality to her overall demeanor.

With a smile on his lips, the man proceeded toward the girl, his intentions unclear. The girl regarded him with a mix of confusion and suspicion as he approached.

Abruptly, the man stretched out his hand, his tone oozing with an unexpected proposition, "My dear, would you care to form an alliance? I have the means to provide you with warm attire."

Brows furrowing in response to the man's audacity, the girl's eyes radiated a clear disdain. Without hesitation, she conjured a brown coat seemingly out of thin air, her actions leaving the man visibly flabbergasted, his mouth agape in astonishment.

'Storage Space' the man thought to himself, as he regretted his decision to extend help to her, now he made a fool out of himself.

He then looked around then said, "If anyone wants warm clothes, they can ask from me I am a generous man." he was saying this just to show that he is only a kind person who was only offering warm clothes.

But no one answered, they knew what he was trying to do, so no one said anything and continued to survey their surroundings.

After some time, Arthur decided to move out of the group and wander around the area. As Arthur started to walk, the girl who had storage space squinted her eyes as she looked at Arthur.

As Arthur ventured further, his keen observation revealed the presence of curious creatures meandering through the terrain. These beings were adorned with a pristine coat of white fur that contrasted against the snowy backdrop. Their gait resembled that of apes, utilizing both their hands and feet for movement. Approximately ten of these creatures traversed the area, their distinguishing features including crimson eyes and a pair of teeth jutting from their lower lips.


When Arthur walked closely to them, they seemed to have noticed, they started to make noises while jumping around, then they spread out to search for Arthur. Arthur hid closely behind a tree and then took out the same wolf's teeth he used previously.

Just as a beast came near him, Arthur positioned one if the tooth in his fingers and then covering it with some mana he shot the tooth towards the beast's head. The tooth which was covered in mana penetrated the beast's head with ease and came out from the other hand and plunged itself in a faraway tree.

[Snow Ape (Level 4) killed ]


Now there was a gaping hole on his head, but no blood came from there, because the beasts of New World don't have their own will, they are like programmed beasts, who are made that way. They form group of their own kinds, attacks others, especially humans.

After the Snow Ape fell to the ground the other Apes also noticed something amiss and started to run towards the fallen body. Some of the apes touched the fallen ape's body, but they saw that the ape wasn't moving.





All of the apes then started to shriek loudly, they knew that someone has killed their friend and started to search for the perpetrator wildly.

But even after searching for some time they weren't able to find anyone. Seeing that they didn't find anyone, one of the apes put the dead ape on his back, after that they started to walk together in a certain direction.

After five minutes of walking the dead body of the ape turned to dust, but others didn't say anything and continued to walk forward as they didn't notice anything.

Arthur continued to follow them from some distance, after some time the apes came across another group of apes, they then communicated for some time, then all of them started to walk towards the same direction.

During this Arthur killed many more of those apes, and whenever an ape died, they would try to search for killer but unable to find Arthur they took the dead body with them.

An hour later,

They were nearing a big mountain and till now Arthur has killed more than fifty of them, but the apes were still walking towards the same direction while taking the dead bodies, which disappeared halfway.

A contingent of approximately twenty-five apes remained within the group. In a synchronized display of action, these creatures began their ascent up the mountain, their agile movements capturing Arthur's attention.

Raising his gaze, Arthur's eyes settled upon a cavern nestled within the mountain's expanse.

When all of the apes entered the cave, that was when Arthur also started to climb the mountain. After climbing up to the cave entrance, he looked inside sneakily and after noticing that there was no one around the also entered the cave.

He walked slowly inside the cave towards the other end of the cave. After walking for some time, he noticed that the surrounding was becoming colder, he even started to feel a little cold, but it was still normal for him.

Then he suddenly heard some sounds, hearing those sounds Arthur became more alert. With hushed footsteps he walked towards the source of the sound.

Cheechee cheee

cheee chee cheeee

The apes that Arthur had been tracking had now gathered in the presence of a prominent figure – a massive ape distinguished by its immaculate white fur and the distinctive blue hue of its exposed skin. This unusual combination of features was particularly visible on its face, hands, and feet, which peeked out from beneath the luxurious coat of fur. The ape's most captivating feature, however, was its vivid blue eyes that held a striking contrast against the whiteness of its surroundings.

'It looks like they are telling him about the death of other apes.' Arthur thought while rubbing his chin.

Surveying his surroundings within the cave, Arthur's gaze settled upon a significant focal point – an expansive statue crafted from ice. The intricate sculpture depicted an ape in remarkable detail, its form rendered with a striking blue hue that mirrored the unique coloration of the creatures outside. Most captivating was the placement of a vibrant blue gem at the statue's forehead, its radiant luminosity illuminating the cavern's interior with a brilliance that transcended the subdued ambiance of the surroundings.

After the conversation between the apes and their leader ended, the leader suddenly stood up on its legs and then roared loudly.

When the leader roared loudly, the whole cave started to shake, even some parts of the cave started to fall down, suddenly some ice from above fell towards Arthur. Arthur dodged the ice by jumping towards other side, just when the ice from fell to ground and Arthur dodged it, the ape's leader looked towards Arthur.

Suddenly its face changed, the ape then roared angrily towards Arthur while beating its chest. When other apes saw this, they also started to jump around while making noises and ran towards Arthur, they now knew who was the one who killed their kins.

Arthur hurriedly took out some fangs and started to throw them towards the apes hurriedly, some of the fangs missed while others penetrated those apes' body, but none of the fang was able to pass through the leader's fur.

When the fang's hit the leader's fur, he became more agitated and started to run towards Arthur wildly. Seeing this Arthur made a scared face and started to run towards the cave's exit, following him the leader of the apes and the remaining ones also started running towards the cave's exit.

Just as the ape leader came outside, he didn't see Arthur anywhere, so he roared loudly while other apes started to search for other. When all of those apes scattered suddenly the ape leader heard a voice from behind, and when it looked behind, it saw Arthur running inside.


The ape leader roared and started to run towards Arthur, but when the ape came inside the cave Arthur was nowhere to be seen, but then his eye's caught peculiar scene. A girl with brown hairs was climbing the ice statue and she was about to reach the statue's face, but then she suddenly looked back.

The girl and the ape looked at each other, time seems to have frozen, the smile on the girl's face froze. The ape was confused previously there was a boy who was running from them, but now it was seeing a girl who was climbing the statue for unknown reasons.

Then the ape suddenly looked upwards and saw an orb fixed at the forehead of the statue. Now, knowing about the girl's intentions, all of his anger shifted towards the girl. The ape reached near the girl with a single leap and then slapped her down from the statue.

The girl collapsed to the ground with an audible impact, causing ice to lift off the surface in an unexpected manner.

The girl with brown hairs turned into particles and then disappeared. As the ape looked at the place where the girl disappeared, he suddenly felt a sense of danger from behind, but before it could look behind him, his head separated from his body. It then fell to the ground.

[ Snow Ape Leader (Rank 6) killed ]

Arthur was standing behind the ape's body with a golden rapier in his hand, he then put the rapier on his storage space and came near the ape's body.

[ +20 Strength ]

[ +20 Strength ]

[ +20 Stamina ]

[ +20 Stamina ]

[ +30 Spirit ]

[ +30 Spirit ]




[ Rank-C Berserk skill gained ]

[ Strength Enhancement Potion (Rank C) * 5, Stamina Enhancement Potion (Rank C) * 5, Spirit Enhancement Potion (Rank C) *2, Agility Enhancement Potion (Rank C) *1, Beast meat (Rank C) * 5 ]



Arthur looked at the notification of gaining berserk skill, he then shook his head and put his hand on his chest, suddenly red strands started to come out of his chest and formed a red ball on his palm. After putting that red ball in his storage space Arthur looked at the orb on the statue.

Taking out the orb from the statue Arthur looked at it intently but he didn't get any notification, he thought, 'Need of Appraisal skill is becoming more and more.'

He sighed and put the orb in Storage space, looking at the place where the girl disappeared he thought, 'Well did she think of me as some kind of freeloader.'