
Chapter 26 Giant Mutant

 When the giant mutant appeared, everyone gasped.

  It was a humanoid monster about three meters tall, with gnarled muscles, and every strong muscle was as hard as rock.

  As it panted, the muscles on its body squirmed like living creatures, exuding a suffocating sense of oppression every time it tightened and relaxed.

  It is a symbol of violence, as if it is going to tear everything apart!

  The giant mutant's blood-red eyes stared at the people in the camp, and a ferocious smile appeared on the corner of its bloody mouth.

  The mutant limb fell from its mouth and fell to the ground with a splash, splashing with blood.


  The grenade flew over, hit the hard muscle, and then rolled down to the ground.

  It looked down, and with a bang, the grenade exploded.

  Ho ho ho!

  The explosion completely angered the giant mutant. It swept away the metal fragments from its body and roared at everyone.

  The stagnant atmosphere was broken, and the warriors pulled the triggers, firing fire snakes at the giant mutants.

  "Attack! Kill this scumbag!"

  One-eyed Yarui roared wildly, the heavy machine gun in his hand emitted fierce tongues of flame, and the bullet belt was consumed quickly.

  The ejected bullet casings fell to the ground, almost forming a hill.

  Next to him, Case spit out the tab of the grenade, emerged from the fortification with a rocket launcher, and fired a rocket at the giant mutant.

  Boom boom boom!

  The self-propelled artillery shells fell one after another, exploding into balls of fire.

  The intense firepower completely covered the area within five meters around the giant mutant.

  Thick smoke and dust rose up, completely obscuring the view.

  When the bullets from the heavy machine gun ran out, Ari threw it aside, then raised a shotgun and stared at the smoke.

  "Do you think that damn thing is dead?"

  He asked Case next to him, but received no response.

  When I turned around, I saw that the person on the other side had gone somewhere.

  "You cunning bastard, where did you hide again?"

  Ya Rui cursed in a low voice and turned his attention to the smoke.

  Suddenly, huge concrete rocks flew out of the smoke and smashed the roaring self-propelled artillery.


  The huge black shadow jumped high and fell to the front of the position.

  The smoke and dust dispersed, and the body of the giant mutant appeared. The muscles all over the body were squirming and contracting, which was extremely oppressive.

  At this moment, it was staring at the little one below, with the corners of its mouth pulled open, revealing its bloody white teeth.

  Violent emotions are brewing, and it wants to kill the little bug in front of it!

  The shadow of the giant mutant completely enveloped Ari, and he froze in the face of such malice.

  The mechanical prosthetic eye became scarleter under the strong emotion!

  Ari took a deep breath, held the shotgun tightly, and made a voice that only he could hear: "I am Immortal Ari, I am fearless, I am immortal..."

  Courage overcame fear, and control of his body returned.

  "Death, you scum!"

  With determination, Ari suddenly raised the shotgun, aimed it at the giant mutant's eye and fired a round.

  Then he was swept away by the angry giant mutant and slammed into the distant defenses.

  Ari was hit hard and fell to the ground and spit out a mouthful of blood.

  When he raised his head, the giant mutant was already chasing after him, raising his arms high, vowing to smash the little bug into a meat pie.

  However, a cannonball flew over in time and hit the giant mutant's back, attracting the opponent's attention.

  It roared and ran towards the self-propelled artillery, raising its huge fist and smashing it.

  In just a few hits, the self-propelled artillery was smashed.

  But this still failed to calm the giant mutant's anger, and it turned around and rushed towards the soldiers.

  For a time, the entire position was filled with wailing.

  The heroic warriors were smashed, torn to pieces, and devoured.

  Even heavy infantry wearing shell armor looked as if they were made of paper under such a fierce attack.

  This enemy is so terrifying!

  But the soldiers did not run away, but roared and continued to attack.

  Home is behind you, and no one wants to be a deserter!

  The soldiers under Immortal Ari are always the bravest and most fearless, except for Case!

  Ya Rui got up and watched the young men he spent time with day and night dying one after another in front of him.   

  Boundless anger surged into his heart, and the mechanical prosthetic eyes glowed fiercely scarlet.

  He drew his chainsword and charged at the giant mutant.

  fighting! fighting! fighting!

  Immortal Ari is always on the way to charge, bringing death to the enemy!

  Ari used the fortifications to jump onto the back of the giant mutant, and the mechanical arms tightly grasped its flesh and climbed up, straight to the top of its head.

  "For the Emperor!"

  he roared angrily, stabbing the chain sword into the back of the opponent's head, causing blood and flesh to fly.

  The severe pain made the giant mutant wail, slapping and shaking its head.

  Ya Rui's robotic arm stabbed hard into the opponent's flesh and blood, holding on tightly and refusing to let go.

  He gripped the chainsword tightly, activated maximum power, and continued to cut in!


  The big and thick arms grabbed Ya Rui, pulled him hard, and pulled him off.

  Ari's whole body was caught by the giant mutant, and his mechanical arm was broken, black oil leaking out.

  But he still didn't give up, and he still had a grenade!

  This will be the final attack!

  But when Ya Rui struggled to touch the grenade with his remaining hand, he found that it was empty.

  The grenade is lost!

  With the giant mutant's hand tightening, he could no longer resist.

  The grip of several tons will gradually crush him!

  Is he, Immortal Ari, going to die this time?

  Ya Rui's only remaining consciousness thought like this.

  Just when he closed his eyes, preparing to face death.


  There was a huge impact, and Ya Rui felt himself flying up, and then fell to the ground.

  "One-eyed dragon! One-eyed dragon!"

  Someone seemed to be calling me?

  Am I not dead?

  He tried to suppress the dizziness and opened his eyes.

  His eyes were filled with blood.

  Ya Rui raised his hand to wipe away the blood around his eyes, and he could see clearly this time.

  It's that cunning boy from Case!

  Just now, Case drove a heavy mine cart and slammed into the giant mutant, knocking it against the iron wall of the transportation pipe.

  Ari was also saved and was thrown to the ground from the monster's hand.

  "Cunning guy always appears at this time!"

  The corner of Ya Rui's mouth rose. He felt that the strength in his body was losing, and he just wanted to lie down and rest for a while.

  "Run, one-eyed dragon!"

  Keith got off the heavy mine cart in a panic and rushed to Ari: "If you don't run, you will die!"

  Seeing that Ari was still confused, Keith said sorry, He slapped the other person hard on the face.

  "What are you doing!" Ya Rui suddenly woke up and stared at his one eye.

  "It's about to explode. If you don't want to become a mess, run away!"

  "Damn it, pull me up!"

  Ya Rui was pulled up by Keith. The two of them rushed forward with their heads down, and at the same time warned the other warriors: "Everyone Spread out, it's dangerous!"

  They didn't run very far when the giant mutant who was hit by the heavy mine cart struggled violently behind them.

  Fuel flowed on the ground.

  It suddenly lifted the heavy mine cart, only to see cluster mines stacked in the cab.

  boom! ! !

  Cluster mines were detonated, fuel-fueled flames enveloping the giant mutants.

  The shock wave caused by the explosion spread and pushed the fleeing Ari and Keith to the ground.

  Ya Rui got up and spit out the dust in his mouth: "Are you dead now?"

  (End of Chapter)