
Goddess of Gaming

Julie dreamed of becoming a popular star, but after getting terminated from the idol training program she turned to the one thing she had left: video games.

GabrielKross · Urban
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11 Chs

A Glimpse of the Past

Xavier's office.

After watching Julie's stream for awhile Xavier pulls a picture out of his wallet. In the picture three children are holding up copies of Finale of Fantasy 8. The picture was taken just after a a speed run competition. These three children were the first second and third place finishers. In the photo there was a boy and two girls. The boy was Xavier himself though he didn't go by the name Xavier back then, but it was the girl in the middle who he was looking fondly at right now. The girl in the middle was his childhood sweetheart and also his most fierce competitor in the competition. Their times had been off by only a handful of seconds. As he stared at the picture he got lost in his thoughts.

"I think this method is all wrong. It feels like we're wasting too much time unlocking the no encounters effect." She had argued for several hours with him days prior to the competition at the table in their favorite game store. It's where they met up after class to talk about games.

"I agree that it takes a lot of time to do this, but I can't think of any way to cut it out ." He responded weakly.

"Gosh, you two argue like my parents. Don't you ever get tired of repeating the same things constantly?" Their friend who had brought them together retorted while rolling her eyes. She was the other girl in the picture, the one who came in third place. "Why don't you both run your own strategies at the competition and make a bet on it?"

"I'm game, what are the stakes?"

Xavier blushed and swallowed hard, "I-if you win I'll follow you from now on and marry you in the future." Secretly he knew that she was right, that there had to be a way to cut out the excess time and was confident that she could win the bet. That being the case he mustered up the courage to express himself to her using the bet.

"Wow, that' means no matter what you bet for if you win, you'd win whether you beat her or not." Their friend giggled at Xavier's shameless suggestion.

"I'm not against it, if you win, I'll agree to one request." She too left an opening for him incase she failed to win. She didn't doubt her own instincts on the strategy, but she hadn't researched it enough yet so wasn't confident that she could pull it off so soon.

Their friend giggled again. She knew that they both really liked each other so they were both hedging their bet so that the outcome would turn out the same no matter who won.



Hearing Robert call for him Xavier looked up from the photo. "What is it?"

"Master Lynn is here to speak with you.


On the third floor.

Amy had just settled the promoting instructions on her end and she was eager to check in on the Julie's stream. She also needed to message Julie about doing a face reveal. Logging into her computer she instantly shot Julie a message.

Private Message:

AmyChan: Jules, the big boss wants you to reveal your face so that they can market the challenge.

WhiteTiger: *sigh* alright, let's plan it tomorrow you're free since it will be a saturday right?

AmyChan: Of course, I can come over at noon.

WhiteTiger: k, let's talk about it then.

AmyChan: Oh be on the lookout for an email from the streaming department, boss gave the order to send you an invite for partner. I can help you set up everything you need on your account when I come over.

WhiteTiger: Got it.


Xavier's Office

"Xavier, my daughter said that one of your staff members humiliated her this morning. I would like an appropriate explanation."

"Uncle Lynn, your daughter was being a nusance in my office. What was said to her was also the truth, if your daughter can't handle the truth she doesn't belong in the entertainment industry. I also have reason to suspect that she sabotaged a promising trainee's career. If I find proof of it, she will be terminated immediately. Keep your daughter in line or have her retire."

"How can you accuse Marilyn of sabotaging someone's career? Even so, it's just an insignificant trainee, Marilyn is your future wife!"

Xavier slamed his fist down shattering the keyboard on his desk. "Uncle Lynn you know as well as I that Grandfather gave me permission to terminate the mariage agreement between our families if I didn't want to go through with it. I've made my intention very clear from the begining that I want nothing to do with your daughter. The only reason she has a job in this company is because our families have been friends for years. Mention that terminated agreement again and I will dissolve all relations between the Lynns and Quinns. There is only one woman in my heart, when I find her again I will marry her. Your daughter is not her."

Master Lynn's face flushed with anger but he couldn't risk angering Xavier further so he stormed out of the office.

Several seconds later there was a knock at the door followed by Robert's voice. "Boss, is everything alright?" Robert entered the room and closed the door.

"I really just want to cut ties with that family, all they care about is their own gains. Unfortunately revealing their true goals would break Grandfather's heart so I can only put up with them for now. Send out an order to the entire company, no one is to spread rumors about Marilyn being my future wife anymore. Make sure everyone is aware that she has nothing to do with me and anyone caught spreading the lies further will be fired. Also, be prepared for her next move, this will probably force her to reveal her hand."

Robert smiled, "Understood boss, we're finally ready to back her into a corner."

Finally got some motivation to write again. There's a lot going on in this chapter.

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