
Goddess of Gaming

Julie dreamed of becoming a popular star, but after getting terminated from the idol training program she turned to the one thing she had left: video games.

GabrielKross · Urban
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

Ice Queen

After a long stream of grinding for max level gear with Amy, Julie started winding down the stream. "Alright chat, I think this is where I'm gonna call it for the night. Let's go ahead and take a look at the poll." Julie clicked over to her social media and pulled up her poll and locked entries on it. "Looks like dance stream won with having over 60% of the overall votes. In that case, I'll be doing a Dance Battle Revolution stream tomorrow, please look forward to it. Thanks for stopping by." Julie ended the stream and yawned. "You staying the night?"

"I can, I originally planned to just come back tomorrow, I didn't think we'd end up going so long tonight. Oh, don't forget to post up the plan for tomorrow since the poll is closed."

"Right, thanks for reminding me."

Social Media:

White Tiger:

I'll be doing a Dance Battle Revolution stream tomorrow since dance stream won the poll. Please look forward to it.

System Notification:

You have a new private message.

Xavier.Quinn: Do you have all the song packs or would you like to use an unlocked account for the stream?

White Tiger: An unlocked account would be greatly appreciated, Mr. Quinn.

Xavier.Quinn: UserID:XXXXX Password:XXXXXXX Good luck on your big reveal stream.

White Tiger: Thank you, Mr. Quinn.

Julie stretched and stood up. "I'll have an unlocked account for the stream tomorrow."


"Yeah, Mr. Quinn just sent me the login info for it."

"Wow, he's been really active watching your social media accounts. Huh, I wonder if he has a thing for you. Nah, that can't be possible. He hasn't ever seen you right?"

"He was present at the audition."

"Oh, there is that. However, there is still a chance he hasn't officially associated you from the audition to the you that he's been in contact with. I dunno, it's too late for me to think about this. Let's get some sleep after you set up the account and install the song packs."

"Yeah, I'm about to set up the installs. Hey, look, Ice Queen was added in the latest pack. I heard they had to adjust it for the game."

"Obviously, not everyone is as good a dancer as you are. Now stop looking at all that, just click install so we can go to bed. You've got a long day tomorrow."

"Right, right. Come on."


An alarm sounds in the room.

"Jules hit the snooze lemme sleep," Amy mumbled still half asleep.

"We got to get up and make sure everything is ready Amy."

"Five more minutes?"

"Guess someone doesn't want cinnamon rolls for breakfast."

"I'm up, I'm up!" Amy sprang out of bed. "How long til breakfast?"

Julie chuckled at her best friend's antics. "Give me a bit, take a look at the stream settings for me while I prepare."

"No problem." Amy sat at the desk and ran some tests on the stream to make sure the new game and webcam were set up properly for the stream. Meanwhile, Julie headed to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

Julie put the finishing touches on the cinnamon rolls while Amy wrapped up the tests for the stream. "Everything looks like it should be good to go. Granted, I didn't go live, I just did some recording tests."

"Alright, come eat, I just finished breakfast." Amy skipped to the kitchen and the two ate happily. After breakfast, they rearranged the main room, moving the furniture so Julie would have enough room to perform.

"Are you really going to wear your practice clothes from the training camp?" Amy examined Julie's outfit which consisted of a form-fitting sweatshirt and sweatpants with a sweatband on her forehead. She also had her hair pulled up in a ponytail.

"I don't see a problem with it. If it's good enough for training, it's good enough for stream. Are you going to join me for a few songs or will I be dancing solo?"

"Are you kidding? Of course I'll join you!"

"I've got a spare set of training clothes. You'll just have to roll up the pants a bit so you don't trip."

"Alright, I'll go change, go ahead and post up on social media and pull your stream up. We should be ready to go live once I'm done changing."

Social Media:

White Tiger:

Going live in a few minutes with Amy for some Dance Battle Revolution for my face reveal. Come stop by the stream.

Julie posted a simple update but had no idea that the in-game chat on all servers of Finale of Fantasy was exploding with publicity from her regular viewers. Instead, she opened up her stream page and put the chat on full screen so her and Amy could read it while not at the desk.

"I'm ready Jules, you can go live whenever."

Julie clicked the button to start the stream and situated the mic to face towards where they would be dancing. "Welcome everyone, today per overwhelming request, my face reveal stream will be a dance stream. I'll be joined by my best friend Amy who you'll recognize from voice chat as Amy Chan from our dungeon runs. We'll start with a few warm-up songs and then we'll pick songs at random. Also, I forgot to mention I got partner this weekend so now you can sub if you want. Amy come say hi to the chat." Julie waved Amy over since she was standing outside the camera's range.

"Hi chat. I'm Amy, I'm just here to support my friend."

Stream Chat:

ShopWorker01(M): Hi boss hi White Tiger. I'm kinda sad that I'm not the only one here that knows what you two look like now. :(

DarknessIncarnate: @ShopWorker01 boooooo. But seriously though, you were right, White Tiger is gorgeous and Amy is really cute.

User1111: @WhiteTiger you should change your username to Goddess. It fits you better.

The stream chat flew by with praises for Julie and Amy while Julie set up the first warm-up song. Julie danced calm and confidently never missing a step while Amy danced casually occasionally missing a step here and there.

Stream Chat:

*****: Wow White Tiger never misses a step.

*******: Yeah she's like a professional.

***: She should have been an idol, it's too bad she's not.

After the warm-ups, Amy was a bit out of breath while Julie was completely unfazed. "I'm about to start picking a few more difficult songs. If anyone has any requests let me know."

System Notification:

Anonymous has donated $1000.

Donation Message: Please do Ice Queen.

So I forgot that Within Temptation actually has a song titled Ice Queen. In my opinion, the song I had in mind for Ice Queen is way different than the real Ice Queen by Within Temptation, which is a really good song btw. If you're not familiar with it, check it out on Youtube.

I recently set up a discord for my novels. Please check it out if you're interested. https://discord.gg/uV5bvH

GabrielKrosscreators' thoughts