
Chapter One

"RUUUUN THERE'S A BOMB!" "AHHH HELP ME!" "WAIT FOR ME!!" "OPEN THE DOOR!!", the cries of the inmates at Arkham Asylum scream while trying to escape the facility from the detonation of the bomb Dr. Hugo had planted. Our main character, Artemis, was running along with the rest of the inmates, trying to make his way slowly to the front.

Artemis wasn't a very fit guy, he was just slightly above average with a slim stomach (Acrobats Body, look it up) and relatively strong legs but weak arms. Despite Art having weak arms he was quite agile and fast due to his light weight, hence why he could arrive at the front of the pack of inmates. Once making it to the front and having all the space he needed, Art sprinted to the outside gates.

Surprising all inmates by his extreme speed Art quickly pushed open the gate and ran out of the security cameras area of view. After running for quite some time Artemis finally reached the city area of Gotham. Artemis was at a loss of what to do, despite being reborn in Gotham City by god he did not receive any gifts of any sort besides a slight talent in fighting and shooting, although this is really important in Gotham in any other worlds that are anything like the anime Art watched, it would be almost completely useless.

Although when he was in the void with god he did give him a sort of crouch…. Basically Artemis could remember every single detail of the timeline in Gotham without fail. This crouch was going to be extremely helpful in getting off the streets and being able to manipulate myself into the story. After going over the Gotham series in his head. Artemis remembers that right about now Fish Mooney would be leaving Arkham with all the mutants on the bus and Jim Gordan would be at Arkham trying to disable the bomb. With those two out of the way Art thought of the other people who he could seek shelter from. Bruce Wayne, Penguin, and Cat. Although Cat is homeless herself she has quite the good abandoned house, besides I always had favour toward her in the show.

I'll ask Bruce first due to him being known for his kindness in the beginning of the show. I first steal some clothes from some homeless man, Rub some dirt on my face, and smear some of my blood on the clothes and on my face. I don't exactly remember how to get to Bruce's house but from the background of it I would most likely know how to get there. After getting my thoughts straight I start walking in some random direction trying to find any landmarks that I might know of hoping to find someone or something, and oh boy did I, a taxi.

I call him over and ask him to bring me to The Wayne Manor. "Sure thing Kiddo." the middle-aged man said quite hesitant due to my appearance. He drove behind out of the city and into a sort of more countryside area in which where a huge mansion was sitting. I got out of the car and said to him "I'm so sorry but currently I dont have the money, if there is anything I could do to make up for it." "No, no it's completely fine, it's on me." He said, giving me a wink. "Thank you so much." after saying that we both parted ways.

I slowly walk over to the Wayne Manor and knock on the door. After a minute or two Alfred opened the door and looked at me in shock, seeing my messy dirtied black hair, my green eyes, and bloody clothing who wouldn't be shocked. "Who are you young lad?" 'oh, right to questioning.' "My name is Artemis, but that's not important right now, I'm running away from my abusive father and have nowhere to go, so if possible could you please let me stay here, just for the night is fine. I won't bother you at all, I promise." After a couple of seconds of silence Alfred says, "Wait here." After shutting the door Alfred goes to console the situation with Bruce.

Although Bruce isn't known to be nice he definitely has a heart of justice plus me and him are both the same age. "Master Bruce, a young boy around your age named Artemis is at the front door asking to stay for the night." "Why is that?" Bruce replies simply while looking through different files. "According to him he is running away from his abusive father." Alfred said indifferently. "Hmm." Bruce let out a small hm before saying, "Let him in, you keep on saying I need to make more friends around my age." "Yes, that is correct Master Bruce but-" Before Alfred could finish his sentence Bruce cut him off saying, "No buts. Let him in." "Yes Master Bruce."

Alfred said hesitantly before going to let Artemis in. "Good News Artemis, Master Bruce said you're allowed to stay for the night." Artemis thought to himself, 'After getting into the Manor it will be easy to make Bruce an acquaintance.' "Thank you, Thank you." Artemis said to Alfred. Alfred gave him a nod and led him into the main foyer where Bruce was sitting rearranging files, like always. "Thanks for letting me stay here…." "Bruce, Bruce Wayne." He said looking up from his files. "Thank you Bruce." I said while smiling. "It's really no problem, I like to help people in any way that I can and for you we'll start with you taking a shower." He said holding his nose. "Uh, sure. Where exactly is the bathroom?" "Alfred will show you." Bruce said while waving to Alfred. "This way Artemis." after saying that Alfred led me to a huge bathroom.

"I'll be back with some clothes for you." Alfred said while looking disgusted at my attire. After Alfred left I turned on the shower to a relatively hot temperature and took off my clothes. In my previous life I always enjoyed showers, laying down having the water brush against my skin while listening to music, it was my only way to keep sane from stress from at home problems, school, friends, relationships, and more things that I can't even name. After finishing my shower Alfred knocked on the door and creaked open the door and placed a pair of clothing on the sink. Done drying myself off, I take a look at the clothing, black windbreaker pants, white shirt, black and white colorway high top converses, and underwear and socks.

It wasn't that bad of an outfit compared to what I could afford in my past life, although I think these are just bad clothing that Bruce didn't want, despite that I still take what I can get. After getting dressed I went back to the main foyer and once they both saw me they said at the same time "You clean up nice." My black hair looked smooth and messy, my skin looked pale and flawless almost, as well as my body being not covered in mud and dirt. You could see my slight muscle conditioning. Not to brag but I was pretty handsome as well, on par with Bruce.

After talking with Bruce about what he was doing with all his documents and files we both went to bed, me on the main foyers couch, and Bruce in his room of course. Tonight was definitely the best sleep I have ever had even in my past life. Waking up Bruce and Alfred were training very fiercely, Alfred was most undoubtedly winning without trying that hard while Bruce was having quite the hard time keeping up with Alfred's speed. After a little while later they both stop and notice my presence, "Oh sorry, I was so concentrated on training that I didn't even notice you." Bruce said while taking off his boxing gloves and running his fingers through his hair. "Oh no, I completely understand when I train I get super focused as well." Once I finished saying that both Alfred and Bruce looked confused and said, "You know how to fight?"

I have about 4 chapters in a google doc right now so for the first 4 chapter it will be constant upload of one chapter per 2 days not including weekends.

ur_mom634creators' thoughts