
Golden Dragon (DC Universe) (Dropped)

Chosen against his will, a man becomes a successor to a great power that is more troublesome than what it's worth. Watch as our hero navigates the universe of DC! All copyrighted characters and works belonging to their respective owner! The picture is not mine just edited and will take down if needed to. Support me at www.ko-fi.com/lordemil Note: Batman thinks MC is an alien. Read it for yourselves. No one knows his secret. Peaceee!

LordEmil · Anime & Comics
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94 Chs

Recovery 3/3

(A/N: Read Author Notes please~~))

It's been several days since the incident with Rampage and still, Myra has not come out of her cocoon. However, sensing her steady rise in energy, kept Ethan's mind at ease while he did something else other than wait.

He picked up cultivating again, but somehow he found it a bit easier to find his calm even when Harley would constantly tease him. It was still a bit annoying, but Ethan knew she only did it to relax as she even took up cultivating after she decided to become strong enough to protect him.

The villainess found some success as her overall strength increased to the point where her kicks were strong enough to break rock.

During those days Ethan started to notice that Pamela was acting a bit strange around him.

Pamela would stare at him for hours in a dazed state and sometimes it looked like she wanted to tell him something important, but when confronted she would say the dreaded, "It's nothing."

Ethan could have forced it out of her, but it didn't feel right to do so to a woman he loved. However, he won't wait for long as sooner or later he'll get his answer.

Today they decided to take a break and stopped at a campsite near a fairly popular lake, the place wasn't overly crowded, but there were still a few people enjoying a normal day at the lake.

The lake and the land surrounding it were clean which meant it was well taken care of by the local people and workers of the campsite. The group had known about Ethan's choice to make a stop here and decided to get bathing suits from a nearby store before coming to the lake.

Ethan simply wore black swimming trunks with a white t-shirt while Harley wore a blue and red 2-piece swimsuit that complimented her hair that she dyed recently which was tied into a cute side ponytail for this occasion. She was absolutely stunning, especially with her long gorgeous legs out for everyone to see.

Pamela on the other hand, people couldn't keep their eyes off her as she wore a red one-piece with the sides cut out and held together by laces. She had no trouble with showing off her beautiful curves and her behind that Ethan couldn't help but squeeze in a teasingly manner when she changed.

"I haven't been to the lake since I was a little kid," Ethan said while taking a deep breath, smiling as the clean fresh air soothed his nerves.

"I don't remember ever coming to one," Pamela blushed as she quickly scampered away to help Harley set up the tables and chairs on their assigned spot which was just a few short steps away from the actual lake.

"Yeah me either, my parents weren't the type to do normal things." Halley groaned, rolling her eyes a bit from remembering about her terrible childhood.

"I don't see the point in this, you should continue to cultivate Ethan. Trigon could come at any minute and you won't be prepared." Raven complained giving Ethan a glare with her arms folded on top of each other. She, of course, was still wearing her normal outfit which if Ethan could remember was still quite sexy, but she always kept her cloak around her body.

"I understand about the threat, and really I do...but I thought it would be good to relax a little after what we went through. And if I'm being completely honest...I need to have a bit of a cool down." Ethan replied.

"Yeah, lighten up Rave" Harley chimed in as she grinned.

"I think it would be good for you too, you've been gloomy more than usual."

Raven turned towards the villainess, "I am not-" She suddenly stopped as she caught Ethan taking off his shirt at the corner of her eye.

She didn't even have a reason to stare and yet there she was, taking in the sight like she was observing a masterpiece. His muscles weren't overly big, but they were quite defined, and looking at his strong back made her wonder how it would feel against her fingers.

"Hello! Earth to Rave." Harley waved her hand in front of the half-demon's face, snapping her out of her daze.


"You weren't staring at my man were you?" Harley asked, her smile shifted into a frown as she moved in close. "Because if you-"

"Harley!" Ethan called for her as he started to walk towards the lake with an inner tube he blew up not too long ago.

"Coming Honeybun!~" She shouted, dashing after him and jumping onto his back whilst laughing like a child that just got dropped off at a playground.

"You should relax though. It would be nice." Pamela replied as she sat down at the table and started to look at her phone. If one were looking at her screen then they would see things such as "Baby Clothes" or "Best Baby Names."

'Oh, those look cute...ugh when am I going to tell him?' She thought.

Raven would smack her face and sigh while leaning against the RV, it was disguised at the moment so it wouldn't draw too much attention.

Suddenly, Pamela got up to walk into the RV and came back out moments later with a bag, handing it to Raven. "Here ya go."

"What...is it?" Raven looked confused as she slowly looked into the bag. Seeing what was in the bag would make her entire face flushed with red and she'd immediately drop the bag.

"A-absolutely not! I am not wearing that t-thing!" The half-demon shrieked.

Pamela sighed, shaking her head, "Just wear it. It's not like you'll lose anything and plus you have an amazing body."

"I don't want to give that pervert any more ideas!"

"Pervert?" Pamela raised an eyebrow. "Ooooh~ I see now. You're pretty confident about your looks it seems like you think you can seduce my hubby." She chuckled.

"W-what? N-no..." Raven stammered while shaking her head. "D-Don't get the wrong idea!" She shouted, stomping her foot.

"Huh...he was right."

"R-right about what?..."


A few hours have passed since they started their lake day and things were generally normal for the group. Harley scared off a few women that tried to talk to Ethan and even went as far as threatening to cut them before hanging them out to dry if they so much as breath his air. The women were frightened but more so jealous when they witnessed the villainess kissing him passionately as if she was marking her territory.

Ethan could only wryly smile at this, but he was happy he has the girl around to block the ones he had no interest in.

Soon after, the two would join back with the others and Ethan made a beeline for Pamela who was still glancing at her phone from time to time while soaking up the sunlight that poked through the trees.

Ethan then quickly covered her eyes with her hands and laughed a bit before speaking. "Guess who."

"Mmm...I don't know...a pervert?" Pamela smirked leaning her head back.

"Wrong." Ethan deadpanned.

"Am I?"

"Of cour...shut up." He frowned, removing his hands.

"Yes, hubby~" Pamela chuckled as she hooked an arm around his neck, pulling him down for a deep kiss. She swore his lips were like a drug that she was happily addicted to.

'I love you..' She mentally said to him before breaking the kiss.

'Are you gonna tell me what's been going on?' Ethan asked mentally, playing with her red hair a bit.

'Ethan...' The redhead sighed. 'Give me..some more time. I promise I'll tell you tonight...ok?' She said as she got up out of the chair to hug him. 'I just..need to prepare myself emotionally..'

"Alright, tonight it is...Hey, where's Raven-"

The door to the RV opened and for a split second, he wanted to thank the gods that brought him into this world...well a dragon god.

"This is a bit too-" Raven stopped her words when she felt a hot piercing gaze on her and looked up to see Ethan. She could feel his burning desire for her which was enough to make her heart beat a few times faster.

It was a crime for the half-demon to wear a cloak as seeing her gifted body was truly a treat for the eyes. She was wearing a black cross-strap swimsuit that generously hugged her body as it was probably slightly too small

Her smooth light-gray skin was out for everyone to see which was probably the last thing people would notice as they would most likely be drawn to her hips and thighs.

Did they have to look so enticing?

And what did that say about her rear-end?

Ethan couldn't help but want to see it all.

If he didn't have any plans to capture her in the past then he definitely did now.

"Don't stare!" Harley shouted, covering his eyes.

"I wasn't-"

"Liar!" All three girls said.

"I'm sorry Raven I thought I gotten your size right, but I guess I was mistaken." Pamela sighed.

Raven quickly stormed back into the RV to grab her cloak to cover herself once again before heading back out. 'How did I get talked into wearing that!' She thought, pulling her hood to cover her reddening face.

"Hey, Ethan...I think I know a way to wipe your memories." Raven glared at him as her eyes started to glow.

"I'll respectfully decline, but thanks for the offer." He smiled. "How about I counter offer you with this." Ethan pulls out a Nintendo Switch that was still in the box and handed it to her.

"What is this?"

"You have games?!" Harley screamed. "How come you didn't tell me!"

"I never got around to it and it was an impulse buy..."

"Games? You're trying to buy me off with games?" Raven glared at him whilst gritting her teeth.

"Trust me you'll love it and I have others if not."

"I will not let-"

*Growl* Raven's stomach would make a noise.

"I guess that means it's time to eat." Ethan laughed.


The sun was now falling, telling everyone it was time to pack it up and go home or get ready to sleep at their campsite. However, for Ethan, he took this time to cultivate again as the energy here wasn't that bad. He could feel as if he was approaching the 3rd stage which was when Tydris could start teaching him spells.

As he was cultivating he made sure to practice inside the RV to practice his dragon transformation skills. He learned about them a while ago, but never really used them as he saw no need for them.

Ethan couldn't transform into a full dragon until he was at least the 5th stage, but he can grow scales and claws almost instantaneously.

He can only hold it for less than 10 minutes and any longer than that he will start to be overtaken by his instincts. However, it was worth something to train as it increased his strength and defense exponentially.

Several hours would go by and Pamela would place a hand on Ethan's shoulder before mentally telling him she's ready to talk.

Ethan slowly got up as Pamela took his hand to lead him to the bedroom before locking the door. The villainess then pulled him to the bed to sit beside her.

"Ethan..." She sighed as she intertwined her fingers with his. Ethan could tell she was shivering a bit, and so he'd give her hand a reassuring squeeze.

Pamela appreciated the gesture as she became a bit more calmer before she spoke. "Ethan, what do you think of me?"

"I think...you're one of the most beautiful women I had laid eyes on and I can't believe I was able to nab you." He gently said.

Pamela smiled slightly from hearing those words. "I know...our circumstances were a bit strange, but immediately after you made me yours you said you'll take responsibility...do you think you'll regret that?..."

"Of course not...unless you plan on giving me up. I've told you so many secrets." Ethan grinned.

"What secrets!?" Pamela smiled, smacking his arm. "You still haven't told me everything...do you think you will be able to tell me?" She asked as she gazed directly into his red eyes to see if there were any doubts.

"Yes, I'll eventually tell you everything...but not right now...is that ok with you?.." He replied, squeezing her hand a bit tighter.

"Will it ever break us apart?...do I at least..get to know that? I don't think my heart could take it if you left my side..." She muttered as tears filled her eyes. The villainess was a bit hurt about the fact of not telling her everything about him, but at least he promised to come clean in the future.

"No. You're stuck with me and I'll drag you everywhere whether you like it or not."

A weight lifted off her shoulders after hearing those words and she couldn't help but embrace him, squeezing him as tightly as she could committing his warm manly scent to memory.

"Ethan...I'm p-"

*Knock Knock* Someone knocked on the door.

"Hey, Honeybun? Myra is starting to have a rave party in that cocoon of hers? Erm...What should I do?"


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Hey new chapter! I thought MC deserved a break so he got one. How did you like that ending?

Anyways about Pamela's obvious problem. You can expect that the birth won't happen for a long time.

Reason being is because I don't want children thrown into the mix when the story barely started. However, the reasoning I will give for the story is that it takes longer for Dragons to have children and several other reasons pertaining to Pamela's unique makeup.

Anyways see ya in next one!

LordEmilcreators' thoughts