
Got Hitched To Him: Magnificent Dream Of My Youth

He was like a mirage to her...someone who always seemed to be there yet he was never. Being the only daughter of the late CEO of Jiang Corporations, she was the next heiress. But wait...what? She went on to become a doctor??? Oh, to continue what her late father was not able to complete. While her cousins: "You want to become a surgeon? Go ahead. I will handle Grandfather." "Go Elder Cousin, I am always rooting for you!" "Make sure not to kill anyone." "..." -- She was like someone from a caravan to him... every time he wanted to give her affirmation of being there, he was held down by the laws of nature. Being the CEO of Lin Corporations at the age of 18, he was quite ruthless with his ways. When he first entered the business play, a rival said, "He is still a child. It would be easy to take down the business from him." The very next day, along with being the CEO of Lin Corporations he was also the largest shareholder of Lin's biggest rival company and managed to take it down. Another rival said, "It would be impossible for Lin Corporations to bloom in the foreign business market now that the CEO is a 20-year-old boy." In six months, the year-end foreign business statistics revealed Lin Corporations being at the top of the list succeeding with more than 10 billion dollars to the second on the list. But was it enough? -- At 26. "Boss, a man is trying to woo Mrs Lin now that you have been absent for almost two years." a young man stuttered while his sweat rolled down from his forehead. "Oh." "!!!" "It's time to return." "..." -- He loved her secretly for years but every time he wanted to approach her, every single time he was held back by destiny. "Mr Lin, say, you were absent for two years. Had there been a woman outside that you were busy taking care of?" "Mrs Lin, indeed there was a woman that I was busy taking care of. But that woman is inside my heart." "!!!"

Pink_Bluebells · Urban
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63 Chs

Wife Of The Emperor.

After all, she was the wife of the current emperor of Lin Corporations!!!

Her position was not something that could be challenged; not when she was the original head of the mall right now!

Wiping the beads of sweat with a handkerchief from his forehead, he spoke, "Young Madam Lin, I deeply apologise for the inconvenience and the humiliation that you suffered because of this inexperienced shop assistant. I would immediately remove her from the job."

Both shop assistant and shop manager were frozen at their places ever since they started hearing him address her as Young Madam Lin.

'Sh-she was....Young M-adam Lin???' shop manager was so shocked to even voice out anything. Her voice had frozen.

On the other side, the shop assistant had already grown as pale as a white sheet of paper; it seemed as if her soul had already left her body.

Even if she ignored her title of Young Madam Lin, the title of being the precious granddaughter-in-law of the Lin Family, wife of the emperor of the Lin Empire and the daughter of the late son of the Jiang Family was already enough to not let her breathe.

Not to forget the fact she was also the daughter and stepdaughter of the world-famous designer and chef respectively!

She only had only one backing, but this girl seemed to have each powerful person as her backing!!

This time...she was gone! No one...no one could save her now!!!

Doomed...that was the only word ringing loudly through her mind; as if mocking her to be so overconfident till the end.

She had thought that she, a nobody, could win against someone who was already a queen!

Right now she was getting to know what was the true embarrassment and all of those emotions had already resulted in her being on the verge of collapsing.

The tiniest strength in her which was holding her from falling right there was...hope! Hope that the most they would do was to remove her from the job only and not blacklist her!!!

It wasn't hard to guess the thoughts going through the shop assistant's mind; her face had a strengthless barrier that could give away her thoughts easily!

But she only had herself to blame. Had she not been so boorish and a condescending person, she might not be in a situation where the only thing she could do was hope.

Not that her hope would be satisfied!

Jiang Ying Yue was not a saint who would be foolish enough to be soft-hearted against this shop assistant. She had already wasted enough time upon her.

Giving an apathetic look to the shop assistant, she looked at Director Zhang and spoke in a polite tone, "Director Zhang, you have been managing this mall on my behalf for the past two years and I might have to trouble you a bit more in this regard which I would like to apologise for in advance."

"Young Madam Lin, you don't have to apologise for something which is my duty."

Nodding slightly, she added, "And if I am not wrong, there is a certain mechanism in which all the employees go through a valid protocol before getting a job here."

"That's right, Young Madam Lin."

Smiling faintly, she asked, "And they also go through the personal interview which is taken by the higher-ups whose video along with the legal documents of the interviewees is then sent to the secretary of Old Madam Lin, right?"

"Right, Young Madam Lin."

"And only the ones approved by them are employed. Am I right, Director Zhang?" This time, though the question was pointed at Director Zhang, her gaze as cold as ice was aimed at the shop assistant.

The shop assistant was like a cat on a hot tin roof by this time. She could feel the shiver creeping in her nerves while her breath shaking.

"And since this lady right here is an employee of Sunflower Galaxy Mall, she would have also gone through the same procedures. So, May I please request to see the documents and the video of her interview?"

She spoke as if she was requesting but the ones who heard her voice knew it better that it was an order.

An order which can not be disregarded!

Shop assistant grew restless hearing her request. This request would put her in an, even more, bigger problem than the one in which she already was. Now it was not just about her but also about who had been backing her up this whole time.

She was more worried about the person behind her now than herself. If she lost her job and even if she got blacklisted, in the end, she could still somehow bear with it as then she would only have to try her best to please that old man.

But now, if his identity was revealed and he also got in trouble then what would she do, thinking of this her body became stiff and she could feel the blood rushing to her limbs.

Not to consider the fact that if he got to know it was her because of whom it all happened, what would he do to her. Even the mere thought of it was enough to send a chill down her spine!

He had always been a psychopath but when angry, he was the scariest!

She had been unfortunate enough to witness it one time, even though the anger at that time was not directed at her but still thinking about what he had done, she couldn't help but shudder in fear.

"Sure, Young Madam Lin but it might take some time to bring them here. Let me call my assistant to bring it here as soon as he could."

"Don't worry, Director Zhang. I have plenty of time today." Saying this she went to sit on the couch and started reading a magazine at the same time Director Zhang motioned his secretary who had accompanied him here to bring her tea.

Hearing this shop assistant grew even more anxious and apprehensive. The more they were speaking, the more aghast it was making her feel.

If it continued like this then what was she supposed to do. She could only grit her teeth at the fact that they were not even involving her in their discussions anymore.

Qin Zihao seemed to be in a pleasant mood as he followed Jiang Ying Yue's suit and sat down on the couch before opening a combat game on his phone and playing it.

Throughout the discussion, the shop manager was gloating with the direction and how the matter was currently going on.

Everybody knew that Lin Corporations was uncompromising when it comes to its reputation. Lin Corporations had always been very punctilious and stringent about the qualifications of the employees and the way they get the job.

If the higher-ups at the main headquarters somehow got to know that the employees had been selected with some underlying method, legal actions would be taken against the people involved and would be severely punished.

All of these things had already been mentioned in the contract all the employees signed before finally getting a job here so that they won't counterattack later on saying that they were not informed about the legal punishments.

She couldn't control the grin that was about to escape on her lips. It seemed that finally after months of torture, she would be able to peacefully spend her working hours.

Otherwise, for the past few months, all she had been doing was just trying to minimise the wreaked havocs this shop assistant had caused.

After ordering his assistant to find the documents and the tape of the interview of the shop assistant, Director Zhang hung the call and suddenly the atmosphere was filled with awkward stillness and silence.

Director Zhang suddenly did not know how he should behave or act. He just stood awkwardly there wondering about his life.

Even when others used corrupted methods to go ahead, he had always been an honest man his whole life and had done his work earnestly.

He was finally recognised for his sincere work by Old Madam Lin when he was given promotion two years back and was offered the position of Director of this mall.

His knowledge regarding the management of a mall was negligible back then as he did not know how exactly this position functioned yet over the past twenty-four months he learnt step by step and had tried his best to not let down the Old Madam Lin and kept on working hard to maintain the reputation of this mall.

But it seemed, still things had gone wrong under his nose and that was the first time he had come across this kind of situation.

He could only sigh tiredly while wiping the sweat trailing down his forehead with a handkerchief.

The menacing silence which had enveloped the surrounding was disrupted by the ringtone of Director Zhang's phone.