
Chapter 27 Imperial Guard

 Amidst the raging flames, the giant mutant came out howling.

  Not dead yet!

  The atmosphere at the scene suddenly solidified.

  Fortunately, it was already at the end of its strength, and it fell to the ground with a bang after taking only a few steps, completely dead.

  Rhea and Keith breathed a sigh of relief and collapsed on the fortifications.

  The entire pipeline area was still filled with the sound of artillery fire, and it seemed that the fighting of other companies was still continuing.

  Just when Ya Rui was anxious for his company to prepare for rest, God seemed not to care about them, and heavy footsteps came from the transportation pipeline in front of the position.

  Boom! Boom! Boom!

  The entire transportation pipeline is shaking, this mutant is more terrifying than the previous one!

  "Here comes the bigger guy"! "Keith swallowed.

  Ari stood up and looked at the entrance of the cave.

  A huge body appeared from the darkness, about four meters tall. The muscles all over his body were squirming and contracting, exuding violent power.

  It quietly Standing there, huge eyeballs covered with blood balls stared at everyone,

  hungry for violence and flesh!

  The soldiers felt the emotions of the giant mutant in front of them, and they were unable   to

  organize effective resistance.

He supported his body and raised his pistol with his remaining arm: "Gather in formation!

  "This is looking for death! " "

  Keith stood next to Ari and said angrily: "We can't deal with this monster at all!

  "Yes, we are looking for death! " Ya Rui grinned: "We can't let this damn monster rush into the residential area, right?" "

  The soldiers dragged their injured bodies, regrouped, and prepared to face their final fate.

  Just when they were preparing to die generously, a small assault ship came, suspended above the giant mutant.

  Embedded on the assault ship was   The golden lion representing the Grant family, the rescue of the Royal Court District is coming!

  Captain Carter led two guards to jump from the cabin and fell to the ground, causing a burst of smoke and dust. After changing his   clothes

, he was wearing a white, gorgeous and heavy hybrid power armor of ceramic steel and plastic steel, and he was holding a large bolt gun.

  With his average height of more than two meters, he looked like a youthful Star Warrior.

The weapons found in the church's treasury have greatly enhanced the strength of the Imperial Guards.

  Of course, they are still far from being as good as real space warriors,

  but they are more than enough to deal with some ordinary monsters, such as the   giant mutant

  in front of them.

Stimulated, its muscles contracted violently, and it rushed towards Carter and the others.

  Carter and the guards did not make any unnecessary moves, but moved forward firmly,

  raising their bolt guns and pulling the triggers, leaving a mark on the enemy's huge body. One blood hole after another.

  When the opponent reaches close combat range, he puts down his gun, raises the large chain sword, and continues to move forward!

  The giant mutant rushes in front of the guards, swinging with inertia. The punch hit.

  It was going to crush these nasty bugs!   Cang


  Carter raised his hand to block the blow, and the huge impact spread to his feet.

  It was unimaginable that he blocked this monster's attack!

! !

  The giant mutant raised his hand and smashed it to death,

  but it was still ineffective.

  The next second, the high-speed rotating chain sword was thrust into its abdomen. Pain hit.

  However, before it could cry out, it lost all feeling in its legs.

  The chain swords wielded by the other two guards almost cut off its thighs!   The

  giant mutant fell down in front of Carter.

At first, he only saw Carter's cold face and the terrifying noise of the chain sword entering the head. Carter's chain sword cut into the giant   mutant

  's head, almost cutting its head in half.

Down and out of sight.

  Carter and the others retracted their chainswords, raised their bolt guns, and emptied their magazines until the corpses were bloody.

  The battle ended with Carter throwing incendiary bombs and

  heading towards the cabin . The direction left, leaving only a pile of burning rotten flesh.   

  No sound was made the whole time.

  This is the Praetorian Guard, ruthless and efficient.

  There are more than a hundred guards in the entire team, which is the strongest force in the Royal Court District and the cornerstone of Ron's rule.

  Carter nodded slightly to Rhea, walked into the cabin with the guards, and the assault ship immediately took off and flew to other positions.

  They were ordered to destroy all large monsters.

  This time, a dozen large mutants suddenly appeared in the mutant wave, causing heavy casualties to the defense forces.

  After receiving the request for help, the Governor immediately dispatched guards to the pipeline defense area for support.

  The Praetorian Guard is the governor's last line of defense and cannot be easily mobilized.

  For the safety of the Governor, they must solve the problem quickly and return to the Wangting District.

  Watching the assault ship go away, Ya Rui and others finally relaxed.

  The Governor has even sent out the guards, so there is no enemy that cannot be dealt with.

  "Those guys are so strong!"

  Ya Rui couldn't help but sigh as he looked at the pile of burning mutant meat.

  Case curled his lips: "They have all undergone human body modification surgery with a very high mortality rate. How can we mortals compare with others?"

  "Do you think I have a chance? Ask the Governor to help me with the transformation."

  "Then the Wangting District It's top secret. If you don't want to die, don't ask anymore. It is said that even the former governor was killed by the inquisitor because of this matter."

  Keyes walked up to the mutant meat and looked at it, seeming to have discovered something.

  "How come you know everything?" Ya Rui also squatted down.

  "Because I know how to use my brain, unlike you, a reckless beast!"

  "Ha, you're right, I don't like to use my brain."

  "Something's wrong." Case picked out some mechanical parts from the mutant meat: "I have There is reason to believe that this ghost thing is man-made."

  "Man-made... who made it? Those bastards of the Homan family, the scum of the war gang, can't they be the evil ones in the lower nest? There must be some big conspiracy here, right? !"

  Ya Rui scratched the back of his head and thought seriously, feeling like his head was itching and something was about to grow.

  "We are the top soldiers. What do we do with this? Report it to the big shots in Wangting District and let the big shots in Wangting District have a headache."

  "Why didn't you tell me earlier? I wasted my brain!"

  The sound of artillery fire in the pipeline defense zone gradually subsided. With the support, the Defense Force completely eliminated this wave of mutants.

  At the end of the war, convoys from the Logistics Department came to the position one after another.

  Logistics staff in black armor quickly got out of the car and started working.

  But the logistics staff ignored the wailing soldiers and even watched people die.

  The logistics department came to the battlefield to recover the mutants and the flesh and blood of the soldiers, which are precious sources of protein.

  As for the life and death of the soldiers, it is none of their business.

  It would be nice to replenish it after people die, and now there are many people who want to join the National Defense Forces.

  Those people are willing to give anything for a bite to eat.

  Ya Rui led the people around the battlefield, looking for living soldiers and simply bandaging them.

  Without medical supplies, this was the limit of what he could do.

  Suddenly, he saw people from the logistics department dragging away an injured and unconscious soldier and throwing him into a corpse transport truck.

  "Damn, what are you doing!"

  (End of chapter)