
Gourmet Cultivation

Evan Young, a non-earthling who grew up on Earth, ended up knowing his origin after both of his parents passed away. He eventually finds out the secret much later, but before this, could he get his life back on track and turn this farmhouse into a profitable one? == == == == == 1. English is not my main language, written and spoken. I'll be trying my best to make quality story that you guys enjoy. 2. Do vote, comment, and leave me a review if you like what you're reading so far. 3. This is a book about food and some isekai adventure. I might not choose the correct tag, so please forgive me for not doing so. 4. Last but not least, please enjoy.

TuXueXiaoCanYong · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

Chapter 11

Evan Young's secrecy made Eins wonder what he had in mind.

After getting back home, Evan simply left the fruits beside the kitchen and pulled Eins with him to the backyard. The soil they brought back was mixed with a bit of wood chip and dust left on the ground, along with some leaves that would decompose soon.

Then, Evan Young pulled some of the planks he had prepared earlier and made them into basic square pots. A few holes were made on the base to prevent the water from gathering on the bottom.

So far, all his action is puzzling to Eins. But since the latter had chosen to trust him, he would have to go with this no matter what.

"Alright. Now what we have to do is wait for the potatoes to start... No, Golden Soil Fruit to begin sprouting. If I'm not mistaken, it will take between two to three days for that to happen." Evan Young said.

"In the meantime, I am interested in making a trip to the Rook Hill Forest. Are you interested in going with me?" Evan Young asked.

"I want to come along! I'm strong enough to fight!" said Elric as he appeared from the gap between the windows. It seems he's just as curious and eager as Eins.

"No. You will stay in the house and accompany your mother and sister. Little brother Evan, is there anything specific you're looking for? Perhaps my place has them." Eins asked. He does look interested, but there's something here keeping him away from saying yes.

"I don't have a specific thing to look for. It's more to experiencing and seeing what the forest has for us." Evan Young answered.

"Well, let me have a word with my wife first. I'll be responding to your offer in a while." Eins said and returned to the house. But while the father is gone, the son is still hanging around the windows.

"Is there something dangerous in the Rook Hill Forest?" Evan Young asked. Eins reply made him somewhat wonder if he's asking too much from the father of four.

"The forest is always dangerous, but it's bountiful as well. Once a while, my father would go into the woods to forage some food, fruits, and small animals. But as you know, there are other monsters in there."

"Meeting a few goblins or Forest Slimes is nothing, but it will be pretty dangerous if you encounter the wolves or orcs," said Elric. Although he lacks experience, he's not lacking in knowledge. And those experience is precisely what Evan Young needed.

"I see. If we're going, I'll be careful and take care of your father as well," said Evan Young.

"Please do. Although my father likes it when we talk about our situation, my dad always secretly goes to the forest. Elise is too young, but I'm working with my father from day to night, so I know a little thing here and there." Elric said.

For a moment here, he sounded like a child that matured early.

"I will." Evan Young smiled and grabbed two packets of biscuits out from his bag.

"You remember how I opened this last time, correct?" Evan Young reminds Elric how he opened the wrapper when they were enjoying the biscuits.

"YES!" Elric answered.

"Good. Give one to your mom after we leave, and another one will be shared between you and your sister, alright?" Evan Young placed the biscuits on Elric's hand before he made some adjustments to the backpack he was carrying.

As half of the Holdall-pouches were either seasoning or tools, he had to leave them here in the house. It was just a quick visit to the forest, so he had to make sure he was traveling light.

Furthermore, since he's expecting to be picking up something from the forest, he had prepared a few foldable bags for in-case situations. There's also a set of kitchen knives in his bag, a water purifier, and other necessities that help him stay outdoors.

Eins soon came out from the house with some light equipment on him. His appearance made Evan Young remember the first time he saw the father and son outside the forest. At that time, Eins was dressed like this as well.

"I had my permission. Shall we make our way and come back before it's too late for dinner?" said Eins. The worry on his face is now replaced by a smile.

"Let's go." Evan Young said and left with Eins with his backpack. Unlike the well-prepared father, Evan was basically trying to get inside the dangerous forest with a simple shirt and a weird-looking sword in hand.

"Little brother Evan, before we arrive at the Rook Hill Forest, I'll have to mention that safety is the most essential matter for forest explorers. Please make sure you check with me if you're unsure about what to do with something you see."

"Also, please maintain alert at all times while in the forest. Unlike an open area where the monsters will face us openly, dangers lurk in all corners inside a forest. Please assume that it's a threat if you hear any sound around you, except mine." Eins said.

"I will keep them in mind. This would be my first time going into the forest properly, so I'll follow you closely familiarize myself. I hope this won't be a problem," said Evan Young.

"Of course! Leave it to me." the father of four happily nodded as they entered the Rook Hill Forest about half an hour journey from the Fang-Boar Village.


"Little brother! Careful!" Eins shouted while facing two goblins on his own. This time, Eins seems to be more confident than before as he doesn't need to worry about Elric's safety.

Evan Young might be inexperienced, but he's still an adult. Even the lord's soldier might have a few soldiers that are significantly younger than his age.

"I'm fine!" Evan Young replied and swung the machete in his hand confidently. Using a simple slash without too much force, he quickly took a Forest Slime out.

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