
Grace Fall

This is a world with awakeners with different powers, some having supernatural strength while others having magical powers, they fight against monsters to protect their family or for their own benefits. Arthur who was born in this world with different abilities, can gain power much faster as compared to others. But after reaching certain point he wondered, since he can gain power faster why not understand those things that people thought irrelevant, those emotions that people thought they understood, abilities people got for unknown reasons and save those who had fallen.

MrLonely_001 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
25 Chs


Author's Note: Please note that in this world, dungeons of a specific rank will primarily feature monsters of that same rank. For instance, a C-rank dungeon will contain C-rank boss monster and some other creatures of C-rank strength, with mainly lower-rank monsters, such as D-rank, present.

For now, Arthur is in a cave type dungeon. There are many kinds of dungeons like forest, open area, grassland, lake, ocean, etc.


Cassandra, accompanied by a few guards, walked toward the entrance of the dungeon. Arthur was not far away, taking a different path with his own objectives in mind. They exchanged a brief nod before parting ways, each stepping into the unknown depths of the dungeon with their respective companions.

As Arthur ventured deeper into the cave-like abode, he encountered various creatures like orcs and lizardmen, all of which were of D-rank strength. Paying them no mind, Arthur pressed on further into the depths of the cave.

[ +35 Strength ]

[ +35 Strength ]

[ +35 Strength ]



[ +35 Stamina ]

[ +35 Stamina ]

[ +35 Stamina ]



[ +35 Agility ]

[ +35 Agility ]

[ +35 Agility ]



[ +35 Spirit ]

[ +35 Spirit ]

[ +35 Spirit ]



As he advanced deeper into the cave, Arthur decided to make use of those stats-enhancing potions he had acquired from the rank advancement test. He gained an extra 350 stat points in his strength, stamina, agility, and spirit section.

While on his journey, he encountered several other awakeners. However, he paid them little attention and pressed forward. Those who observed Arthur couldn't help but find his approach intriguing. While most other awakeners donned heavy armor for protection, Arthur seemed to navigate the dungeon with a sense of ease, dressed in nothing more than a shirt. (and pants also)


Glancing to his side, Arthur spotted a group of five awakeners engaged in a confrontation with a considerably larger lizardman than those he had encountered earlier – likely a C-rank creature. These awakeners appeared to be of the same rank, and they were collectively attacking the lizardman from a distance. He smiled and went towards the nearby rock and sat on it leisurely.

The lizardman, equipped with a spear, attempted to charge at them. However, each time it drew near, the awakeners swiftly retreated, continuing their assault from a safe distance. This strategy continued until the lizardman was visibly exhausted.

As the awakeners continued their engagement with the lizardman, one of them happened to notice Arthur observing the battle from a distance. Alerted by this observation, the awakener promptly communicated this to his companions, and they collectively shifted their attention to Arthur.

Suspicion crossed their faces as if they were concerned that Arthur might intervene and claim the lizardman for himself. However, Arthur was merely an interested spectator, studying the unfolding battle with curiosity, harboring no intention to interfere, or seize the creature from them.

As the battle neared its end, and the beast was about to go down, all of them became more alert. One of them even moved a little away from observing the battle from some distance while catching his breath, but his attention was on Arthur's movement. If Arthur makes any move, he will alert his companions.

In an unexpected turn of events, Arthur rose to his feet, causing the vigilant awakener to become even more alert. Just as the awakener was about to relay his concerns to his companions, his eyes widened with surprise as Arthur began to stride away from the ongoing battle. The awakener carefully observed Arthur's departure, his initial wariness transforming into puzzlement as Arthur gradually disappeared from his field of vision, wandering deeper into the recesses of the cave until he vanished from sight altogether.


In a vast cavernous space, numerous individuals were perched on jagged rocks, diligently sipping on vibrant red potions. These elixirs worked their magic with incredible efficiency, visibly mending their injuries at a remarkable pace.

Amidst the throng of awakeners, Cassandra's team took their much-needed respite, their guards keeping a watchful eye on them. As they recuperated from the strenuous battles against the dungeon's creatures, Cassandra's thoughts drifted frequently to Arthur's whereabouts, her curiosity gnawing at her.

In the midst of her contemplations, an individual abruptly sprinted into the crowd, voice ringing out loudly, "Prepare yourselves! The dungeon boss has been located. All teams, get ready!"

The voice belonged to a member of the Awakeners Association, an organization dedicated to locating and confronting dungeon bosses.

The moment these words reached the ears of the awakeners, they snapped into action. Everyone swiftly packed their belongings and rallied behind the man who had delivered the news. He retraced his steps, guiding this group of awakeners toward the location of the dungeon boss.

Cassandra and her guards were among those who stood up, ready to join the procession. Unbeknownst to them, Arthur trailed at a distance, discreetly shadowing the others.


The group of awakeners approached a massive red gate adorned with a peculiar face, its tongue protruding in a sinister manner.

Nervousness rippled through the crowd as they gazed upon this ominous sight. The man who had been guiding them cast a cautionary glance backward, his voice stern and filled with warning, "This is the line after which we will enter boss region, be careful from now on."

The man's eyes briefly fixated on a lone boy with raven-black hair amidst the crowd. There was nothing particularly remarkable about the boy, except for the fact that he seemed to stand there on his own. He thought that either the boy's teammates died, or he came here alone. The man pondered whether the boy had ventured into the dungeon solo, which was a rarity, given the perilous nature of such places.

Noticing his gaze, the boy narrowed his eyes and looked at the man in front of him. Suddenly, the man coughed and said, "Get ready, we are entering!"

After that, he walked towards the gate along with others following his trail.




A massive red orc, its lower lip adorned with two prominent tusks, stood with a hefty brown club resting upon its shoulder. Its crimson eyes scanned the surroundings, a mixture of confusion and curiosity evident in its demeanor. Periodically, the orc would pause, sniffing the air for some unfamiliar scent.

Nearby, there was a diminutive cave, barely large enough to accommodate a person. Inside, a figure held a radiant sphere in his hand, illuminating the darkness. With a sword obtained from his storage, he crafted a hole in the cave's center with precision. Carefully, he placed the glowing sphere within the newly made recess, allowing it to fit snugly. Stepping out of the cave, the figure retreated a safe distance, keenly observing the chamber.