
Godly Gang

A team of traitors, realms in danger, lives at risk. Only the defenders of the many worlds can defend against this threat. There will be laughs, love, hurt, and betrayal. But I’m the end there will either be peace, or utter annihilation.

Samar_Taylor · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 6: Mazoku Homeland

Far on the other side of the world, shrouded in what seemed like a spot of eternal star lit night and strange yet clean air, lived a species of magickal beings. These were called the Mazoku, androgynous creatures who come in all shapes and sizes, and are naturally gifted in the mystic arts. They get along with humans, but don't visit the city often due to wanting to be around their homes and families. Despite that, they love humanity's progression and will visit very often to have fun. Some Mazoku children will even attend regular schools with other kids simply to befriend others and learn what they learn. Their grand elder, a massive dragonic Mazoku, governs the entire tribe. However, one being opposed his way of living, thinking humans are an inferior race and Mazoku should rein as gods to them. Many joined his side, but the majority rejected him as they've seen the truth of the human spirit. After a hard fought war, it was suddenly silent. The elder looked to his brother with only sadness in his eyes.

"Brother, it saddens me to see you fall like this. You are my only biological brother, and yet it has come to this. It is a pain I would hope to never bare. But now, the time has come. You are banished, never to return!"

He spoke an incantation in a strange language and his brother, who was also a dragon with 4 wings, shouted out.

"Damn you all!! Mark my words, you shall all face my wrath!! And when the day comes and your destruction is at hand, know it was I, Reaquiem who brought your demise!!"

He yelled as he and his followers were banished into a void of absolute nothingness. That was many years ago when the world was recovering from its own war. The Mazoku have thrived since that tragedy. Or so it seemed for the time being. After years of rebuilding and repopulating their fallen numbers, they've returned to begin a stable ecosystem in the new world. However fate had a different hand to play. One of the followers was in hiding, and rallied up more followers to his cause. There was malevolent chaos once again, but this time a Mazoku woman and a human man stepped up to fight back. The man was a powerful summoner magus, and combined with the Offense Healing of the Mazoku woman, they were holding their own, even outnumbered 500 to 2. However a child was caught in the battle, and in that moment of distraction, the were struck fatally. The man despised cowardice and incompetence on the battlefield. And the woman despised cruelty to innocent children and people in general. And even though they were heavily injured, they kept fighting with the power they could force out. Their children watched in horror as their parents were slowly dying, unable to do anything but cry and beg them to run. The man performed his last spell, one that was different than summoning magick, a Divine Soul Transmutation.

"Rey, you may not be my son, but I love you all the same. You and your mother, are the second family, that I always wanted. My son, Koradel, you have so much potential. I won't let you die here along with me. So we say this my children! Use our powers well, defeat this horrific evil, and always live on! We shall be with you, always!"

He yelled with all the fire in his very soul. The two were transformed into mystic rings, and the power output caused a massive shockwave. The children picked up the rings, tears flowing down their faces, and they were escorted away by a sort of spider like familiar spirit. The kids Rey and Koradel had cried themselves to sleep by then, and were brought to a master magician who vowed to take care of them. Their parents rings in hand, they both vowed to uphold their parent's wishes and defeat those that killed them. And to find allies to help them do it when the time comes.

In the present day, they're both in their adult years, yet both still look like teenagers. They didn't want to look all depressing after what happened to their parents, so they didn't and looked on the brighter side of things. Eventually it was time for them to get their equipment for battling. Their caretaker led them into a special room.

"Boys, you've grown up before my eyes, and for that I'm proud beyond all belief. Rey, I remember you were just a little goat, wishing to learn the same combat as your mother. It was so admirable that I made sure to give you the same books I gave her. And Koradel, being a chimera makes you a special case. But instead of learning the divine spirit magicks like others, you decided to take up summoning. And look at you now, all ready to take on the world if you need to. You've brought great honor and pride to your parents."

Rey and Koradel smiled at the compliments. They saw the magician as their grandfather even though they weren't related at all. They both opened the door to the room, and were seemingly splashed with some sort of rainbow material. But when they opened their eyes, they saw what they were now wearing. Koradel was now wearing a black long coat that seemed to look ripped at the end with no sleeves, a pair of jean short shorts, and a shoe on his right foot that seemed to model the ones used by Chinese kung fu practitioners, but it was made entirely out of stone, while his left foot had a boot that looked like a wolf leg. His ring changed, looking like a claw on his finger, and seemed a lot more powerful. Rey had gotten a white cloak with a hood, and jean shorts. He didn't wear any shoes to begin with, and his ring turned a light orange color, with the gemstone inside looking a bright crimson red. He also gained a short sword that seemed to shine a bit.

"Ah, so this is what you've chosen. I'll be honest, I was hoping this day wouldn't be so soon. Feels like yesterday you were both too sad to even eat. But now you're both ready to live amongst humans, and ask them for help in something they never knew was happening. Godspeed both of you. And always visit okay?"

The old magician started crying in a comedic way, with Rey and Koradel giggling a bit and hugging him.

"We promise we'll be back sir. Don't worry about us. And mind your manners you old pervert, I see those magazines."

Koradel pointed to some magazines hidden with the many Grimoires he keeps in his library. Rey gave Koradel a sort of smug look while folding his arms and shaking his head.

"Bug off Rey, you're no different. Judge me cause I like my men all-"

He was cut off by the magician and was teleported to a large mystical looking tree, that seemed to hold a separate universe at the top, almost like the universe was it's leaves.

"Well, let's do this. Time to see what human culture is like."

Rey locked arms with Koradel and the two went through the portal into the city square, and were surprised to see everything was pretty lively. They both nodded in agreement that they were going to enjoy their new home.