
GoT: Samurai Lord

In a world where honor and might hold great significance, Heshiro Mori, leader of the Mori Clan, embodies his clan's values. However, during a fierce battle against the Osomi Clan, he is defeated by his sworn enemy, Isamu Osomi. The battle takes place in the Battle of Yukimura City, where both clans bring 8,000 troops each. As Heshiro's clan fights for victory, Isamu's forces aim to reclaim their honor. Heshiro's rallying cry, "With death, there shall be honor!" motivates his troops. On the other side, Isamu seeks to regain honor and respect by defeating Heshiro. The battle escalates, leading to a dramatic duel between the two leaders. Despite Heshiro's determination, Isamu's skill gains the upper hand, and Heshiro falls. In a surprising twist, Heshiro awakens in a mysterious realm and encounters Krios and Jonathan. They offer him a new life in a world called Planteos, with conditions attached. Heshiro agrees to merge his soul with Jonathan's and embark on a quest to conquer the world and worship Norse Gods. With these terms set, Heshiro is reborn as Alaric in a different world, poised for new adventures and challenges.

Antonio_sShort · TV
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8 Chs

Slums United (2)

"EVEYONE! Follow me we ARE GOING TO SURVIVE" Alaric screamed his voice bouncing off the close walls of the alley way.

"RIGHT!" The kids shouted back their voices loud and clear.






Alaric led the way as the group ran through the alley. A sense of camaraderie and solidarity filled the air, the sound of footsteps echoing off the walls as the kids followed him, ready to face the danger head-on and defend their home.

The feeling of determination was almost palpable, and Alaric knew that with the kids behind him, they had a chance, a chance to survive, a chance to overcome the threat.

And as the sound of battle came into hearing distance, the air was thick with tension, but Alaric felt a newfound confidence within his heart.

He turned to the kids, their faces set with determination.

"EVERYONE FOLLOW ME I KNOW A WAY OUT OF HERE!" Alaric screamed pointing in the distance where a small sewage way was.

Alaric along with his group of 20 slum kids ran towards the sweage way.

"DAMN WE MADE IT!" Alaric said looking around his surroundings.

"We've made it, guys, we've actually done it!"

"Hah, can you believe it? We actually survived!"

"Haha, yeah, man, it was touch and go there for a while, but we pulled through!"

"Man, I thought I was a goner for sure when that big bandit was chasing us through the streets."

Arriving at the sweage way the only thing there was a sweage tunnel leading under the wall there was only one way in and that was through the wall there was no way in only out.

"Hey, what are you guys doing over here?"

The group of kids turned to see a boy around their age, a mop in hand, and an inquisitive look on his face.

"Oh, hey, um, we were just..."

"It's okay, I'm not going to tell anyone," the boy replied, lowering his voice.

"We were just trying to find a way out of the city, the bandit attack..."

"I know," the boy interrupted.

"That's why I'm hiding down here, away from the fighting."

"Oh, yeah, sorry, of course."

"Look, it's okay, I understand. You guys just want to get out of here, right?"

"Yeah," Alaric replied, looking around nervously.

"This place is going to hell, and we don't want to be stuck in the middle of it."

The boy nodded.

"I get it," he said.

"Look, I'm not going to try to stop you or anything, but you might want to hurry up. Those bandits are going to tear this city apart."

"Right, yeah, thanks," Alaric replied.

The group of kids exchanged nervous looks, before heading off towards the entrance of the sewage tunnel.

The sound of fighting was growing louder, and the smell of smoke and blood was thick in the air.

As they entered the sewer, Alaric took one last look back at the city.

The buildings were burning, the streets were littered with the dead, and the cries of those still fighting for their lives rang out through the night.

"Everyone! LISTEN UP we have to crawl through this tunnel there's alot of shit and piss but we have to make it through tot he other side this is the only-way we are going to survive." Alaric said his face turned black due to all the smoke rising from the city.

"Come on, then, everyone, follow me,"

Alaric led the way, the foul smell of the sewer invading his nostrils, his hands sinking into the cold, slimy water.

He tried not to think about what he was touching, his mind focusing on the goal of reaching the other side, of escaping the city and its inhabitants.

Around him, the others followed, their faces contorted in disgust and revulsion, but their determination to survive propelling them forward.

In the distance, the sound of fighting and the crackling of fire could still be heard, a grim reminder of the dangers that lurked beyond the safety of the sewer walls.

As the group progressed through the tunnel, the stench of the sewer grew more intense, and the water rose higher, enveloping their legs in its putrid depths.

"Keep moving," Alaric whispered.

"We're almost there."

The sounds of the battle above echoed through the sewer, a grim soundtrack to their desperate flight.

They could hear the screams of those who were still fighting for their lives, and the crackling of flames that were destroying their homes and livelihoods.

A heavy silence settled over the group, the reality of their situation weighing heavily on their young minds.

The water was now up to their waists, and the stench was overpowering, but still, they continued to move forward, their hearts full of determination and courage.

"I see it!" a voice rang out, and sure enough, there was a dim light ahead, the exit to the tunnel finally in sight.

With renewed vigor, the group picked up their pace, the promise of freedom and safety fueling their steps.

Soon, they were emerging from the sewer, their bodies covered in slime and filth, but their spirits high.

As they stepped into the cool night air, the full force of the battle raging above came into view.

The city was ablaze, the streets filled with smoke and the sounds of death.

In the distance, the silhouettes of the bandits were visible, their weapons glinting in the firelight, as they carried out their rampage.

"Come on, then," Alaric whispered, his voice low, but firm.

"We need to keep moving, we can't afford to stay here."

"What about the others?" a voice replied, a hint of fear in their tone.

"The other kids who are still stuck in the city?"

"We have to save them!"

"No," Alaric replied.

"It's too dangerous. If we try to save them, we'll all end up dead."


"Listen, I'm sorry, but we have to look out for ourselves. The other kids will have to fend for themselves."

"Damn it," the boy replied, his voice heavy with defeat.

"I know it's hard, but we have to make the best decision for our group. We can't risk it, not when we've already come so far."

"You're right, I know you're right," the boy sighed.

"Come on, then," he continued.

Alaric looked behind him the boy from earlier with the mop followed them through the sewage tunnel.

"We have a long road ahead of us, and we can't afford to waste any time."

"Where are we going, anyway?" a voice called out.

"There's nothing left for us here," Alaric replied.

"Nowhere else to go."

"Let's head for the mountains, there are some caves there, we can take shelter in those until things calm down."

"Right, yeah, sounds good," the boy with the mop agreed.

"Lead the way."

And with that, the group set off into the darkness, their fate unknown, but their determination strong.

'I have to lead these kids, and myself to safety. The mountains are the best place we have for the moment, there are caves and plenty of food. I can't fail these kids, not after everything we've been through. I can't lose this quest, and if I do, I'll die. '

The sound of the bandit raid could still be heard from the city, the smell of smoke and blood heavy in the air.

Alaric knew they had to keep moving, they had to find a safe place to hide.

The mountains weren't too far away, they could reach them before dawn.

They would make it, they had to.

'Fuck, damn this system. It really sucks, it's like my whole life is just one big quest, Hahah even back then with the Mori Clan it wasn't that bad. I had everthing Women, Coins, A Loyal Army, Food.'