
Beauty and The Beast!

After saying goodbye, i and bulma continuing our journey looking for the remaining dragon-balls.

"The next Dragonball should be right up here," Bulma said looking at the radar.

"Probably in that village up ahead," i said.

"Let's check it out," Bulma said.

A few minutes later the two were walking through the village. "Looks deserted," Bulma commented.

"There's several people in the houses," i said. "But apparently they're all hiding."

"That's strange," Bulma commented. "Why would they all be hiding?"

"I don't know," i said, "but I'm going to find out." i walked up to the door of one of the houses and knocked. After a few seconds of no answer he yelled, "I know you're in there. Open up." After a few more seconds of no answer, i sent my fist through the door and kicked the door open.

Suddenly an axe came down at my head. In an instant my hand shot and caught the handle. "What were you planning on doing with that,"

"I thought you were Oolong," the old man on the other end of the axe said.

"Who's Oolong," Bulma asked.

"The monster that keeps taking our daughters," the man said. "He's horrible. He can take any form. He usually comes in the form of a giant of some kind. He comes and destroys part of our town and then takes our daughters. Now he has his sights on my daughter. So when I thought you were Oolong I wanted to protect her."

"What brings you here anyway," the man asked deciding it was a good time to change the subject.

"We're looking for a ball like this one," Bulma answered pulling out one of the dragonballs.

"That's odd," the man said. "I've never seen anything like it. It's a ball but it's got stars in it."

"I've seen it," an old woman said pulling out another dragonball.

Bulma's eyes lit up. "Can we have it?"

"It's been in my family for generations," the woman replied.

"What if we defeat that Oolong then, can you give us the ball?" i asked.

"Sure if you managed that you can have it," the woman said.

"Okay here's the plan," Bulma said to me. "We'll put you in a dress and then let Oolong take you back to where he's hiding the girls then you can beat him and we'll get the girls back."

"No," i said.

"It's the only way," Bulma said.

"No it's not," i said. "How about I just beat him and make him tell us where the girls are."

"Fine," Bulma pouted at having her plan rejected


"Where's my lovely bride," Oolong said as he smashed his way into town.

"I'm your date today," i said stepping out into the street to face the twenty foot tall red giant with a pig snout.

"You?" Oolong replied. "Sorry kid you're not my type."

"I'm not giving you a choice," i replied. "I'm here to end your reign or terror."

"You beat me?" Oolong laughed. "You must be joking. You're nothing but a runt."

"Then don't regret this" Without hesitation i leaped into the air and sent a kick at the giant's face.

Oolong sent a fist at me but was too slow and my foot landed right between his eyes knocking him to the ground and out cold. An instant later in a puff of smoke the giant that was Oolong turned into a short little pig in army fatigues.

"What why did he shrink?" Bulma asked from where she was watching.

"Oolong has the ability to transform," one of the villagers said. "This must be his true form."

"Kinda small isn't he," Bulma said laughing.

"yeah he is small indeed," i said walking back into the hut.

A few hours later Oolong awoke. "Where am I?" he asked confused. "And why am I tied up."

"you lose!," i said answering both questions at once. "Now would you be kind and begine to tell me where those girls you kidnaped."

"Why would I do that?" Oolong asked.

"Piii Piii Piii Piii" yeah you right, i ask bulma have an item to make him obedient to us.

"you! what are..." didn't have time to finish his words he began to feel his stomach hurt and wanted to go to the toilet. "ouch ouch ouch stop! let me use bathroom

"there behind you!"

after 5 minutes he come out from toilet.

"so ready to begin tell me where the kidnaped girls?" i look oolong sinisterly

" yeah yeah, follow me"

after rescuing 'the already comfortable' kidnaped girl, i walked to Pocawatha, doughter of local vilagger

"hy my name is goku, what is your name?"

"my name Pocawatha just call me poca, do you need any help? maybe you get injured fighting Oolong?"

"you are really nice, yes i kind like need your help, do you want join us to collect dragon ball's and adventure aroud the world? i need you"

blushed poca replied "wha wha what are you talking about you are strong, i think you don't need useless country girl like me to help you"

"no no no, you not useless, i need you to treat if any of us injured during our journey like what you do to oolong erlier eventhoung he is kinda mean to you"

deep red in face "wha wha wha, but father will not let me!"

"i can convince your father later, what i want to hear now is do you want to join us or not?"

"really? do you really need me in your journey? i want to follow you!"

" ofcoure! i need you!" i said while seing steam come out her head

after the rescue succsess, we walk to aru village, all of villager cheer me as i saved and end the village nightmare.

at Sherman Priest house the oldwoman finally giver her dragon ball! "yes only two dragon balls remaining!" bulma said while to happy to listen. i persuade sherman to let his doughter join us in our journey, after i guarantee her savety with bulma identity as capsule corporation heir, only then will he allow his daughter to come with us.

"goku while you busy with your father in law i coax oolong to follow us!"

"no! he will bother poca later!"

Bulma interjected. "He might be useful with is ability to change like that. And if he gets out of line you can always knock him out."

"Fine," i said walking away. Somehow i still couldn't say no to the girl and it was getting frustrating.


Later that night the four companions had stopped for the night and sat around a small little campfire. "We only need two more dragonballs," Bulma said excitedly.

"You have an amazing grasp of the obvious," i said sitting off to the side a bit with my eyes closed in a meditative position. i had a look of concentration on my face.

"What's he doing anyway?" Oolong asked Bulma.

"Ki meditation," Bulma said. "He's been either sitting like that or working out since I met him. It seems like all he does. When we're not busy that is."

"What for," Poca asked.

"i need to be strong to achieve my dream," i replied as i started to float a few inches off the ground.

"That's a neat trick," Oolong said looking to Bulma.

"It's not a trick," i said. "I'm holding myself up with my ki energy. with ki, i even can fly, right now i'm trying to make air-tight sphere."

"Flying?" Poca asked. "That's impossible though."

"he can fly, he already show me moreover right know he is floating!!," bulma said.

after chat for a while we decide to rest and go to sleep.