
Golden Flames of Tomorrow

Life is a cycle of chance, choices and rebirth. Living life to the fullest is not so bad, but every action good or bad has it's own consequences even in the afterlife. The butterfly effect is what makes the world go round, where possibilities are endless and as long as your scale in Limbo, the place between Heaven and Hell, doesn't tip too far to the left then you will be given a new life. Re-awaken and be reborn in a new land, a new world. And like that a new Queen has been born. With Avalon the Goddess of Limbo and Judge of Life gives her blessing, she will crash and burn but like a phoenix, she will rise from her ashes and be reborn as the Golden Flames of Tomorrow.

Harietta_Brews118 · Fantasy
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12 Chs

The Shadows that Overflow from Nightmares

"Wake up lady! Wake up!" I heard Chanceux' loud voice in my mind. I was still submerged in darkness, it felt like it did not want to let me got. It had limbs that wrapped itself around me, pulling me deeper and further away from the surface.

"Osnei kusebal ni satsestu drakaniea setsuoerorta!" I heard a foreign language, sort of incantation, "Be careful! You are in grave danger!" I was suddenly jolted awake.

I was gasping, beads of sweat ran down my whole face, I felt the sticky sensation as my clothes clung to my body from sweat. Surrounding me was thick black smoke, it was flowing like the watef from an overflowing sink.

"Your shadows have been leaking princess! Control them!" Chanceux yelled. He was getting frantic, he was on the bed next to me, half of his body was submerged on the smoke.

"You mean this smoke...their shadows?" I asked worried. I don't know how to control it. I haven't gotten the chance to yet.

"You are still sleeping my lady." Chanceux was now agitated. I broke into a cold sweat s when I realized what he meant. "You need to control them or else you won't be able to truly wake up." meaning I'm being trapped in this nightmare by my shadows.

I tried to stand up but I was glued to the bed. I pinched my arm in a pathetic attempt to wake up but it was no use. "You need to relax and try visualizing the shadows. You need to COMMAND them." Chanceux explained.

"Wait, how are you even in my nightmare?" I realized that this was truly Chanceux talking to me in my dreams.

"We are linked my lady, and we share a bond. Your gramaire flows through me thus I am here. Now focus!" he explained and snapped at me to concentrate on the matter at hand.

Closing my eyes I tried to visualize the shadows. Breathing in and out then I willed it to take form, "Arise." I commanded.

The shadows started to accumulate in one area and suddenly a group of humanoid forms was standing in front of the bed. They stood there, they had a slight purple glowing from within. Like an essence.

"Give it a command that only you know." he explained. His fur was standing on end as it stared at the shadows. "Never let them overpower you. Show them that you are the master."

I thought of a command, then I thought of the Latin linguistics class I attended in college, "If I need you, I shall call you with the words 'Surrecturus sit' and when you have served your purpose I shall say 'Somnum' and you will return back to my shadow." I commanded.

Breathing in, I hope this works, "Somnum." and they immediately dispersed. The shadows slowly sank to my shadow as if it was being sucked in.

Right after they were sucked back in, the heavy sensation I felt disappeared and I was jolted awake. I held onto the blanket and saw that Chanceux has also awaken. I was breathing heavily, out of breath.

"What was that?" I asked since it seems that Chanceux is the only one who knows what's going on.

"That was only a sample of your abilities princess. Those are called shadow soldiers, they take form from your own and act as an extension of you. They listen to your commands unconditionally but if you don't learn to control them, they will overpower you and wreck havoc on their own accord." he explained. That was why it felt like there were multiple me's.

"So, my gramaire is capable of more than just that? How do I learn to control it?" Carvath wouldn't let me learn because he says that there won't be a need for me to use them anyway but still. I need to learn or else those shadows won't let me wake up the next time.

"First you must train your mind. You need a strong will and a bond that will connect you no matter what. That is why I asked you to give a command only you will know. It binds them so learn to know the gravity of those words." I looked outside and it was still dark, which means I haven't been asleep for long.

"Those are just the basics, I'll tell you the next part whsb you have mastered will over them. For now let us gto back to sleep." he curled to a ball and snuggled himself comfortably next to me.

While I on the other hand am still worried they might come back if I went back to sleep, "Don't worry my lady, they won't be back anytime soon. Just relax and go to sleep. You'll need it."

Sighing I laid back down and hugged my pillow. I am going to need the rest indeed. I guess I'll tell him about the voice next time.

This is only a short foreshadowing for what is to come. It's not a chapter per se but it's an important part. Enjoy.

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