
Golden Blood Ichor

In the world of ICHOR, the Republic of St. Jilena is divided into two. Humans, who populate most of the countries land. On the other hand there are a race called, "Nephilim". Nephilim are much more physical gifted than even the strongest humans in the world. They are even able to control and manipulate blood. But for them to maintain these powers they must drink the blood of man. Knowning the threat of the Nephilim, they were banished to an area called the "Ghetto". Where they were going to rot for the rest of their existence. In the Year 2016, the people of the Republic of St. Jilena have created a task force named the NAF (Nephilim Annihilation Force). In their ranks is a young boy by the name of Laurent Hanz. He wished to help fight of the Nephilim, while also discovering mysteries about himself and his past.

JusticeTheOne · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Overcoming Fear.

A confident smirk consumed Gram's face as he tightly held his katana in his hand. "Jerren Wymer. A Type-B fiend originating from Sector Fifteen of the Ghetto. Type B fiends normally specialize in speed, while they lack durability. Easily the weakest fiend type on paper, but any Nephilim is hard to deal with when you're a human." Gram began to analyze the situation within his mind; he had been closely paying attention and putting in extra effort into his studies for this very reason. He was a genius on the anatomy and types of Nephilim. Now he could use the knowledge that he has accumulated over the years in battle.

As Gram began to lose himself in thought, Jerren quickly began to make his move. He moved so quickly that it was unperceivable to the average human. Gram's body tensed as he prepared for a head-on collision with the Nephilim. He had expected the beast to go all in and attack him directly from the front, but he was in for a surprise. A thin cut suddenly appeared on Gram's shoulder. His eyes flickered around him, though all he could see was the blurry silhouette of Jerren moving at such high speeds. Another cut appeared on his leg, causing Gram to lower his body as a reaction. Then another of his left ear. "Dammit! He's just toying with me at this point. He knows that I can't compare to him in terms of speed. I have to think of a way to even the playing field. THINK GRAM! THINK!" Gram hurried himself; if he kept this up, then both he and Laurent wouldn't live to see tomorrow.

Jerren tore through the young man's body as if it were nothing more than paper. "It seems as if I've overestimated your abilities. I've devoured you and your friend before you can even react to one of my attacks." The Nephilim continued to insult and belittle the boy, telling him that he was too slow to even react to him and that his death was sure to come. Gram reacted calmly; he simply took a breath in and out. It seemed that he had figured out the key to stopping this beast. Gram closed his eyes. To Jerren, he seemed to be giving up. Taking this perfect moment to strike, Jerren sprinted toward Gram at his top speed. His fingers were extended to form a kind of sword, but with iron flesh rather than a blade. While attacking, it required Jerren to decrease the speed at which he was moving in order to accurately strike his opponent. This was the moment that Gram took to strike.

"Too slow." Gram noticed Jerren's movements after decoding his ability to strike and escape quickly. A straight cut severed Nephilim's face as he looked at Gram with an expression of pure surprise. "But how…" These were the only words that he was able to utter before Gram swung his blade against them. In one precise blow, Jerren's hand dropped to the ground, creating a loud thud. Though this was not the end of Gram's assault, before Gram could deliver the finishing blow, Jerren took the time it required for Gram to fully wind his arm back to propel himself backward. Now out of Gram's range, the Nephilim looked on in pure fear as his body trembled in pure fear. A menacing aura leaked from the body of Gram as he simply stood there, awaiting the devil's next attempt to attack him.

"I can't beat him like this. I'll have to call for help." Jerren muttered to himself before insanely shaking his head. "No, no, no..no..NO no, no, no!!! If they knew I lost to a student, they'd-KiLl ME!" He shouted, though Gram looked at him without pity and said he was going to die. Jerren screamed out as blood emerged from his body. This seemed to prompt a reaction from Gram. This was his first time seeing the blood ability of a Nephilim in person. He would have opposed the blood consumed by so many innocent people. But that was why he had to. "I'm going to kill you." Gram said with a firm resolve that he wanted to fight for the people that he cared for. He grasped his katana with both of his hands as the blood conjured by Jerren launched condensed pieces of metal at the student.

With elegant and swift movements, Gram sliced all of them into pieces without a shred of difficulty. He took a step forward as Jerren moved back. He continued to condense and fire off the metal found within his blood, only to be dismantled by Gram's harsh blade. Gram closed the distance between them until Jerren was caught against the very window that he had torn through in order to get into the academy. "HELP ME!!!" Jerren's voice spoke with such volume that it shook the very ground that lay underneath them. This managed to startle Gram; the intensity of his yell caused blood to drip from his ears.

Gram began to tremble as his hearing was corrupted. His katana dropped on the ground as it fell onto the ground alongside Gram landing on his knees. Footsteps were the only sound that Gram could hear now. As he opened his eyes and looked around, He was met with ten, no, twenty different Nephilim surrounding him. His eyes glared over at Laurent, who was already incapacitated. This was an impossible situation for the boy; if he could barely take down Nephilim, what made you think that he could take down twenty? "It seems like my luck has run out." Gram muttered as the hoard shouted, begging to be the first to grab a bite of the boy.

But before they had the chance to even touch the boy, a shadowy silhouette appeared in the middle of the many Nephilim. They seemed unphased by the presence of the Nephilim. "Who are you?"