
Gorgor ;My perfect story book

Lost worlds are more in number than dominant ones. Life is all about the survival of the fittest and the weak are left off to be destroyed or remain lost forever. If really relevant, they could be remembered by little kids through their fictional story books. Gorgor. An alien lost world in one of the stars of Triven. Erased from the surface of earth by the worlds with the most resources both human and natural. But still seek their resurrection and redemption through any means possible and dominate the ones who caused their doom. Notwithstanding, that Gorgor is still five year old Lilith's perfect story book. She makes her mother read it to her every night before she goes to bed and sleeps with the thoughts of the lost Gorgor, all in her head. Till she makes an imaginary friend from her story book. Andreas the prince of the lost Gorgor, becomes Lilith's imaginary friend since she was five. Hoping to free his world and himself through her in whatever way possible and rule over Triven. I humbly present... Gorgor; My perfect story book. HAPPY READING

Nessy_Biora · Sci-fi
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55 Chs

I was dead

"Are you sure of what you speak lord Varnaak?" King Radia asked with his hand creasing his chin.

"Very absolute your greatness" lord Varnaak bowed.

"You are sure that she is a Trivenian?"

"Of course my lord"

"How were you able to prove so?"

"She had ears instead of our symbol which certainly proves that she is not from Gorgor. Also your most wonderful, she was one of their aspirants there at their institute, l mean the ones they train and gift powers to become the protectors of their world"

"If you are certain of what you said, l shall believe that she is a Trivenian. But how was she able to see and feel you?"

"I have no answers to that your grace. I too have those same questions still unanswered within me"

"Do you think my son has anything to do with that?"

"I can't say for sure your greatness but one thing is undisputable... "

"Which is..."

"The Trivenian has a relationship with the prince maybe not the one with romantic steams but l know surely that they share something. But not as though what they share is the reason why she sees and feels me, l believe its something more".

"Hmph" king Radia sighed deeply. "You said she has not been mutated yet right?"

"Yes your most wonderful".

"Then leave her be for now. If she has something with my son then l trust that he would not be so stupid to let her go after he realized what you just found out, l am sure he believes that she must be the illuminator that we are looking for and that's why he is building a relationship between the two of them to make it easy for him when it is time for her to fufill her purpose as an acquaintance of his" he smiled with satisfaction.

"As you wish your greatness" lord Varnaak bowed obediently. "I will let her be".

"Good you may leave now"

"Thank you your grace" he left his presence humbly to continue his acts of havoc wrecking in Acadia, his favorite world. Well, not because he loved it but because he saw it as place where his illusions are the greatest force of their nature and it could not be told easily when it was the will of their nature or another force toying with their world.

Not long after he left his presence, king Radia stood from his throne and walked to the nearest window to his throne. He stood there with a sad expression on his face, as he looked upon his fallen world. The Trivenians took away everything that made their world what it was, their vegetation, their most colorful rainbow which was sourced by their soothing rains and most especially, their light that was sustained by their core. He swore to himself that he was going to get them back, no matter what. He was going to revive his conquered world and make stronger than it was before, even more powerful than before, powerful enough to stake its claim at the top of all worlds over Triven and other weak worlds. That was his aim and he sure to get it, all he had to do was wait for the Trivenian girl to get mutated. He really hoped she would be the one that their world needed to become what it should be and if she really was, he would not hesitate to have her powers all to himself.


"What excatly did you whisper to him that made him calm down immediately like ice on a hot head?" Lilith asked Rain immediately there were out of the dining hall

"I don't Lilith" she shook her head softly. "I don't even know what happened in there, on second l felt like it me and then the other second l felt like something else had control over me. I remember standing up and going to meet him but l recall any word l said, very strange. With all, l feel like my head is going to burst, it aches so much".

Lilith studied Rain for some seconds and saw how innocent her face looked, which shows that she was not lying. But if she wasn't, then what really happened in there. She too had a memory flash of something while Nex was speaking. It was not a very good memory, infact it was the worst and felt so real. She was going to tell Rain about it but she didn't seem to be in the right state of mind to listen to what she had to say.

"It's ok" she placed a hand on her shoulder, l think you need to get some rest. Let's get you to your room"

"I will take her" Florate said aloud from where he stood, not too far from where they were. "Don't worry Lilith l will take to her myself, you should go get some rest too because l am sure you could use some" he said with a sweet smile.

Although Rain really didn't appreciate that he was going to be the one to take her to her room, but she was to weak to object. Her vision was already getting blurry and her head hurt really hard. She could noy explain what was going on with her, but she was definitely not ok and she felt like she was falling or was she? Yes she definitely was because she felt a pair of strong arms slid round her waist.

"I will take her to her room Lilith" Florate still insisted when Lilith tried yo reject his offer.

"Are you sure?" She sounded a bit worried for Rain, not as though she didn't trust Florate to take care of her but because she feared that what happened to her in dinning hall might be what she thought it was. If it really was, then she was indeed the cause of her present state and really made her feel guilty at the moment.

"Yes Lilith l will make sure she gets to her room safely, and trust me l will"

"Thank you Florate" Lilith smiled "l will go ahead now" she said finally before walking off to her own dorm.

Rain's room was in the first dorm, room 350. Florate carried her in bridal style because she was too weak to walk and it did get him alot of eyes. People where looking at him , mostly females, not because they were worried of what might have happened to Rain but because they were obviously jealous that Rain got Florate all to herself. They felt she didn't deserve him.

Florate was from a very wealthy family, his parents were the Head scientists of the Triven science arm and on might think it strange why he chose to join the martial art and defense arm, maybe he did take after hus parent's brain but that still did not less attractive or wanted by all.

Though he was not a ladies man, just like Nex but he caught the eyes of many, Rain fir example.

He got to her room with the bold inscription on the door, RAIN FLAKE 350. He used her finger print to opened the door and he jaw dropped with the view he got from the room. Everything there was white. From the ceiling of the room to its floor, it all shone brightly with no atom of dirt or darkness. 'She was really obsessed with purity' he thought within him before laying her down carefully on her bed. He tucked her in properly under her white bedsheet and brushed off the hair in her face with one stroke. She was already fast asleep and he'd better let her be for and maybe come later to see how she was doing.


"How did you like my surprise?"

"Shit Andreas stop doing that for god's sake. Stop startling me all the time" Lilith complained bitterly.

"Well l was expecting you say at least thank you for what l did today" he smiled cheekily

"So that was you?" Lilith did not really look surprised. "How were you able to possess Rain?"

"I don't know, l think her body just welcomed me in" Andreas she shrugged.

"Well... I don't know what you mean by that but Rain is not feeling fine now because of what you did" she frowned.

"Well, l guess that's my fault" he sighed.

"Let's talk about that later Andreas. I need to tell you something else" she sounded a bit worried

"What is it" he turned serious.

"I had a memory flash of something while Nex was speaking. It was not a very good memory, infact it was the worst and felt so real"

"What is it Lilith" Andreas neared her and felt her face with hus palm.

"Nex stabbed me. He killed me, l was dead"...