
Gorgeous revenge

MATURE CONTENT: i fell in love with the tycoon son. But after I found out the evil deeds he and his family has done to my family and other family. I decided to quit the relationship. Then the tycoon son raped me. And I had my son. I went to the family to report the issue and let them give my son the right he deserves. They rejected him. And even tried to have him killed. After the bad things they did to my family and me. It's now my turn for pay back. Luckily i have got my trump card. Their second son. Who is adopted. It's now my turn to play the games. And i know this game and how its played. 'Son it's now your turn'

Clyenemo · Urban
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60 Chs

Naive and innocent Aurtur

Everyone sat on their various chairs listening attentively to what Hannah was saying. The room was tensed. Some of them shooked their heads. They looked at each other. Greg who was the first to speak immediately Hannah finished speaking.

'Those people are demons,they kill an innocent man to cover up their brother life. They put that person family in pain. When the devil that killed him moved freely. Those people need to pay'.

'Exactly, they must pay. I support Greg'. Rebecca supported.

'That's what we are going to do to them. Make them pay for their sins. Make them pay. This revenge game is now level 2. We need to beat them. And we need to start by finding out the man who was killed and also find Albert. And we have to make the company succeed over Royal beauty. Then we need to make their family unity brake'. Hannah smiled.

'The problem, hannah is how are we going to do all this things'. Tracey and dude asked.

'Working together will make it slow. We need more drama. One that will make the Royal as they are leaving one problem they are entering another. So therefore each of us need to be assigned to one duty. In that way the Royals will not know what's coming to them' . Hannah said .

'You right. Hannah. We need to have our own different duty. So there fore you all will be assigned to various duty'. Ronald smiled. He looked at Aurtur and Greg. 'Aurtur, you good with computer, technology. You are assigned to find to Albert'.

'What that is too dangerous. He might just get hurt. He is not going '. Hannah quickly spoke. She looked at the man. He was smiling. Ronald also looked at him.

'Greg will go with him. They will both find out about every thing we need to know about any information. Greg and Aurtur will be a team'. Ronald stared at Rebecca.

'Tracey, dude will be our spy. They will help us to know the daily life of the Royals. Hannah you are assigned to get Ken jealous. He must fall. No more playing cool. I will run the company. Rebecca will join the Aurtur and Greg. She will also take a job In Royal beauty. She is the only person in the group that has not been spotted by the Royals. So she is perfect for the job. Every new information we get. We will all process it. And Hannah then does what she does best. We must find more to this story. This not just a mere story of Hannah's revenge towards the Royals. It has now become a story of the Royals secret. And we must bring everything to the surface. Every single thing. Hannah you must make sure that family scatters. If their unity and trust brakes then we have can win'. Ronald said smiling.

'The Royals must fall. They must fall'. Greg shouted.

'Exactly, they must pay. They have just done too much evil. They are not humans. They have to pay'. Tracey said.

Hannah looked at everyone. Her eyes determined. She starred at Aurtur. His eyes just looked at them. He was just the innocent one among the crowd. She nodded her head.

By the time the meeting was over. Hannah walked to Greg she held his hand.

'Greg please protect Aurtur. He shouldn't get hurt in this fight. He is a fragile thing'.

'Don't worry. I will protect him. I won't let anything hurt him. You've got my word'.

Hannah smiled and was about walking away but Greg told her to wait.

'Hannah, do you love Aurtur. I see the way you protect him'. Greg asked.

'Greg, please am not.' Hannah replied.

'Then what word do you use to describe your over protectiveness of him'.

'Well, if you hot a naive and fragile husband. You have to protect him. Especially when the man in question is too handsome. For his own good. If I let Aurtur do what he wants. And he will die. I don't want him to die. He does not deserve it. He is too innocent. Too innocent for this world'.

'Well that's love'.

'What don't you get. If I let Aurtur loses he will end up killing himself with his innocence. He might just help a terrorist to bomb a place because he saw the man was so old and needed to cross the road. In Aurtur's mind, the world is full of Rose. But we both that is not true. The world is made of blood and sword. Someone like Aurtur should be over protected. He is too good.so even if I end up getting hurt. I must protect him from the blood and weapons and make him keep living in his innocence. In his happy and lovely life. He shouldn't get cut up with this problems. What ever happens. We must protect him. So Greg you must protect him. Because I will definitely lose it if something were to happen to him. Bryan my son will not take it if something were to happen to him. So better play your cards well. He is too big of a deal'. Hannah responded.

'Okay, I will. And you should know. Everything you said is the same thing a woman who is in love says about the person she loves. But anyway your husband's innocence, I will protect. And I will also make sure no girl come close to him. We do not want him falling for a devil. He should for someone beautiful and the person he loves like Hannah Royal'. Greg said tensely and left.

Hannah looked at his back. Her eyes softened. She needed to protect Aurtur. He was just to cute and innocent. He was a sheep who need a shepherd to protect him. And Hannah didn't want any other person to be his shephard other than her. She was the right person to be his shephard. She smiled as she looked at the ring inher finger.

'Even if I have to fall into the ocean to protect you from danger. I will do it. I don't want anything to happen to you. You mean much to me Aurtur.'. Hannah sighed and then she left the room.