
Chapter 1

Tonight was a warm quiet night, the only thing you could hear was an owl hooting. You're sitting in bed, a warm cup of mint tea and an episode of "My Hero Academia" accompanying you. You always loved the night, the calm, quiet darkness. As a kid, you never feared the dark... you were more curious about what the darkness contained.

So, when you hear a loud crash outside, you deciding to investigate is not a miraculous occurrence. You are often called "too-curious-for-your-own-good" by your close friends (when you had them), known to always take the dangerous route - unless others were involved. The curiosity tugging at you is more insistent than anything you'd ever felt before, but that was how it felt every single time. You also wanted to make sure no animal was digging through your trash.

That was the deciding factor, you not wanting to clean up scattered rubbish tomorrow morning.

You hop out of bed and tug on your shorts before wandering to the kitchen. On the way out the back, you grab a flashlight, wanting to be able to see whatever animal or thing caused the loud noise. And after winding your way through the house, you finally reach the back and open the door...

Oh, Fuck. That's a lot of blood.

A raven-haired boy in a bloody-red hoodie is lying on the ground in front of a girl with long, beautiful black hair and pale skin - she wore a short, black, figure-hugging dress.

The boy seems to be sitting in his own puddle of blood, while the girl held a knife dripping with (presumably) the boy's blood.

Fuck... I am so screwed.

"L-look Jane, honey, I-" the boy stuttered out.

"Don't you "honey" me! I have gone through so much bullshit today! And your pathetic attempt at killing me was the last thing I needed!" the girl screeched at the boy.

You freeze, fear running through you at the scene before you. You want to scream for help, but it's not an option since you're frozen stiff. You weren't even certain if these people existed, you had been having awful nightmares, and this certainly fits with the theme of the dreams you'd been having. You certainly hoped they weren't real.

While you were thinking to yourself the pair finally noticed you. They both seem to be confused by your presence - which made no sense, they were in your backyard.

Why me?

And in your tired and fear-driven state, you ask them,"...Uh, am I intruding? I can go back inside if I am..."

What the hell is wrong with me?

This seems to make them even more confused, judging by how the boy's mouth had dropped open. Then you start to notice the... extra weird things about them, like how the boy had a smile carved into his face and the girl, had completely black eyes - sclera and all.

At this point, you were almost certain you were dreaming. If not, this was definitely how you died.

"...Well, fuck." the boy says, staring at you from the ground.

The girl glares at him before raising her head to glare at you, her black eyes shining at you. She steps over the boy's body and comes closer to you.

"I'd say I'm sorry, but I kinda need this today." the girl says.

And then she stabs you.

In the throat.

Searing pain rushes through you, your chest stinging and burning with every breath. You crumble to the ground, dark red rushing out of you. The pain is all consuming and you quickly start losing consciousness. You feel yourself drowning, choking, on your own life force.

"P-please..." you stutter out, blood dripping from your mouth.

The girl glances down at you before squatting and pulling the knife from your throat, causing the blood to squirt into her face. She straightens to her full height staring at the blood-covered knife.

"Don't go to sleep..."

Your eyes flicker for the last time.

"You won't wake up."