
Gorgor ;My perfect story book

Lost worlds are more in number than dominant ones. Life is all about the survival of the fittest and the weak are left off to be destroyed or remain lost forever. If really relevant, they could be remembered by little kids through their fictional story books. Gorgor. An alien lost world in one of the stars of Triven. Erased from the surface of earth by the worlds with the most resources both human and natural. But still seek their resurrection and redemption through any means possible and dominate the ones who caused their doom. Notwithstanding, that Gorgor is still five year old Lilith's perfect story book. She makes her mother read it to her every night before she goes to bed and sleeps with the thoughts of the lost Gorgor, all in her head. Till she makes an imaginary friend from her story book. Andreas the prince of the lost Gorgor, becomes Lilith's imaginary friend since she was five. Hoping to free his world and himself through her in whatever way possible and rule over Triven. I humbly present... Gorgor; My perfect story book. HAPPY READING

Nessy_Biora · Sci-fi
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55 Chs


"Nanny Adelaide!"

Florate screamed, obviously perplexed about Lilith's condition.

"Nanny Adelaide!"

He kept calling his nanny immediately he enter the main doors of the clinic and couldn't stop yelling till he found her. She was not attending to anyone, so she was free and walked around to check how the others were doing. She was startled clearing with hlthe way he was screaming her name but before she could ask why, she noticed he was carrying a lifeless girl in his arms.

"Oh my goodness!" she gasped before running towards him immediately while he too ran to meet her. "Thelma?" she called a nurse she had been walking around with.

"Yes nurse Adelaide"

"Get a stretcher immediately!"

At her order, the young nurse left to do as she was told.

"Nanny..." Florate found it hard to explain when he got close to his nanny he was already out of breath to.

"What is it Florate? Tell me! What happened to her?"

"Nanny this is my friend Lilith. I don't know, I just found her like this, lying on the floor in her room. I don't know what happened nanny" he looked really sad and pain right now. Lilith may not be his girlfriend but being friends with someone for four years gives the person a space in your heart and Lilith had earned that space, big time.

"It is OK my boy" she wiped his face with her palm. "She will be alright".

In no time, the stretcher arrived and he gently placed Lilith on it after which she was taken away. "We will handle it from here now. Go get some rest or better still, visit Rain. She has been unsteady sometime now. I believe her internal pains are still persistent and her body needs time to adjust to the new medication we gave her". She pecked his cheeks lightly before going away with the other Nurses to attend to Lilith.

Immediately she left, he did not hesitate for one second before leaving to see Rain. He walked fastly, not minding to attend to any distractions on his way. He got to the door opening to where she stayed and opened it widely without knocking. He was just too occupied right now to think about those things. He had unwell Rain and lifeless Lilith to worry about, so knocking certainly wasn't a big deal at this moment.

He walked in immediately to meet her breathing hard, sinking her head into the pillow and squeezing the sheets around her hands and her toes curling at the same time with her eyes closed. Looking at her now, one might think she was having a bad dream but that was far from it. Her body just couldn't accept the medication she was given and was causing her much pain right now.

He rushed to her aid immediately and held her hand with one hand while the other cleaned the sweat off her face. "Rain? Rain?" he felt her hand grow cold and her breathing was getting harder.

"Rain I am here" he got on the bed with her and laid down beside her, holding her tight against his body. "It is fine, just calm down" he spoke to her ear in a very calm and soothing voice. "Your body would soon adjust to it's effects, you will be fine, trust me" he kissed her hair.

"Florate?" she mumbled.

"Yes I am here". He pulled her closer to him, making their bodies gum to each other.

"Florate I bore the pain and brought him down finally" she said in a voice he could barely hear but he understood what she was saying and he felt very hurt within him.

"You are unbelievable love. I asked you to quit once the pain became unbearable but you remained in that combat and caused yourself this much hurt. Why Rain? why?" he asked her with his eyes getting teary.

"I was just being too scared to fail without at least trying my best. I knew my internal injuries were still severe but I couldn't just quit the match, you that will cost me repeating a whole level and... I am sure none of us would want that". She smiled faintly. "I had to bear the pain love. I just had to".

Florate just had to let the tears fall. She was right. Her quiting the match even though it was worth it would make her to repeat a the previous level. Her stats would be brought down and she would join the current level seven aspirants and train better to get to her original level although that would be when her mates must have graduated. That was the main reason why he had Lilith get him disqualified instead of just quitting. Also, she was also right with the point that none of them would want that. In as much as they wanted her to leave the match, having her become reduced by a level won't be nice at all. So she did well by bearing the pain and he was so proud of her right now.

"But I did it right?" she continued. "I got a point at least, didn't I?"

"Although the sensei saved the results for later. As you both were injured but left for me, I can proudly say that my girlfriend was incredible. I am so proud of you Rain" he kissed her hair again. "I am so proud that you are mine".

At that moment, it seemed like her unsteadiness stopped and she became calm. She opened her eyes slowly and turned to face him with not so much ease as she still grunted a bit from pain while she turned. She looked directly into his green eyes. They always spoke warmth to her and she liked staring into them all the times they were together like this. Facing each with out speaking as their eyes told of the undying love they shared.

"I too" she finally spoke "am very proud to be your girlfriend. I love you Florate".

"I love you too Rain" he pushed his face closer to hers and her lips locked in a very passionate kiss.

She used her fingers to trace his jaw line while he kissed her still with his own hands squeezing her breasts already. She let out soft moans of ecstasy still being cautious that they were still in the clinic but Florate didn't seem to care. He untied her gi swiftly and slid his hand inside to get a better feeling of her smooth soft breasts.

He squeezed them harder this time as he moved the kiss from her lips down to her jaw. Then traced it down her neck with he picked sucked, giving her various love bites here and there before moving down to her clavicle he trailed his tongue across it not skipping any part. He came down to her chest and then to her loosened gi. He hesitated a bit and then came up and kissed her again before looking into her calm ocean blue eyes. She was breathing normally only that her heart was thumping so hard that he could feel it's beats from their distance. He could totally understand why was so because this was actually the first time he was touching her this way. Normally, they would only kiss cuddle and peck each other but this time was different. He went on a totally different level which was very new to her but that doesn't mean she was comfortable with it, she was only adjusting to it and he could tell that clearly.

"Do you want me to stop?" he asked calmly. Not as if he wanted to but only because he remembered she was still in pains from her injuries and he feared he might be causing her much pain.

"No, no" she quickly answered. "I am fine but this place seems too open for this" she rolled her eyes.

"Yes of course" he was too carried away that he forgot they were in the clinic not in any of their rooms. He kissed her again, lightly this time before helping her get her gi back together. After that, he took his time to examine all the live bites her on her neck. They were very visible due to her fair skin and that kind of made it more beautiful to him. He kissed each and every one of it before finally pulling away from her.

"Am I supposed to be worried about those?"

He knew she was referring to the love bites. "Are they going to heal soon? You know I don't like having scars" she looked at him.

"Well start liking them baby because I am going to renewing those scars everytime we are together" he smirked.

"Every time?" she looked shocked.

"Yes love. Every time" he remained calm.

"But why?".

"Let's just say I want every one in Omania to get it clearly that you are mine. Especially the stubborn ones".

"You are just being too dramatic Florate" she smiled a bit. "No one in Triven or even on Omania would ever drag your rights over me. I am yours and yours alone"

He loved it when ever he said that and he was going to keep to it. He was never going to let anyone else have her, especially not that Nexine. He thought of telling her of what happened earlier but believed it was unnecessary since it was he already handled the matter.

He looked at her most beautiful face again, down to her perfectly curved lips and was about to kiss it again before they heard a soft knock on the door.

"Come in" he said calmly even though he was interrupted by who ever it was. The door creaked and a tall beautiful nurse walked in with a warm smile on her fine face.

"Hi" she waved at the both of them and they waved back.

"How are you Rain?" she asked with concern.

"Getting better nurse"

"Very good then" she nodded. "I also came to inform you" she turned to Florate "that the girl you brought just earlier is awake incase you would like to speak to her".

"Girl?" Rain furrowed. "Who is that?"

"Alright, thank you nurse" Florate decided to dismiss the nurse first before answering her questions.

"You are welcome" the nurse left quietly and closed the door behind her.

"Who is that Florate?" Rain waited patiently for the nurse to leave and as soon as she did, she did not hesitate to ask her questions. "Who is the girl you brought to the clinic?"...

"No one special Rain, just one of the junior rangers that sprang her ankle"

Florate gave it a quick thought before speaking. If Rain should know of Lilith's current condition, she would even risk as much as leaving her own medication and her recovery just to go see her and he didn't want that. So he had to lie, he just had to...