
Gods Inevitable Game

Time and time again nature has triumphed over civilization. Time and time again have walls and castles fallen to the passing of time. Time and time again have races fallen. They say God plays dice with the universe, but in reality, he plays an enormous game of his own devising.... and the tutorial has yet to pass. Until one day when god released 100,000 glowing lights around Pangea the ultimate game board with one mission. Create 100,000 arenas, 100,000 treasure troves, or 100,000 dungeons, build up 100,000 castles for all I care, shape the world in your vision for the day I release the players upon this mighty game board I've tasked you with building. - The first chapter is backstory -

Doctorkat · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Divine Power

Interesting fact.

Any ethereal being that god creates falls into one of two categories, angels or demons.

The one thing separating angles or demons was whether god created them with a purpose.

That's not to say that demons cant serve god, or be good. It's just that angles from the moment of their creation are known to work towards their purpose in life. Demons on the other hand tend to be a bit more free-spirited, often causing trouble. That's not to say demons are bad in any way, just a bit more likely to get bored.

Although there is one other thing that usually separates angels and demons. Angles have wings. Usually white, although they can come in a variety of colors.

And mine happened to be a blinding white, speckled with a few gold flakes. Quite beautiful if you asked me.

Gliding down from the branches of the sapling my cocoon had happened to land on I gave my wings a good stretch, feeling them out.

Wings were quite nice once you got used to them.

And they were especially awesome when you wanted to get a good view of the scenery.

I spent the first day after hatching recklessly flying around my small patch of a few thousand saplings inspecting my new domain. Well... it had become my domain after I had sprinkled some diving magic over the area claiming it as my own responsibility.

After hatching one of the first responsibilities of each angle was to claim a small area to build up in preparation for God's Game. No other angles would be allowed to affect each other's domains. Each one of the million angles was given the same amount of area first, with the possibility of expansion based on the end result of their first domain.

Anyway, I had gotten quite attached to this newborn forest and had decided to settle down making the area that I landed in my own little domain. I had big plans for these saplings and couldn't wait to get started. Maybe it was the fact that I had loved nature even in my previous life or the fact that I was born here but I had gotten quite attached to this little grove.


-- Congratulations little angle if you are reading this automated message, you have claimed your first domain. In preparation for God's Great Game, I Archangel Michal have high expectations for you. We up here in heaven can't wait to see what you little angels will build. Whether it be a monument to God, a kingdom of epic proportions, an unsolvable labyrinth of magic and mystery, or some other amazing thing. God has tasked us in giving you the resources you need to succeed. So we've given you each 100 Golden Feathers to use as currency at the grand exchange to buy yourself enough recourses to get started. Don't worry as long as you uphold God's mission we guarantee you'll make many more. --

-- Claim your 100 Golden Feathers by naming your first domain --


Looking around for a bit it wasn't too hard to come up with a name. I mean I had a pretty solid idea as to what I was going to do already.

I mean I wasn't planning to build anything too crazy, I was more interested in nature itself. Anyway, I could always change the name of this place later, but I already knew myself well enough to picture what I wanted to do.

-- You have named your first domain " Garden of Eden" --

A small blinking light overtook the small portion of the mountainside which I claimed. A small wind blew and rustled the leaves of all the sapling as a divine energy came over the land. Soon enough a faint flow of divine energy floated through the air marking this place as my own.

Although so far it wasn't much I quite liked it. It was a place to call home.