
Godly Gang

A team of traitors, realms in danger, lives at risk. Only the defenders of the many worlds can defend against this threat. There will be laughs, love, hurt, and betrayal. But I’m the end there will either be peace, or utter annihilation.

Samar_Taylor · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 7: Plant Woman and Ainu Shaman

Back in the city, Gabriel was running down the street looking for Harris, and was being tailed by what seemed like massive mechanical hornets. He ran fast enough to outrun them, but not fast enough to lose them. But considering he wouldn't want to let them go loose in the city to attack random people. The hornets began to split apart and begin to go in different directions. Then suddenly someone dressed as a wasp was in the middle of his own swarm.

"You worship God, yet he commands murder and suffering on others. I shall be a new god, Wasp King!! Now bow to me, and renounce your faith to me!!"

He gathered all of his wasps together in a massive ball, and aimed their stingers at Gabriel, and readied a laser blast barrage. Gabriel had his guard up, but it wasn't enough, and he didn't have time to chant a prayer for armor. The lasers were almost to hit him until he was protected by what seemed like large vines covered him in a dome like form, and they didn't seem to burn or weaken from the blasts.

"Huh? Who did that?"

Gabriel asked as he looked around and saw a blonde girl dressed in a green crop top shirt, and blue shorts that seem to have suspenders. Her shoes seemed to be made of bent branches and had flower petals flowing from her wrists like flames licking her arms. Her eyes were blue, and she had some freckles on her face. She helped Gabriel up and smiled softly at him.

"Sorry if I stole your thunder. I just couldn't help seeing a member of the church get talked down to like that. Name's Orchid."

She said in a light tone, ignoring the wasps that were readying another barrage. Gabriel was a bit surprised and embarrassed he was saved out of the blue. But he swallowed his pride and shook her hand.

"I'm Gabriel. I always wondered who went to the church. I work with the Elder Priest, he's a happy old man even at his age."

Gabriel said a bit sheepishly. Wasp King was getting annoyed, and rained his swarm on them both. Orchid manifested a large flower head that spun like a buzz saw, destroying the wasps in the process. She had a smug look on her face, knowing he couldn't fight back. Gabriel knocked out Wasp King out with a bit of energy infused in his hand, sending it throughout his nervous system and causing him to black out. Orchid giggled a little at how easy he went down without his Mecha-wasps. She then gestured at Gabriel to follow her into the air, and made large leaf wings to fly. After Gabriel tagged him to be arrested, he chased after her, ending up with Harris fighting off an Ainu Shaman.

"Harris ran into a biker gang earlier, and this is the only one that's been fighting him. He's pretty good, for a chubby guy."

She said as she slowly landed. Gabriel watched as Harris kept parrying his attacks while Taro was watching from behind.

"Can you please relax? You have to understand that your gang is hurting people. I understand that your brother is in this group, but I have to take you in. Just come with me and you'll both be released by the hour."

Harris said in a confident tone, but the shaman kept attacking. His attacks pin point and didn't damage anything recklessly.

"Why should I trust you? In the old war, we were criticized just for being nice guys, and the police were nothing but brutal savages. They just dismissed us as being dumb kids even when our mother was murdered! I'll never trust any worthless cop again!!"

He yelled, crying as he did so. He seemed to be getting slower as he pushed his powers to his limit. Harris kept dodging around, making sure he tired himself out.

"Listen, I understand that. Believe me when I say back then, the police seemed to be unreliable fools. But the good ones stayed, they kept fighting the good fight, now theyre better. You have my word that you and your brother won't get anymore than a slap on the wrist for this. Now just relax for me, and come with me down to the station."

Harris gently said while slowly getting closer. The shaman eventually stopped, completely exhausted and his eyes full of tears. Harris helped him up and wasn't forceful at all.

"Like I said. A slap on the wrist. Now come on, we have to get you rested up. And your brother needs to have his license checked in case it's close to expiring. Now I need your name and everything. Just for reference."

Harris said as he took out his notebook. The boy said his name was Seikaku Mikoto, 21 years old and was 230 pounds. He was slightly chubby yet wasn't weak by any means, and he was growing out his black hair. He had brown eyes, tan skin, and wore glasses that seemed to be enchanted to see auras. He wore a special totem glove on his right hand, and had a sleeveless top long coat that seemed to be a button up. He wore harem pants and martial arts slippers, both were black in color and had a yin-yang symbol on them.

"I'm sorry...I didn't...I was just..."

Seikaku tried to speak, but couldn't get the words out. His brother stepped up and put his hand on his shoulder. He almost dressed identical, only he had the body of a body builder, and had a long red ponytail and a glove that seemed to have circuits on it.

"My name is Kira, my apologies for our behavior. We'll go with you. But promise me my little brother will be okay."

Harris nodded, escorting them down to the station. Gabriel watched, smiling at Harris's quick work. Orchid was also smiling.

"Those 2 are friends of mine, and I'm glad they're not in any trouble. Hopefully they stay that way. So I have to go now, but we'll meet up soon. Later."

She said as she flew off, leaving a flower for Gabriel to keep. He smiled at the fact he knew where to meet her for next time