
Gomu Gomu No Mi In DC

This is a fanfic I wrote because I was bored and wanted to do something interesting. It won't be something ultra-good, as it's my first time writing a fanfic ever. Haha, well, to break it down to the most basic form: it's about a guy with basic intelligence and no extraordinary abilities surviving in the world of DC with only his memory and the Gomu Gomu No Mi. Hope you enjoy the reading this

ssbk_Gaming · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 3 A New Experience

I am writing these chapters while I'm in school. So sorry for taking so long when I said I was gonna drop 3 chapter last week but I can say yall will get 1 chapter in next 2 days and I will try to improve my writing more anyway enjoy.



""I start walking toward the city, and after a short while, I reach the city's outer edge. There are more trees and a road that appears to have been recently driven on, indicating a car passed by not long ago.

This suggests I am close to some kind of civilization, potentially human or at least something that understands English, and hopefully not hostile. I continue walking and come across a small river that appears clear but dirty.

Approaching the river, I slowly walk in to test if I have the normal weakness of Devil Fruits, which is being weak in water.

However, from what I've read, it only affects saltwater. I need to check anyway, so I remove my shoes and my jeans to knee height and slowly dip my feet in the water, feeling the cold running through my feet.

It's not extreme, just slightly colder than room temperature.

I continue slowly walking into the river, feeling a shift in my balance because of the water; it wasn't much, though, so I continue walking into the river until I'm knee height, but I still don't feel any change in my weight.

I walk out of the river and conclude that I don't have a weakness to anything but saltwater.

So, I try throwing a punch with my powers into the water to check if it has any effect, but I only end up with a cold and wet hand. Hmm, cool, my powers work in water; well, that's good to know.

Haha. Anyway, I should get going to find out where I end up because I don't think I'm in Sweden. Well, I hope wherever I am, they can speak English; otherwise, this is going to be a problem.

I wait for my feet to dry for a couple of minutes, not really sure how much time, but they dry.

Then I put on my socks and shoes again, check my pockets, make sure I have everything, and continue walking towards the city.

After following the road, I reach a street that looks a lot newer, but I'm not really sure.

Anyway, I begin following that, and after some time, I reach a big road that looks made for traffic.

In the distance, I begin to hear the rumbling of a vehicle. It gets closer, so I move closer to the road to see what it is. It looks to be a truck, so deciding to take a risk while it drives, I shoot myself forward, grab onto the end of the truck's roof, and launch myself forward, successfully landing on the roof. I take a seat on the roof, deciding I will hop off when the truck lands in a big city.

if you have any good suggestions for how I can improve writing do tell .

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