
Gorgeous revenge

MATURE CONTENT: i fell in love with the tycoon son. But after I found out the evil deeds he and his family has done to my family and other family. I decided to quit the relationship. Then the tycoon son raped me. And I had my son. I went to the family to report the issue and let them give my son the right he deserves. They rejected him. And even tried to have him killed. After the bad things they did to my family and me. It's now my turn for pay back. Luckily i have got my trump card. Their second son. Who is adopted. It's now my turn to play the games. And i know this game and how its played. 'Son it's now your turn'

Clyenemo · Urban
Not enough ratings
60 Chs

Albert's location

Greg paced the room, the board was filled with several people who were tagged together by a red thread. Greg looked at the board one last time. He looked at Aurtur. And then back at the board. He stared at the photo of Albert. He frowned his face.

'You know what, it's easy to say you want to find the truth about someone. But the problem is how. Where do you start from'. Greg said as he sat on his chair. He looked at Aurtur who was eating chocolate. His blue eyes looked at him. It was clear that he had no idea what he was going to do.

'Aurtur, if it were you. What will you do. How do you want to do to find Albert'. Greg asked.

Aurtur eyes just looked at him. He didn't reply as he just opened his eyes. He didn't even move a inch. He just sat there like a statue. He was taking time to reply. The man has just been starring at Greg for a few seconds. Greg starred at him in the same way. Greg didn't understand what happened to him. He just suddenly kept quit.

'Did I say something that was wrong. Has the man become deaf. Was he dumb. Or did his brain just instantly shut down'. Greg asked himself. He looked at Aurtur whose eyes just looked at him.

'His this man mad'. Greg had to ask himself.

When Greg could no longer bear the silence. fear quickly got the best of him. He looked at Aurtur. The guy eyes still didn't leave him. His body was still like a statue.

'Was he dead'. This thought rang in Greg's head. He quickly ran to him and snapped his hand.

'Aurtur I asked a question. I didn't silence you. I didn't kill. So would you reply. Why are you just quiet. As if I said a taboo'. Greg spoke to him. But Aurtur still kept looking at him. Greg looked at him. His fear heightened.

'He is surely dead. How will tell Hannah. How will I tell her that the man just suddenly stopped talking'. Greg quickly shouted as he hit Aurtur's shoulder.q

'AURTUR '. Greg shouted.

Aurtur quickly shook his head in response. Greg sighed as he looked at him.

'You know what Aurtur, you are so hard to cope with. You've give people heart attack. Just now you made me think you were dead'. Greg said as he held his heart. 'I don't have a problem if you die but my sister would kill me. She wants me to protect you. She is over protective of you-

'She does'. Aurtur asked he stood up from his chair smiling.

'Hey, don't get anything in your head. She does not want anything to happen to you because it will make her son be very sad. The kid loves you'. Greg answered.

'Oh, I see'.

Greg looked at him. The guy seem to be sulking.

'Aurtur, do you have a crush on Hannah '.

'Em-. Aurtur could not finish his statement because of what pop on his computer.

'Look'. Aurtur said pointing to the screen. Greg turned to it and saw that Albert sent a message to Kaise. He looked at Aurtur and then read the message.


Albert :Meet me in ex cafe. I need some money. I am running out of it. Hurry, I don't want anyone to see me.

kaise : I can't Albert. We might get caught.

Albert : better make sure you come. I may just mistakenly go to the police and report everything I know. All your evil deeds. You sure won't want that. Lucas will kill you if such is heard about you.

Kaise : where am I meeting you.

Albert: like I said, ex cafe.

Kaise : okay, don't open that mouth of yours. Make sure you keep that mouth of yours. My secret cannot be let out. My secrets will ruin me. Better shut that mouth.

Albert : you come to the place I asked. And i wouldn't let it out.

Kaise : okay, see you there.

Greg starred at Aurtur. Their eyes locked.

'Do you know what this means'. Greg said smiling.

'That my uncle is alive. Hannah and I have already found out. So its not a new thing'. Aurtur answered.

'No idoilt. This means that we can get Albert. He will definitely be at Ex cafe'.

'oh sorry. I didn't realise what you meant '. Aurtur smiled.

'I know you wouldn't. You are a naive sheep'. Greg said and Aurtur dropped his head a bit.

'Come on. Get your computer and all your gadgets. We need to get that Albert. He must be arrested'. Greg said grabbing his things. Aurtur ran after him.

By the time they got into the car. Greg and Aurtur jumped into the car. Greg switched the car on and started driving.

'Aurtur find this ex cafe. Now'

Greg said as he drove with his highest speed.

'Okay'. Aurtur replied going through his laptop and searched the place. The internet gave him a map.

'Got, although it's a bit far. It's in the west'. Aurtur smiled.

'Direct me. We must find Albert and Kaise. Albert must be arrested. He must be sent to jail'. Greg said turning the wheel to the left.

'Okay, well. Go straight down'. Aurtur replied.

Greg focused on the road. Aurtur directed him. Greg was ready.

'I must find Albert and send him to jail same with Kaise. You can't escape me this time'. This thoughts came to Greg's head. His hands tightened on the wheel.

Aurtur glanced at him. He then looked at the map. He held onto the seat belt. Because Greg was driving recklessly. Aurtur looked at him. He face became serious.