
Golden Flames of Tomorrow

Life is a cycle of chance, choices and rebirth. Living life to the fullest is not so bad, but every action good or bad has it's own consequences even in the afterlife. The butterfly effect is what makes the world go round, where possibilities are endless and as long as your scale in Limbo, the place between Heaven and Hell, doesn't tip too far to the left then you will be given a new life. Re-awaken and be reborn in a new land, a new world. And like that a new Queen has been born. With Avalon the Goddess of Limbo and Judge of Life gives her blessing, she will crash and burn but like a phoenix, she will rise from her ashes and be reborn as the Golden Flames of Tomorrow.

Harietta_Brews118 · Fantasy
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12 Chs

The Young Queen

"Let us welcome the arrival of their majesties the King and Queen, and his highness the second prince, Everest!" Upon arriving we were met by guards upon guards and servants as we landed on the platform.

Upon closer inspection, the platform itself was like a sort of landing area for the Aeolians. It was already night and the sun has just set, but it didn't look dark from all the large crystals, glowing an iridescent colour with a slightly blue hue that served as lampposts surrounding the platform.

"Welcome home your royal majesties King Kavan and Queen Antheia of Aeolous, and to you royal highnesses second prince Everest and first princess Rhiannon of House Sekhmet from the Kingdom of Comestion." a man announced the long introduction and the royal entry.

He was wearing a long white cloak with the same Aeolian crest at its clasp, embroidered with blue embellishments, a blue coat jacket with white embroidery and white trousers. He had a stoic face and held a sense of authority, beside him was his retinue with their heads bowed down as the king and queen descended from the ship, arm in arm.

I stood there not knowing what to do so I kept my hold on Everest's arm. We followed suit not long after, and the servants kept their heads down until we reached the ground. The atmosphere was incredibly magical, their presence was cold and yet welcoming. I was unable to keep my eyes focused on one direction, I was intrigued by my surroundings.

In front of me was a stone bridge connecting the Aeolian platform to the castle grounds. The bridge was the neck-like structure and the platform served as the head of the bird. I haven't yet figured out which bird Aeolous looked like but it was indeed beautiful and large.

From where I stood, I could see the lights from the buildings and people below. Men, women, children all living in harmony and peace in this beautiful kingdom they call home.

The crystal-like lampposts can be seen all throughout the kingdom, making it glow and glisten like a star in the sky. We stopped right at the entrance of the tall archway on the platform side of the bridge. The arch was made of white marble stone, an arch with intricate designs that consisted of wind and air symbols connected the two columns. Two glowing crystals hung on each side that served as lamps.

"How do you like it so far?" Everest suddenly asked which brought my attention back to what I am currently doing.

"It's beautiful!" I said excitedly, and smiled as genuinely as I could. "I can't wait to venture the town and meet the people who live there. You won't let me fall off the edge would you?" I joked. I finally understood his joke of falling off, at first I didn't know what he meant but to see is to believe.

He chuckled and kept his hand on my arm that's wrapped around his, "Of course not. It'll be too troublesome to find a replacement fiancee anyhow." he replied which in turn made me glare at him. He laughed even more at my expression.

"Princess Rhiannon, this is duke Horace of house Wuther, a member of the royal council, and my cousin." king Kavan introduced the man.

"Welcome to the kingdom of Aeolous' Highlands, princess Rhiannon. We have read all about you from their majesties. It is a pleasure to finally meet prince Everest's soon to be wife, I hope my nephew has proven to be quite the fiance." said the man who gave the introductory royal entry earlier. He bowed his head and I curtsied in return.

We now stood in front of the royal retinue, guards and knights was encircled around us and two of my personal royal guards stood not too far behind me. Chanceux was also sat next to my feet, attentively watching.

"The pleasure is all mine my lord. I am grateful for your welcoming me into your most beautiful kingdom. Prince Everest has showed to be quite the suitor. Please take care of me." I said with as much poise and elegance as I could muster. If my governess could see me now, she would weep in pride. Everest leaned towards my ear and whispered, "Not bad." which made me roll my eyes inwardly.

"We would only provide the most utmost hospitality, please enjoy your stay here at the kingdom, short it may be. Now, I understand you are cold, let us proceed to the castle. We have prepared a royal feast to welcome her highness to the kingdom, and also serves as a welcome gathering for the return of their majesties. The carriages are ready." he ushered us, and indeed there were two carriages waiting for us.

The distance between the platform and the castle was a bit of a walk so I understand the need for carriages. A footman opened the door for me as soon as we reached them, Everest helped me get up by holding my hand. I was now inside and Everest followed after, sitting in front of me. I surmised that the king, queen and duke Horace went on the other carriage, because as soon as Everest got inside, the footman closed the door and we were moving.

"I'll ask them to provide you with warmer clothing as soon as we get to the castle. We can't have you wearing such thin clothes under a cloak the whole duration of your stay here." Everest offered, which I was grateful for. As much as I would like to be comfortable in my own clothing, I don't want to freeze to death.

"I would very much appreciate it." I replied. I glanced out the window of the carriage, still fascinated by what was below. I wonder if other kingdoms had their own magical flare.

"After the welcoming ceremony and other political affairs are settled, I'll give you a personal tour of the castle and the kingdom. Also, it can't be avoided so you'll probably meet my brother, the crown prince." he said. Oh yes, he's the second prince which means he has an older brother.

"Oh yes, oh I forget you do have an older brother. I did not see him earlier, why is that?" I asked. Shouldn't he be here to welcome his parents and younger brother after they've been away for a week or so? Odd.

"He's probably swamped with state affairs, since mother and father was away. That is his job as crown prince after-all. To attend to such, as proxy of the king and future king himself." he stated in a matter-of-fact way. There was no warmth in the way he spoke those words, it was like reciting facts from a book. I wonder if they got along well.

"Are you not close with your brother?" I asked, shifting my gaze from the window to his face. He was facing the right window but I saw that he looked taken aback from my question. "It seems as though we both have annoying older brothers doesn't it?" I joked to lighten up the mood and shift his negative emotions of his brother, whatever they may have been the cause of.

His expression quickly lightened and he shook his head while a smirk was plastered on his lips. Looking at me, though I noticed the slight bitterness was there but at least he was smiling, "Indeed it does." he finally said.

When we reached the castle a minute later, another bout of servants and knights were at the waiting. The carriage halted and Everest went out first, holding my hand to help me get down. Chanceux followed and never left my side. He was oddly silent.

"Stay beside me, and never let go." Everest whispered coldly, voluntarily wrapping my arm around his, using his other hand to keep it there.

I saw a tall man that resembled an older and more mature version of Everest. He was wearing a royal blue coat with the royal crest as its clasp, a high collared white buttoned shirt underneath a royal blue dress jacket. Rank pins adorned his shoulder and right chest. Partnered by matching dress slacks and black knee-high boots.

His white hair gave away that indeed, he was the crown prince and older brother of Everest. Upon a closer look, he didn't have green eyes, instead it was sapphire blue like king Kavan's. He was indeed handsome, I have to say.

"The king and queen has finally arrived!" he announced, his arms wide. He first stopped in front of the king and queen and bowed. "Welcome home mother and father. I hope your travel went well." he greeted with a blinding smile.

Unlike Everest who was all smug and smirking all the time, he was all smiles and princely charm. They are complete opposites indeed.

"Thank you for taking care of the kingdom my son, I expect that everything went well whilst our absence." they had a few exchanges of pleasantries and chat before the king and queen went ahead along with a few servants and knights.

"We'll leave the princess to you." and they went inside. Leaving me behind with the brothers and a couple of servants and my personal guards.

The crown prince went to us, "Welcome princess Rhiannon, I am the first and crown prince of the Kingdom of Aeolous, Zephyrus but please feel free to call me Zephyr. It is a pleasure to finally meet you your highness." and he took my left hand and gave a soft kiss on the back of it.

I felt Everest's hand on my arm tighten to an extent. His body also went rigid and his expression begun to turn sour. "I've heard much about your reputation, I also heard you beat my brother here to a duel." he patted Everest's shoulder.

I didn't know what to do and I can't exactly ignore prince Zephyr so I curtsied while my right arm was still on Everest's. "I am grateful for the warm welcome your highness. I hope the reputation precedes me are all good things." I commented.

"As for the duel, I believe it is also prince Everest's chivalry that led to my winning. Because of his sincerity despite losing, I indeed accepted his proposal in the end." I added. I'm starting to get the picture here.

"Lord brother, let us continue this inside. The princess is in need of warmer clothing, you keeping her here is only exposing her to the possibility of getting a cold." Everest interjected coldly.

This was a side of Everest I've never seen before. He was always all sarcastic and funny towards me but this is entirely different from his treatment towards his brother.

After giving me a once over, prince Zephyr immediately understood my situation "Of course, my apologies. I didn't realize, please. These servants are at your disposal." he motioned towards two maids.

"They shall provide you with whatever it is you shall need. The servants has also taken your luggage to the room we prepared for you. Come, it is warmer inside." and with that I finally gave a breath of relief.

As we entered the foyer, it immediately told me that this castle was not mine. A grand hall welcomed me, filled with floor to ceiling high windows at intervals on each wall. Portraits of the different generations of the royal family adorn the walls, gigantic marble pillars aligned the foyer that served as a support structure to the castle.

Prince Zephyr walked in front of us, giving out orders to the servants, each gave a bow as they passed us, "Princess Rhiannon, if you don't mind me asking. I noticed that you are a bit young but have an amazing reputation in your kingdom based from father's letters, but how old are you exactly?" and with that I unconsciously looked up, towards Everest.

I was never comfortable with being asked my age. I know I indeed looked like a child to others but I have done more than enough to not be underestimated for, and yet I still have that hesitation, that when they do find out how old I am, they'll suddenly treat me differently. For I am a child.

I was about to answer when Everest said, "She is almost ten years old, but has proven to be wiser and more intelligent than her age tells her to be." he gave me a look and then smiled slightly, kind of like saying that this makes us even.

"Well then, if you were any older I wouldn't mind taking you for MY bride, unfortunately you have yet to be born when I was searching for a suitable bride." Prince Zephyr said, kind of indicated that he was indeed disappointed that I wasn't born sooner.

We went up a grand staircase that branched out to two sides of the castle. The left and right wing, we went towards the right-wing.

It seems that no matter how kind he was to me, he always found a way to get on Everest's nerves. "I am sure prince Everest would make a great husband in the future." I replied. Prince Zephyr is proving to be more troublesome than Everest was.

We walked thought another hallway filled with portraits adorning the whole wall, then through a smaller corridor with doors. Probably the extra bedrooms and or study rooms.

If Prince Zephyr makes any more targeted comments towards Everest, he might explode. We finally stooped in front of the door in the middle.

Luckily, we arrived at my room, "This is your room princess. We have arranged it according to your taste, please inform these two if there is anything you are unsatisfied with. A closet filled with clothing has been readied for you, feel free to wear them."

The room was large, probably as big as mine back home. Home, I miss my parents and brother already. I didn't even get to say goodbye to Halezander because he was nowhere to be found when I left.

"I shall be taking my leave first, there is much to accomodate for the feast. Please join us after you have made yourself comfortable. My brother will escort you." he said, "Well then, I hope to see you later princess." he bid farewell then left.

When he left, the servants and my personal guards remained. "Prepare warmer clothing for the princess, something appropriate for the feast as well." Everest ordered the two maids which they immediately followed.

The two servants went ahead inside and started to rummage the closet for a more appropriate attire for me. Whilst Chanceux just walked inside and proceeded to lay on the bed. "Wake me up for supper my lady. I shall only take a nap." then he curled like a ball and slept. What a lazy pet.

Everest turned to me then said, "I will change first. My bedroom is only located at the next corridor, I will only change then I'll come to get you." I let go and he turned around then left. Without another word I closed the door where my two guards stood outside.

A four poster queen sized bed was in the right side of the room which Chanceux was laying on as of the moment. A large window was located on the wall facing the door, that also turned out to be a balcony.

A small living room was located on the left side of the room, completely with a loveseat and a long couch. A white antique coffee table was in the middle. There was also vanity area and a large white closet cabinet on the right side of the bed. On the left side of the bed was a door which I assume to be the bathroom.

"Please choose your highness." the servant with red hair, freckles and brown eyes held one gown. It was royal blue in colour, the fabric was velvet which was fitted at the body but had a long and thick flowy skirt. It had a v-neck, the sleeves were long and fitted, with silver spirals and vine-like designs. It had a matching cape that flooded the floor with it's length and thickness.

"How about this princess?" the other servant was a brunette with high cheek bones, a sharp nose and chiseled jawline, and beautiful gray eyes. She was holding a silver gown, with a round neck, long sleeves and fitted bodies. The skirt was a layered skirt made of satin that are pleated to make it look like ruffles. It also had a grey fur coat to match.

"I'll wear the blue one please." I said politely. I've watched enough drama to know never to be rude to my servants. They serve me with utmost service and it'll be awful of me if I treated them badly just for their low status. They immediately pulled me to the dressing room and undressed me.

"You are lovely and beautiful your highness. Your skin is soft as silk and complexion as pristine as a porcelain doll." said the girl with the redhead. She looked young, not older than nineteen I think. The brunette looked a bit older, like late twenties perhaps.

"Thank you, I haven't got to ask both of your names." I observed, "What are your names if you don't mind me asking?" I asked. I can't exactly keep referring to them as the 'brunette' and the 'redhead' now can I?

They looked startled and gave a look to each other before smiling, "I am Karra your highness, it is my pleasure to serve you." said Karra, the redhead as she curtsied.

"And I am Avocet your highness, it is my honor to serve you." said the brunette one. Now that I know their names, it's much easier.

"It's a pleasure to meet you both." I replied with a smile. "I am Princess Rhiannon of House Sekhmet from the Kingdom of Comestion." I know, it's silly how long an introduction is for people of high rank and title. "Please, call me princess Rhiannon. Or Rhia if you will." I still can't seem to get used to being called 'your highness'.

"Yes! You are prince Everest's fiancee aren't you princess Rhia?" said Karra which got familiar real quick. "We have heard so much that his highness went to a neighbouring kingdom to find himself a fiancee! You are soo--" she was cut off by Avocet by covering her mouth.

"I apologize for her impertinence your highness, please forgive her. She is only seventeen, and barely aware of her position. Please pardon her." Avocet apologized profusely and bowed repeatedly.

I started to panic and wave my hand in the air, "Oh please no! It is alright, I was the one who suggested you call me Rhia anyway. Please do. I am but nine years old after-all." I chuckled, indicating to them that I am young but am not a spoilt brat. "Please continue calling me princess Rhia. That's what they call me back home,

"You are indeed young your highness but a princess nonetheless. We can't possibly call you by a nickname only used by permitted family members." explained Avocet. I chuckled at Karra's face, she was pouting and looked embarrassed.

I sighed, "Then call me Princess Rhiannon and not your highness. Please?" this time I was the one pouting. They saw my face and smiled in return. After a short deliberation Avocet nodded and Karra cheered in happiness.

"Now let us finish dressing your princess Rhiannon. His highness will be knocking any second now." I nodded and they proceeded to fixing my gown. It fitted me perfectly which made me wonder when they had it done. The texture was thick but incredibly comfortable. It weighed a bit on the skirt but it was warm, the cape cascaded down, from my shoulders all the way to the ground. I was indeed incredibly warm now.

"May we princess?" Avocet asked, referring to my hair and head ornament. "I found a blue head ornament inside your luggage, it would fit better with the blue gown." she showed me my blue sapphire diadem. It was a silver diadem that fit around my forehead, decorated with blue sapphires and a big sapphire gem hung from it's center. I nodded and they carefully removed my current diadem tiara and replaced it with the sapphire one.

"You look incredibly beautiful princess Rhiannon." said Karra adoringly which made her adorable and innocent. She's younger than I thought, only seventeen. I stood up and glanced at myself in front of the full mirror next to the dressing divider.

Throughout the years of seeing my reflection, I've gotten used to my new body and face. I was indeed beautiful in standards, I had slightly tanned but clear skin because of the climate in Comestion, my complexion was porcelain. I have long black wavy hair that reached my hips, and red eyes that symbolizes the Sekhmet blood. I'm also pretty tall for my age, about five feet tall.

A few moments later we heard a knock, "Princess Rhiannon, prince Everest has arrived to escort you." I heard the voice of one of my guards call out, announcing the arrival of Everest outside my door. With on final look in the mirror I turned and walked to the door, opening it I saw Everest wearing a different set of clothing.

His silver white hair was parted and brushed to one side. He wore a neck high white shirt underneath his royal blue coat jacket, silver embellishments adorned the whole front and a crest was at it's right chest. The hem of the sleeves were circled with spirals of wind and breeze embellishments. The white cloak around his shoulders was tied with a silver chain clasp. A short was placed on a sheath by his side, white pants and black knee high boots. He was handsome indeed, I'll give him that much credit.

"My, you look rather dashing your highness." I curtsied after greeting him. He stared for a bit, looking me up and down before settling his gaze to my face. "Have you finally fell in love with me?" I teased which made Karra giggle slightly which was silenced with a slight nudge from Avocet.

He cleared his throat and offered his arm, "You look rather beautiful yourself princess. Shall we?" and I took his arm. Avocet and Karra stayed behind in the room, whilst my two personal guards followed. Everest also had a guard following him, with a high rank from the looks of it.

"Is the feast necessary? I'm not a big fan of attending such parties. Especially around people I don't even know." I said as we walked passed down the corridors and hallways then back down the grand staircase.

"It is rather necessary for you to attend, you are the guest of honor after-all. And to top it off, my fiancee." he replied. We then walked straight towards another grand hall before stopping in front of gigantic double doors, two guards stood beside it. One guard knocked a sequence of knocks, I was startled when I heard a sudden loud voice from inside.

"Ladies and gentlemen, their highnesses prince Everest and his future wife princess Rhiannon of house Sekhmet from the kingdom of Comestion!" an incredibly long introduction on my part, I'm surprised he didn't stutter. Then the two guards opened the double doors, and we were welcomed by a room full of people. Nobles, the king and queen, and also prince Zephyr.

They burst into a fit of applause as we entered arm in arm. "Did I forget to mention that this is also our engagement party?" he whispered lowly to me as he acknowledged the greetings and congratulations of the nobles we pass by.

I smiled and bowed slightly to each person, "You forgot to mention that major detail." I said through gritted teeth whilst still smiling. He chuckled slightly, though it was no laughing matter because I am completely unaware of what is happening in this foreign country!

When we reached the front where his parents sat on their thrones, both of us bowed. The king stood up and raised his arms, "My youngest son, Everest has finally reached a age to find a bride. After a journey to the neighbouring kingdom of Comestion in the south, he has met his match. We welcome the young princess, though young, she has proved to be impressive, intelligent and powerful beyond her age." a servant brought him a chalice filled with wine and he raised it.

"A toast to the future of our long lasting relation with the kingdom of comestion, and the union of the two kingdoms through their children. To prince Everest and princess Rhiannon! Here here!" and they all cheered. After the toasting ceremony, we proceeded to the dining hall where a long table was prepared, filled with the promised feast.

King Kavan sat at the head whilst Queen Antheia sat to his right hand and prince Zephyr sat next to her. Everest sat to his left and I was sitting next to him, across prince Zephyr who kept staring. I smiled but he was making me really uncomfortable and Everest noticed. I know he's doing it to get a rise out of Everest so I held his hand under the table to keep him calm.

"The gown looks beautiful on you princess Rhia. Are you still cold?" Queen Antheia said. She was probably the one who asked for them to be made.

I shook my head, "Thank you your majesty, they are indeed very beautiful and warm. I will cherish them." I replied.

"I am glad it's what you chose, you match with Everest." she mentioned. I turned to his attire and then to mine, only to notice that we indeed match. The embellishments on my dress matched the one with his, and the colour is perfectly the same. "You look lovely together." she added endearingly.

"It was mother's idea to get you a dress that perfectly matched me, so we would look like a true couple. Her schemes, honestly." Everest replied, shaking his head. The food was served and I instantly remembered Chanceux.

I leaned towards his ear and whispered, "Can I have a servant bring food back to my room? Chnceux is probably hungry by now." he chuckled at my statement making a few heads turn to us. He motioned for a servant and he said something before the servant nodded and left.

"Consider it done." he replied. The dinner was a full-course meal so it was a bit long especially with all the nobles talking and chatting amongst each other and the constant questions they ask me about Comestion, myself and all that. Finally dessert was served, after that the guests has started to leave one by one, and the party was over.

We were at the door greeting each guest farewell, only after the final noble left did I get to breathe a sigh of relief. "That took a toll on me, I'm tired." I yawned and turned to Everest. "Do I get to sleep now?" I asked seriously. He laughed and shook his head.

"Well well, the little princess is sleepy. Do you want me to tuck you in?" he teased, I was about to reply when prince Zephyr appeared which immediately changed Everest's expression.

"Oh wouldn't you just love that, would you brother? I see the both of you have grown close enough to poke fun at each other." prince Zephyr commented. "You may go to sleep princess, mother and father has already left as well. And I shall take my leave as well, see you tomorrow your highness." he bowed and picked up my hand, kissing the back of it before glancing at Everest. "Goodnight." then he walked away.

"If he kisses your hand one more time I'll--" Everest started before cutting himself off and taking in a deep breath. "Nevermind. Let's go, I'll escort you back to your room to get some rest." I nodded and we went back to my room.

While walking I asked, "What's the problem between you and prince Zephyr?" he sighed. Contemplated what to say then replied, "It's a long story. You don't have to worry about that." we stopped at my room and was about to enter when he stopped me.

He grabbed my hand where prince zephyr kissed and kissed me there as well. My eyes widened at his gesture startled at the look he gave me. He stood back up and said, "Have a goodnight princess." before walking away and leaving. What was that about?! Could he be? No, he couldn't. Could he?

I saw my two guards looked like they were holding back a laugh, when I glared at them. They cleared their throat and fixed their position to my door. I quickly went inside and rushed to the bed. Chanceux stretched and licked his paw like the lazy cat he is. "I see you enjoyed your time with prince Everest my lady." he sounded sarcastic which I sure he is.

"I notice that you also enjoyed the food I had sent for you." he purred happily. I saw the empty silver plate on the floor. "It was incredibly exhausting to keep up with them. I'm used to leaving the parties early, and not stick around even after dessert to wave farewell to the guests." I sighed and laid down.

"Expect more formal pleasantries from now on my lady, a lot of people will be curious about you and a lot will try to get your attention and favor. Be careful." he warned me. Of course I knew that. They'll try to manipulated me because I'm young but that's where they're wrong. I've experienced years and years of that to know what their doing.

A few seconds later Avocet and Karra arrived and helped me take my gown off and change into a more comfortable nightgown. After saying goodnight they left and I closed off the curtains of the bed. I prefer sleeping with the lights off and the large window illuminated the whole room.

I snuggled the thick blanket and grabbed a pillow to hug, "Goodnight Chanceux." I yawned and felt Chanceux snuggle close to me. In a few seconds I fell asleep and let the dreams run wild.

Thank you so much for your patience! Here is another long chapter for you to enjoy to make up for the long wait.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Harietta_Brews118creators' thoughts