
Grace Fall

This is a world with awakeners with different powers, some having supernatural strength while others having magical powers, they fight against monsters to protect their family or for their own benefits. Arthur who was born in this world with different abilities, can gain power much faster as compared to others. But after reaching certain point he wondered, since he can gain power faster why not understand those things that people thought irrelevant, those emotions that people thought they understood, abilities people got for unknown reasons and save those who had fallen.

MrLonely_001 · Fantasy
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25 Chs


On this particular day, a sense of anticipation hung thick in the air, for today marked the opening of the dungeons. These enigmatic structures, shrouded in mystery, held within their depths untold wonders and lurking horrors. Within their circular thresholds lay a passage to a realm where fantastical creatures and formidable monsters awaited.

The dungeons were situated far from the city, in a region where the landscape took on an otherworldly aura. There were four of these portals, varying in ranks from B to D, were scattered across the landscape. Each dungeon was unique, a circular gateway that seemed to pulse with an ancient energy. The air around them crackled with a mix of trepidation and excitement.

As the sun climbed higher in the sky, a procession of Awakeners gathered at the edge of the city. Clad in a mix of rugged armor and finely crafted weaponry, they represented a diverse array of backgrounds and skills. Some were seasoned veterans, their faces etched with the marks of past battles, while others were fresh-faced and eager, their eyes alight with the prospect of proving themselves.

A collection of tents had been erected, serving as provisional shelters for the individuals prior to their venture into the dungeons.

In one of the tents, a youth with striking black hair and matching eyes was sitting in one of the chairs, his countenance concealed by a mask. His cautious gaze scanned the area, ensuring his presence went unnoticed by those around him.

"They will not find me here." The boy with black hair said in a low voice that only he could hear.



'Who is he hiding from?'

Some distance from him, Arthur was sitting on a chair, when he heard the boy saying that no one find him here, the first thing he thought was that the boy was thief, and he was hiding from his pursuers.

While waiting for the dungeons to open, Arthur checked his storage space, and while looking at the items he currently had, he saw a golden and a red ball floating inside his storage space.

He then thought of the power system he got from the so-called prince.

As he was looking at his storage space, he heard some footsteps near him. Looking back, he saw Cassandra standing behind him with a smile on her face.

"I'm here."

Cassandra adorned herself in a rustic brown leather armor ensemble. The combination not only offered protection but also accentuated her innate beauty.

Cassandra's utterance garnered the attention of those around her, their gazes inevitably drawn to her. As they observed her beauty, a collective awe seemed to hang in the air, almost palpable. Yet, their glances were fleeting, for they understood the gravity of the situation. Everyone present recognized her as the princess of Zelenoria Kingdom, and no one dared to hold her gaze for long – an unspoken understanding of the potential consequences.

Then their gazes fell on Arthur who was talking with Cassandra, all of them strained their minds to think about Arthur's identity but no one was able to, as they have never seen or heard about Arthur.

Looking at Arthur, who was talking casually with Cassandra, they guessed that Arthur may not be simple as he looks. Well, he doesn't even look simple. Everyone here is wearing armors, protective robes, and many other things, but Arthur was standing there in a white t-shirt.


"So have you decided, which rank dungeon you will enter?" Cassandra asked.

Arthur's voice, gentle and intended for Cassandra alone, reached her ears as he drew closer. His words held a lightness to them, "Today, my dear wifey, I shall accompany you into the dungeon of your choice."

Cassandra blushed when she heard it, and she said meekly, "You haven't changed a little bit."

She then coughed lightly and said, "Well, I'm entering a C-rank dungeon."

"Ok, then I will also enter C-rank dungeon." Arthur said with a smile on his face.

Cassandra nodded, but then she looked at Arthur's clothes and asked, "By the way, are you entering the dungeon like this?"

"Yes, is there any problem with this attire?"

Cassandra and Arthur walked out of the tent and went towards a smaller tent. There were some guards who were guarding the tent. when they saw Cassandra coming towards them, they bowed their heads and said, "Young Miss, everything is ready."

Cassandra nodded and led Arthur inside of the tent.

"I mean, you should wear something more protective." said Cassandra with some worry on her face.

A smile danced across Arthur's lips as he absorbed her words, and he replied in a soft murmur, "You know, I've already ascended to C-rank. I reckon I won't require much protection within a C-rank dungeon."

Cassandra's eyes widened in astonishment upon hearing this revelation. "What? You've reached C-rank? When did this happen?" she exclaimed, a mixture of surprise and curiosity evident in her voice.

"Well," Arthur responded, nonchalantly shrugging his shoulders, "I achieved C-rank status about two days ago."

In that moment, realization dawned upon Cassandra, understanding why Arthur had previously mentioned their inability to meet.

"But still..." Cassandra wanted to say something, but Arthur stopped her and said, "Don't worry, I'm strong enough to fend off those beasts."

Though reluctance lingered in Cassandra's gaze, she ultimately nodded in acknowledgment.

After that, Cassandra started to talk about the dungeon. They are entering this time. She told him about the monsters, terrain, and other things they will face in the dungeon.

Amidst their conversation, Arthur broached the subject of their dungeon exploration dynamics. He disclosed that despite entering the same dungeon, he might not be able to accompany her throughout the entire venture, intentionally leaving out the precise reasons. Instead, he assured her that as the dungeon's clearance neared, they would reunite.

Cassandra didn't say anything about it and just nodded.

After ten minutes, a guard entered the tent and said, "Miss the dungeon opening is about to start."

Cassandra nodded, hearing this, and then said to Arthur, "Let's go."


Arthur, Cassandra, and numerous other awakeners were clustered into groups, their collective attention fixed on the imposing presence of the four dungeon gates. As anticipation grew palpable, faint fissures materialized in the barrier before each dungeon entrance, signifying the imminent unsealing of the dungeons and granting access to the waiting advent.

With the shattering of the barriers that concealed the dungeons, the assembled groups promptly embarked on their respective courses. Each group ventured into the dungeons that had been previously agreed upon through deliberation and planning.

Cassandra and Arthur, accompanied by a contingent of guards, stood before the entrance of the designated dungeon. The cavernous mouth of the dungeon yawned before them, an eerie and dark abyss filled with the promise of unknown challenges and treasures.

Cassandra adjusted her bow and quiver, her gaze focused and resolute. She exchanged a glance with Arthur, a mixture of determination and caution passing between them. Arthur's presence was reassuring, his calm demeanor serving as a stabilizing force amidst the uncertainty that lay ahead.

The guards armed and vigilant, flanked Cassandra and Arthur, their expressions a blend of watchfulness and anticipation. The team was prepared for whatever dangers the dungeon might hold, ready to defend and support their leaders at a moment's notice.

With a final nod to each other, Cassandra and Arthur took their first steps into the enigmatic depths of the dungeon. The entrance swallowed them, the shadows enveloping them as they ventured forward, their footsteps echoing through the passageway.