
GOT: Breaking the throne

A formerly nameless soul is drafted by the god of thrones to entertain him of course with the pay of a fully customized background and grown body, oh yeah maybe an exchange system as well. Tags: Brutal, Fan-fic, Game of thrones, GOT, Lannister, Targaryen, Ruthless MC, Strong MC, Kingdom builder, Warmonger, exchange system.

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8 Chs

Luckiest, Unlucky Bastard.

A nameless soul was wandering through the seemingly endless void after having gone through the many numerous eternities reincarnating it had finally wore down and begun to fade once again apart of the nothingness that surrounding it for but a moment and the infinite of existence.

A burst of white and gold light along with a kingly aura suddenly appeared dropping a heavy pressure on the souls shoulders causing its incorporeal and indistinct humanoid form to kneel.

"Ah finally a soul strong enough" said a deep majestic voice seemingly to itself

In response the soul stayed silent unable to move let alone speak nor raise its head enough to see the owner of the voice.

"Oh, how unfortunate it seems it is damaged," the voice said to itself then continued after a few moments with "I cannot fully restore you but lets see what I can repair"

After a moment the soul felt a burning sensation then a large amount of strength that was not present before flowed through it and with the strength came many memories and new concepts relating to a place called earth he new not of his own origins sadly but he did know of a great many other things, oddly a lot of this thing called anime and a TV show called something along the lines of Game Of Thrones an many others including one that he fondly knew as 'The Office'.

the voice interrupting his thoughts said with a bit of sarcasm "Now, In compensation of this 'great' effort for which I have done this service I 'ask' you entertain me, the god of kings, thrones, monarchy, and chaos."

hearing this the souls mental jaw dropped it was in a dangerous situation this god could consider just about anything for entertainment he might even destroy the soul for the 'chaos' of it.

Continuing the god said "I shall put you into a world full of my conception it seems it was originally born from your Original world, it is called The Game Of Thrones or something along those lines, anyway you will have a slight advantage in terms of knowledge but I shall grant you the ability to create how your new host body shall look like and its background maybe even a system."

hearing this the soul mentally sighed in relief at least it wouldn't be destroyed and it did have information on this game of thrones the god spoke of.

the god began mumbling to itself in an almost mad fashion "of course I cant give him a normal system it would be to easy, no sport or fun in easy things yes yes that would work"

the soul started feeling nervous again.

snapping his attention back to the soul the god realized that he still was abusing it with his aura, the fact that it had not instantly been destroyed held a testament to its strength maybe it was a former low god of this earth from its memories, he contracted his aura inwards releasing most of the pressure off the soul allowing it to finally move and speak.

looking up the soul only saw a bright golden light with the outline of what might have been a man

"Why can I not see you?" asked the soul curiously

the god responded with "because even if you where the strongest soul in existence you would still be vaporized by my presence so I have only come in a corporeal form" in a prideful yet understanding tone.

"That makes sense, well how do I create my new body and choose its background"

as he said that an image appeared in his vision while to the side he could feel the god smirk or whatever that outline could consider a smirk

studying the image further he saw a completely blank male figure average everything brown eyes hair normal farmer tan skin ect ect.

he tried using his hands to mold the image but they went right through it with a light buz with the contact so after a few moments of study and reflection he tried using his mind to change something.

after a moment of hard concentration in reward to his efforts he began to see eye color of his future body gradually change from the ordinary brown to an exotic dark green that gradually got lighter the farther away from the pupil.

after a long time of trial error and editing and forethought ,although not in that order, he was finally finished with the body making a seven foot tall beast that was slim enough to be fairly agile but toned and beefy enough to likely rip a man or even a small horse apart with his bare hands, he believed he could even match the mountain in strength, before he was turned into a zombie that is, he was practically the peak of what a warrior should look like body wise, and that was just his natural state without training.

A few other noticeable things about his body where his white hair that seemingly flowed upwards into a sleek Comb Back Taper Fade-Chispa adding to his charisma he also had very distinct features including a strong jaw line high cheekbones but not high enough to look sinister and his slightly pale complexion making him almost unhealthy looking but with enough flush in his cheeks to cut the bill.

he also had Lannister green eyes with an inner fading ring of a blueish purple tint just maybe hinting if studied close enough at a Valyrian decent.

he went on to think of his parental backstory and his parents and situation at birth which is not what he had thought when the god had said backstory, but it was not a major loss.

He was the son of Aerys ll Targaryen and Joanna Lannister.

Pretty much the most lucky and unlucky decent any bastard could have.

Aerys had lusted after Joanna's form and had ordered her to come to his chambers to have counsel with her, when she came he raped her, and in his arrogance paid her like a whore and ordered her to leave.

after a long trip back to casterly rock she had told her husband Tywin Lannister of the news he, vowing to take revenge on Aerys, sent a raven to Jamie Lannister informing him on what happened shortly after Jamie had killed him ending the rebellion of Robert Baratheon in much the same fashion as the normal continuity.

Soon after he will be born with his mother dying but not before she spoke with Tywin asking him to raise me as he would a true Lannister, and king.

Savage and uncouth as it may be it was necessary for any future plans of dominion over Westeros and Essos, He would have the money and the bloodline to rule westeros and then Essos would be next.

after finishing up his backstory he looked upon the indistinct form of the god and said that he had finished.

the god looked upon him with a bored expression "it took you that long just for that?"

He continued staring at the god with a neutral face "yeesss" he stated in confusion

Exasperated the god responded with "That was the equivalent to three months maybe because there is no time here doesn't mean It doesn't exist elsewhere. Bah!!! it doesn't matter I shall send you on your way the system I mentioned earlier will activate when you are four oh so will the growth spurts. Have fun and be chaotic!"

"What do you mean growth spurts?"

As these words echoed in his head and questions started spewing out while the god ignored him he faded out of consciousness.



As he regained his consciousness he saw a man with a big hawk like nose, a thinning grayish blond hair and a managed beard, good it seemed he was in the televisions continuity of the world.

The man spoke to someone out of his vision in a teary voice "Joanna I think we will name him Empyrion... Empyrion Lannister"

the man then looked back down at him with rage filled tears in his eyes but after a few moments the rage faded and the tears held only loss.

Yep first chapter in and I've already fucked the story and timeline.

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