
Got Hitched To Him: Magnificent Dream Of My Youth

He was like a mirage to her...someone who always seemed to be there yet he was never. Being the only daughter of the late CEO of Jiang Corporations, she was the next heiress. But wait...what? She went on to become a doctor??? Oh, to continue what her late father was not able to complete. While her cousins: "You want to become a surgeon? Go ahead. I will handle Grandfather." "Go Elder Cousin, I am always rooting for you!" "Make sure not to kill anyone." "..." -- She was like someone from a caravan to him... every time he wanted to give her affirmation of being there, he was held down by the laws of nature. Being the CEO of Lin Corporations at the age of 18, he was quite ruthless with his ways. When he first entered the business play, a rival said, "He is still a child. It would be easy to take down the business from him." The very next day, along with being the CEO of Lin Corporations he was also the largest shareholder of Lin's biggest rival company and managed to take it down. Another rival said, "It would be impossible for Lin Corporations to bloom in the foreign business market now that the CEO is a 20-year-old boy." In six months, the year-end foreign business statistics revealed Lin Corporations being at the top of the list succeeding with more than 10 billion dollars to the second on the list. But was it enough? -- At 26. "Boss, a man is trying to woo Mrs Lin now that you have been absent for almost two years." a young man stuttered while his sweat rolled down from his forehead. "Oh." "!!!" "It's time to return." "..." -- He loved her secretly for years but every time he wanted to approach her, every single time he was held back by destiny. "Mr Lin, say, you were absent for two years. Had there been a woman outside that you were busy taking care of?" "Mrs Lin, indeed there was a woman that I was busy taking care of. But that woman is inside my heart." "!!!"

Pink_Bluebells · Urban
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63 Chs

Good Cuisine

Approaching Jiang Ying Yue with a grave expression, he spoke solicitously, "Miss Jiang, next time it would be more better if you take me with yourself wherever you go...even where you feel secure."

Zhou Jingyi remarked as she took her seat and put her chin on the folded hands that were having elbows on the table, "To washroom too?"

"Obviously, I don't need to accompany her to the washroom, Miss Zhou." He gnashed annoyedly.

"I was just kidding, no need to be so angry little brother." Zhou Jingyi chortled at the man who looked as if he was about to blast any moment now.

Jiang Ying Yue knew that it won't be her, in the end, to face the consequences but him so she quickly brought an end to the conversation before patting his shoulder and forcing him to sit.

"Qin Zihao, you worked hard today, what would you like to eat? Mr Miller is good at every cuisine so order whatever you wish."

Jiang Ying Yue was aware that the only thing Qin Zihao really loved in the world was food.

He was not picky in terms of cuisine but definitely in terms of taste. So she asked him to order whatever he wanted to, knowing he had really gotten hungry.

One habit apart from the age, which was similar in him and her youngest cousin was that they both became grumpy if hungry.

Suddenly getting reminded about him, she started missing him. She need to ask Yi Ming if that little brat was back yet or not. He was just twenty years yet was always out of the city for most of the year to participate in various auto racing competitions.

Thinking back on how they had really gone all out to get grandfather's allowance to let him pursue racing, an ache knocked on her head.

Casually looking at Qin Zihao, she found him giving deathly glares to Mr Miller, "How I am supposed to order when there is no one here to take up the order?"

Mr Miller clearly ignored him while focusing more on cooking at the same time moving here and there inside the kitchen to take the ingredients.

Jiang Ying Yue looked at Mr Miller, knowing he wouldn't keep him hungry but still poked fun of Qin Zihao, "Then you would just have to do with what you are given."

"It's alright if he wouldn't give you anything, I will give you my cup of water. That should be more than enough for you." Zhou Jingyi loved striking him at every opportunity given.

"Ah, also if after filling my tummy, anything would be left on my plate, you can have it. This big sister would gladly give you every thing you wish for!"

A controlled taunting smile was thrown at her by Qin Zihao, "I would rather eat the dog food instead of your remaining one. Oh sorry! That would be still eating your food!"

Jiang Ying Yue laughed at this. She had somehow started enjoying their exchange, it was fun. They both were just like how she and her cousins were.

Qin Zihao had learnt till now that it was better to ignore the remark given to him by Miss Jiang's best friend. She was always energised, ready to argue whenever it came to him.

Pulling out his phone from his pocket, he opened the WeChat and searched for one particular contact who pay him a hefty amount of money every month.

He quickly typed a few strings of letters before sending them in a lightning speed and putting back his phone in his pocket.

'Boss, your wife met quite unusual people today.'

The message before it was also sent by Qin Zihao which was successfully ignored by the other company. Qin Zihao sulked at the ignored message, let's see how you would ignore this message too!

Just like he had imagined, within 10 seconds his phone pinged, indicating an incoming message.

Qin Zihao took his time before pulling the phone while smirking.

Obviously, if not for his wife why else would he even pay attention to something else? He would also take his time.

When he pulled his phone out, he was received with another message and this time the pinging grabbed Jiang Ying Yue's attention who was sipping the fruit juice she was given by Mr Miller at which Qin Zihao had also made another expression when he was only offered water.

Looking at the message on his phone, he twitched his lips.


Can't he even write at least a sentence?

While typing his reply, another message popped from the other side, 'What people?'

He quickly deleted what he was typing and instantly wrote another group of words before sending them.

'How about you grant what I had asked for first?'

He was talking about the message which was successfully put on seen. Fearing that he would reply by saying he had deleted it, Qin Zihao fastly repeated the same sentence he had previously sent.

'Boss! How about you gift me the latest sports car? You know, it's pretty troublesome to come from another side of the city every morning.'

The aura of the man seating in the chair of a sumptuous office somewhere in the US had already turned frosty looking at the intentional digress. There was a frown apparent on his thick eyebrows under the faint light of the laptop. The office was completely dark but was still gleaming because of the city lights.

He was not somebody to give in as long as the matter did not involve his family, and here the woman in question was his wife.

He typed a single sentence, 'Go meet Butler Li tomorrow.'

Qin Zihao felt a chill watching the incoming message that made him shake. He rubbed his eyes unbelievably to confirm that he was not reading things wrong and right away replied with the desired message for what he was gifted.

'Her best friend, Polka dot and SBM!'

After a second, a specific ringtone fell on Jiang Ying Yue's ears as she watched Qin Zihao picking up the call before moving out of the hall, his expression serious.

The corner of her lips curled slightly as a mock appeared in her eyes, how could she not know who it was? Qin Zihao had kept a particular ringtone for his boss's call so that whenever he calls, even if he would be utterly busy, he won't miss out on this particular call.

He can call him but what about his wife?

Wasn't he the one who couple of years back promised to be there for her forever...

Picking up the call, a cold voice was heard from another side, "Details."

"We met her best friend today with whom she-"

"I am asking about the other two."

He already knew about her best friend, he had met her before.

"Boss, today we went to meet one of her clients where Polka dot was working as a receptionist."

"Hm. What about SBM?"

Qin Zihao was not sure how to explain this to him, "Ummm, boss? Right now we are at a weird restaurant where he is a chef and is currently cooking."

The other person in a line paused before a slow voice came, "Chef?"

It was a question that came out as a sentence as if he was deliberating something. Hearing the low tone of his boss, he knew that he was waiting for more explanation.

"Boss! I will look into this matter but since the breakdown of the gang, everyone has scattered all over the place. And the ones who knew that things have not ended yet have probably arrived here."

The man on the other side was now standing in front of a floor-to-ceiling window, having one hand in his pocket and the other holding the phone, watching the city glowing with lights in the dark night. His expression was imperceptible.

Not hearing any reply from him, Qin Zihao hesitated, "Would you like to talk to Miss Jiang?"

The question put the man on the line on the spot, thinking he would refuse like every time Qin Zihao was instead left shocked when he heard a subtle voice, "En."

Qin Zihao immediately went inside the hall to Jiang Ying Yue and bent a little while handing her phone, "Miss Jiang, the boss is on the call."

Jiang Ying Yue's breath hitched, she did not how to react, she was taken aback completely. Looking at the extended hand in front of her, she contemplated taking her time making the man on the line nervous.

If someone was present in the office right in front of him, the person would have been able to notice the slight shiver of his fingers. He was going to decline Qin Zihao's offer like each time, but before he could even realise it, words had left his mouth.

After what felt like a decade, he heard some noise from another side which he detected to be of chair and heard a slight creak of the opening of the door before silence crept upon them.