
Gorgor ;My perfect story book

Lost worlds are more in number than dominant ones. Life is all about the survival of the fittest and the weak are left off to be destroyed or remain lost forever. If really relevant, they could be remembered by little kids through their fictional story books. Gorgor. An alien lost world in one of the stars of Triven. Erased from the surface of earth by the worlds with the most resources both human and natural. But still seek their resurrection and redemption through any means possible and dominate the ones who caused their doom. Notwithstanding, that Gorgor is still five year old Lilith's perfect story book. She makes her mother read it to her every night before she goes to bed and sleeps with the thoughts of the lost Gorgor, all in her head. Till she makes an imaginary friend from her story book. Andreas the prince of the lost Gorgor, becomes Lilith's imaginary friend since she was five. Hoping to free his world and himself through her in whatever way possible and rule over Triven. I humbly present... Gorgor; My perfect story book. HAPPY READING

Nessy_Biora · Sci-fi
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55 Chs

I really wish I could


Florate was shocked to see her there, on the floor. Why did she leave the room in the first place. But all that didn't matter now, he only rushed to lift her from the floor.

"Don't you dare touch me you scoundrel!" she yelled at him with so much pain in her voice.

"Oh my Rain!" Lilith came out of the room with a sad look on her face as she too went close to help her up.

"You too backstabber!" Rain cursed Lilith too. "Don't you dare lay your filthy hands on me!" she kept yelling and crying and it drew the attention of people around but there were no near nurses to come to her aid.

"What is going on Rain?" Florate looked really confused. "Why are you acting this way? Let me help you baby" he came to help her again but she rolled away from his reach, crying in agony of the pain that came with each turn.

"You are hurting yourself the more Rain" Lilith drew closer to her but she flinched back. "What exactly is the problem? Why are you flinching from us. It is us Rain your boyfriend and best friend. Let us at least help you up"

"Don't you dare touch me" she screamed at her, with her eyes filled with the hatred and disgust she felt for her being right now. "You both mean nothing to me right now! Do you understand that? I have nothing to do with the both of you! So go on and make your secret love for each other an open one because I Rain Flake DO NOT CARE!"

Florate and Lilith exchange glances in utter confusion. What was Rain talking about, what did she mean by their secret love. No, she must have had a misunderstanding somewhere. They needed to explain everything to her right now.

" Love please..." Florate made to near Rain again but someone else beat him to it.

"Oh no! Rain!" Nexine rushed to where she lay on the floor and picked her gently, carrying her in bridal style which got Florate really jealous. He stood there and watched as Rain did not flinched at Nexine's offer and let herself be carried by that scoundrel. He felt like landing him a punch already but he just could not.

"Rain! What happened?" he asked her affectionately, looking into her eyes with made Florate more mad but he only stood there with a clenched fists.

"I... The wheelchair slipped and I fell, that's all" she managed to say.

"It is alright, I am here. No need to worry, I will get you back to your room now" he said firmly before turning to walk away with her in his arms but Florate stop them by drawing him backwards after he got a firm hold of his shirt. His pull almost got Nex to loose hold of Rain and let her fall to the floor but he was too strong for that. He got out of his hold and turned to him immediately, sending him death stares that if looks could kill, he will drop dead immediately. He wanted to spill the hard words he had instore for him but Rain took over immediately.

"Leave me alone Florate!" she yelled at him in the most heart breaking way. "Leave us alone!"

"Us?" Florate was already getting teared up. Why on Omania would Rain choose Nexine over him. "When did you and Nexine become 'US' Rain?" he looked very heartbroken. "What happened to US?" he pointed at the both of them, she and himself.

"US?" she scoffed. "You tell me that Florate. How can there be an 'US' when you are in love with Lilith?!"

"What?!" both Lilith and Florate exclaimed together. What was she talking about, both of them? In love? Never! That was definitely a misunderstanding.

"I promise you Rain there is no such thing. Florate and I have no such feelings for each other" Lilith tried to clear her head but it seemed like she had already believed what she wanted to believe.

"Don't you try to hide it Lilith! And all these while, I have been thinking that we were best friends. What kind of bestie kisses her bestie's boyfriend. You are a slut!" she cursed and it really got to Lilith's nerves while a mischievous smirk rested on Nexine's face which none of them seemed to notice as they were all to occupied right now.

"What did you just call me?"

"I said you are a slut, a shameless one at that" she repeated, not minding what degree of hurt her words might cause to Lilith.

"This is the height of it Rain. I will not have you accuse me of having something to do with your boy friend and at the same time, call me a slut. It is just not making sense and you should at least reason before you speak and stop accusing me. You know me Rain" she continued, looking at her with her eyes filled with honesty but Rain did not care at the moment. "You are my my best friend and you are aware that I would never betray you in such a manner. I am being very honest Rain, I am".

"Do you really expect me to believe that?" Rain told her, getting down on her feet. In as much as Nexine did not want to put her down, he still did not want to get her irritated right now if he wanted to be on her good side, so he put her down gently. She felt pain in all her bones immediately she stood on her feet and groaned a bit but she had to endure it just to speak to Lilith with the rage and anger burning inside her. "You are not and was never my friend Lilith. You have always being a backstabber, a hypocrite. You dare to kiss my boyfriend when you are alone with him and you call yourself my friend!"

'Oh no' now Lilith knew what was wrong. Rain must have seen her peck Florate and misunderstood the whole thing. She only got too carried away by her emotions, she never had any feelings for Florate they were just friends and her heart belonged to just one person, her prince, Andreas. She would never betray Rain for a million reasons in the world. But how was she supposed to tell her, she was already convinced by what she saw.

"And you!" she turned to Florate who looked very sad and distressed at the moment. "I..." tears began to flow down her cheeks. "I thought you loved me. I thought you cared about me. I thought you felt the same way I feel about you"

"I do Rain. Baby I do" he too began to cry. "I love you so so much".

"You say you love me but you stand before me and lie! I hate you, just as much as you hate me" she sniffed.

"No Rain. No baby. I would never hate you. Never ever."

"Never ever?! Really Florate? Then why did you let Lilith kiss you and why would you confess your feelings to her, just as you do to me. You both were playing me for a fool!".

"Never Rain! I would never love anyone like I do to you. I love you Rain and no one else. And I know that deep down within you, you know that I am telling the truth because you love me Rain. I am sure you do".

Rain felt weak at this moment. He was right, she loved him very much, more that she could even say but she was just too angry to say that to herself right now. She was just so confused.

"You know Lilith and I are just friends Rain. You are the only one I love. Please love, stop hurting yourself and let me take you back to your bed, you are not fully healed yet and you are causing yourself much pain. I love you Rain, more than you can imagine".

She stood there, stiff, and in utter pain both within and without her body. She was losing balance and just when she felt she was falling, a familiar nurse came to her aid immediately.

"Rain dear are you alright?" she asked her with carrying eyes as she helped her get back on the wheelchair.

"Yes nanny Adelaide" she managed to say, while she sat down carefully. She had learned to call her nanny Adelaide since that was what Florate called her and she too saw her the way he did.

"You should not leave your room like that, you are still not properly healed. Let's head back now" she pushed her wheelchair, not minding that Florate was standing there and just taking her back to her room while Nexine tagged along.

"Rain?!... " Florate called again with pain evident in his voice.

"I wish I could believe that Florate" she sighed before speaking gently, not turning back to look at him. "I really wish I could"...