
Goddess of Gaming

Julie dreamed of becoming a popular star, but after getting terminated from the idol training program she turned to the one thing she had left: video games.

GabrielKross · Urban
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11 Chs


Amy arrived back at the company and headed straight for Xaviar's office. "Secretary Moore, is Mr. Quinn available at the moment?"

"Yes, Director, Mr. Quinn said if you ever came looking for him I was to let you in straight away."

"Thank you." Amy followed Secretary Moore into Xaviar's office and approached him while he was in discussion with Robert.

"How is the testing of the raid content going?"

"Our testers are having a hard time clearing the fights, we might need to scale back the content."

"I wonder if we should ask our newly discovered expert to test it?" Xavier looked towards Amy who he just noticed. "Director, did you need something?"

"I came to report on the matter you wanted me to handle. Julie has agreed to appear at the competition. She asked if it would be okay to publish an announcement on her social media. I told her to just post her appearance for being the record holder on the online game and let us handle the announcement for the challenge. That way there won't be doubt and negative publicity placed on her due to Mr. X being long retired. I didn't want people claiming she was just using Mr. X's legacy for her own gain."

"Very good, I'm pleased with your quick turnaround on the assignment. You've confirmed my trust in naming you as the next vice president. Could you ask her if she would be willing to test the raid content that we plan to release soon? We would pay her for her time of course."

"I can ask, but knowing her she will likely say no. She is very interested in the immersion of the games she plays. Playing the content early without the quests leading her there would ruin her immersion."

"I understand. You mentioned she has social media? Has she turned to streaming?"

"Yes! I talked her into it after the unfortunate incident. She has been streaming since the launch of the game."

"Interesting, come over here and pull up her pages on my computer."

"You want me to use your computer?"

"What are you worried about? It's not like you could do anything on my computer with me right here. Not to mention there is no reason to question my judgment. I already did a thorough investigation on you when I found out you were possibly connected to the person I was looking for." Xavier stood up and pulled the chair out for Amy and then stepped to the side so she wouldn't feel uncomfortable.

"Okay." Amy sat down, opened up a few tabs, and quickly put in the web addresses of Julie's social media accounts and stream channel. "I've pulled them all up for you." Amy stood and moved aside so that Xavier could inspect her pages.

"Seems like she has two new posts up."

White Tiger:

I was just invited to Splendid Group's annual gaming competition due to my leveling record in Finale of Fantasy Online. I have officially agreed to appear at the competition, please look forward to it.

White Tiger:

Going live, getting gear for my Holy Knight. Will be running dungeons with friends later. ******.com/WhiteTiger

"She doesn't seem to waste any time. Her announcements are very professional and to the point, very good."

System Notification:

You have liked two posts.

You have shared two posts.

"There, that should get her a bit more traffic and confirm her announcement. Be sure to have our community managers promote her as well on the official accounts."

Amy stood there with her mouth open. Inwardly she asked herself 'Did the boss just use his personal account to promote Jules?' Outwardly she could only reply "Understood..." Before she could say anything else she watched as Xavier switched to her stream and started watching the stream.

Stream Chat:

XavierQuinn(O): @WhiteTiger Looking forward to meeting you at the upcoming competition. Good job on getting the leveling record. I saw that you're almost capped on a second class as well.

ShopWorker01(M): Wait, the only person with that indicator should be the owner of the stream platform right? Is that the official account of Splendid Group's boss?

User1111: Our goddess is really going to the competition?

DarknessIncarnate: Didn't you see her social media post?

AlphaGamerXD: Looks like I have to watch this year's competition then!

Xavier, Amy, Robert all watched as Julie's chat was flooded by support from viewers watching the stream. Xavier chuckled and spoke aloud, "I'm not sure she even had a chance to see my comment. She's only been streaming for a short time and already has over a thousand viewers. Robert, has the stream department sent her an invite for partnership yet?"

"I'll look into it."

"If not have them do so."

After Xavier gave his order, Julie's voice came through the stream. "Mr. Quinn, I'm honored that you have visited my stream. I am also looking forward to the upcoming competition."

"Wow she actually saw your message," Amy commented, impressed with Julie's ability to keep up with the chat while running max-level dungeons for gear.

"Why doesn't she use a webcam?"

"She didn't want to gain fame due to her looks. She wanted to build a stable following based on her skill. She really is too eye-catching. If she had used a webcam she would have had a higher fanbase already, but she would have also attracted a lot more negative trolls as well."

"That's a logical analysis. However, I think at this point it would be best if she reveals her face soon, it will be easier to market her appearance in the competition if we can put a face to her name. We already have enough difficulty marketing Mr. X due to him never showing his face and always wearing a mask during competitions."

"I'll bring it up to her this weekend. Did you have anything else for me before I head back to my department?"

"Just be sure you have your department promote her on the official social media accounts. Robert, go to the group communications department and stream department and have them promote her as well."

As the two left the office, Xavier continued to watch Julie's stream with a smile on his face.

Figured I'd put up another chapter today since I'm feeling in the mood to write after so many days being under the weather. Fun fact, accidentally posted this chapter to the wrong story just now, good thing I noticed it immediately.

GabrielKrosscreators' thoughts