
GOT: Breaking the throne

A formerly nameless soul is drafted by the god of thrones to entertain him of course with the pay of a fully customized background and grown body, oh yeah maybe an exchange system as well. Tags: Brutal, Fan-fic, Game of thrones, GOT, Lannister, Targaryen, Ruthless MC, Strong MC, Kingdom builder, Warmonger, exchange system.

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Cross over and wondering about your opinion(just this once)

As the title says I am going to do a cross over with another book a the book is called I Am The Nights Prince, Its a little project that I had a while back that I never published and I thought it would be cool addition to the world spicing it up further, now before I start publishing the actual chapters I would like your guys opinion on it and what I should do with it, If you look it up right now You can find All the Ideas on it that wont spoil this story.

It will effect the release schedule though, after a week or two of me being gone I will upload another chapter of this and depending on your vote I will release a chapter of The Nights Prince the week after.