
Gods Inevitable Game

Time and time again nature has triumphed over civilization. Time and time again have walls and castles fallen to the passing of time. Time and time again have races fallen. They say God plays dice with the universe, but in reality, he plays an enormous game of his own devising.... and the tutorial has yet to pass. Until one day when god released 100,000 glowing lights around Pangea the ultimate game board with one mission. Create 100,000 arenas, 100,000 treasure troves, or 100,000 dungeons, build up 100,000 castles for all I care, shape the world in your vision for the day I release the players upon this mighty game board I've tasked you with building. - The first chapter is backstory -

Doctorkat · Fantasy
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Natures Grandeur

THEY TOLD ME being born again feels pleasant they said...

THEY TOLD TO ME struggling out of a God made cocoon is easy they said...

THEY EXPLICITLY STATED TO ME divinity tastes great they said...

Well whoever "they" are deserves a good kick in the ass because I so swear whatever they promised me is complete and utter bull-crap.

No, being born again was not pleasant. Although I was 99% etherical it still completely sucked. I was so nice, and warm, and comfortable, and then I got brutally shaken awake and told to evict my ever so cozy cocoon.

No, breaking out of the cocoon I lived in for the last few million years was not easy. Calling it easy would be furthest from the truth. Humans are not meant to be busting out of cocoons or eggs, or anything ..... were mammals for the love of all that is good and holy. Although ethereal, my clawless human shaped fingers aint meant to tear through anything, let alone a hole that I could actually fit through.

And after finally exiting said cocoon, which at this point im calling an egg because that thing was rock solid a sudden ** DING ** rocked my consciousness. Turns out God can sent text notifications directly to my brain..... great.....

-- If you get this message as all of you should..... eventually ... hopefully.... Youve broken out of your EGG. Congrats little angle, welcome to Pangea, I Archangel Michal humbly welcome you. Look around take in a deep breath of air ( If you can ) and enjoy the scenery. Not much to see is there.... well its your job to fix that along with the other 1 millions sprites we have released upon Pangea ( 10 from each civilization ). Now were just as exited as you are at this prospect, and to start your first step on this monumental journey you need to eat the EGG you just came out of. Happy eating see you soon --


You know thats alot to take in. I feel like ive been slapped with a dictionary. Force fed a thesaurus. Punched in the gut with a bible. Who am I kidding, the human part of me has been hit with more info dumps then they could possibly count while reading web-novels. It seems God has taken a page out of their book.

And so in good obedient Angel fashion I took a good look around were I was while munching on some divinity that tasted like over-salted French-Fries. And to be honest Arch Angle Michal lied to me again, the world around me was not unexciting. Not unexciting at all, in fact I could thoroughly say what lied before me was absolutely breathtaking.

I myself was on a large mountain slope overlooking an enormous valley of epic proportions. A light wind blew through my ethereal form, rustling the hundreds of emerald green leaves and tender branches of the saplings that surrounded me. Clouds bigger than planets glided along an abyss of blue. The sky... oh the sky.... It was a color my human self could never even imagine, a deep blue so rich and so breathtaking it painted a scene so beautiful I would sell my soul to take ownership of it.

The mountains rolled with a grandeur that I thought was physically impossible. Their towering peaks dwarfing seemingly everything in existence, while still containing natural elegance. Their cold peaks adorned with glistening snow and ice, the beauty of which no diamond could ever compare to.

Lush green vegetation, filled with unending vitality dotted the landscapes. The trees not yet towering, the grasses not yet abundant, and the mosses not yet covering, and yet they still crowned Pangea's mountains, a finishing touch to a perfect picture. And the stars, the daylight stars. How they glimmered and shined bringing light to the beautiful scenery.

Michal thought Pangea boring and lifeless. And yet, in my opinion although this continent had just been created, and nature had little time to grow, that this continent was home to some of the most picturesque scenes in all the universes.

Placing my ear to a nearby branch, I could almost hear the heartbeat of mother nature herself. As I sat in the branches of that tiny little sapling, breaking off and munching on the diving cocoon I was born from..... I happened to quite thoroughly enjoy myself.