
Goddess of Gaming

Julie dreamed of becoming a popular star, but after getting terminated from the idol training program she turned to the one thing she had left: video games.

GabrielKross · Urban
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11 Chs

An Open-Ended Poll

Julie's phone rang waking her up. "Hello?" She answered the phone drowsily.

"You're still asleep?" Amy's chipper voice came through the phone.

"Not anymore, you on your way?" She stretched and yawned as soon as she replied.

"Yep, eat some breakfast so we can get down to business, Oh I went ahead and got you a top of the line webcam since I know you've not done it yet."

"Ehehe, if not for the event invitation I wouldn't be revealing myself so soon I would have eventually gotten one."

"I know I know, just take it as you owe me a meal. I definitely got you the best one on the market I don't want any crappy quality views of my bestie."

"Right right, my Amy loves me the most. I'm gonna get dressed now, I'll see you soon."

"See you soon Jules."

Julie got up washed up and dressed and threw together a quick breakfast. As she was about to clean up her dishes a knock sounded at the door. "Coming!" Julie shouted over her shoulder and hurried to the door leaving her dishes where they were. Julie opened the door to see Amy grinning.

"Bestie!" Amy shouted gleefully and threw herself at Julie embracing her immediately.

"Why is my little Amy so excited this morning?" Julie chuckled while hugging her and patting her head.

"Who you calling little?" Amy pouted, "it's not my fault you're practically an Amazon."

"Right right, it's my fault. I forgot my princess doesn't like to be called little. There's ice cream in the freezer, you can help yourself."

"My Jules spoils me the most. Only you know how to really treat a girl." Amy skipped to the kitchen helping herself to the ice cream while Julie shut the door. "You got the email from the streaming department right?" Amy inquired now that she was satisfied eating ice cream.

"Yeah, I have it pulled up over here when you're ready."

"Alright scooch over," Amy said while dragging a chair over. "Dear White Tiger, yada yada... this is so dry and boring how does anyone make it through the first few lines? Alright the basic gist of this is that people will be able to sub to your channel and you'll earn money, obviously the platform will take a percentage of the revenue. You can also play ads if you choose to for additional revenue. On top of that, you can setup customized channel emotes and sub icons, the number of emotes will depend on the sub milestones you reach, each time you break through a new milestone you'll be able to increase the number of emotes. That's about it. On a side note, have you set up a donations option yet? I really don't think you should continue just living off your savings. You never know when you might need to have that money to fall back on."

"We can set that up to."

"You already have a Netpay account right? If so I can set this up in just three minutes."


Amy busily typed and clicked away only sliding the keyboard over when Julie needed to insert her account information. "Done. Have you decided what you're gonna do for your reveal stream yet?"

"Not yet, got any ideas?"

"Why not thow a poll up and let your fans decide. Set a deadline for end of tonight's stream so that you have time to prepare tomorrow. Speaking of, after your reveal stream, come to the office on Monday. We should do a professional photo shoot for the promotional posters. Just call me when you get there and I'll come down and meet you. The lobby staff will also be made aware so that nobody hassles you." Amy paused and looked at Julie who was grinning at her. "What?"

"Listen to you sounding all professional. Where did my princess go?" Amy puffed out her cheeks but Julie just squished them with her hands. "Oh there she is."

"Anyways go post up your poll we got gaming to do! Hurry hurry!"

Social Media:

White Tiger:

Going to be doing a face reveal stream tomorrow. Vote in the poll for what type of stream I should do. Keep in mind only serious answers that fall in line with terms of service will be considered so don't waste your votes. :poll:

White Tiger:

Going live soon playing with Amy. Stop by and chat. :link:


Xavier looked to the side as a notification popped up on his second monitor.

System Notification:

White Tiger posted two new social media posts.

Social Media:

White Tiger:

Going to be doing a face reveal stream tomorrow. Vote in the poll for what type of stream I should do. Keep in mind only serious answers that fall in line with terms of service will be considered so don't waste your votes. :poll:

Xavier clicked into the open-ended poll and paused thinking. 'This could be a chance to test if she is the one I am looking for from the training program.' He then typed in an answer in the first line: Dance Stream.


System Notification:

Your poll has one new response.

"Already?" Amy snatched away the mouse from Julie to see who responded to the poll. "Oh my god, Jules look! The big boss voted. He picked a dance stream! I need to vote, where's my phone?" She pulled her phone out and logged into her social media to add another vote to Dance Stream. "I so hope more people vote for a dance stream, you've already shown off your gaming skills now you may get a chance to wow them with your dance skills. I'm so excited!"

"I thought you wanted to game? Hurry up and set up your laptop."

"Oh, right."

So I was thinking about the stories I've been reading here on Webnovel. There are several that use poor communication between the leads as the primary means to build up tension in the plot, I really don't like that style. It makes it much too easy to resolve the tension as it just requires someone to actually talk. I'll try to avoid that in my stories as much as possible unless there is a scene that only works with a miscommunication or something.

Edit: 6/16/2020

I found out yesterday that my dad passed away, so I dunno when I'll be updating again. I don't plan on taking too long of a break, but I can't seem to make any progress on Queen of the Night which was next in line for updating, I may just post for whichever I can make progress in until I can get myself back together.

GabrielKrosscreators' thoughts