
Goddess Cecilia

In this world there is one God named 'Originus' who is the creator of everything sitting next to him is his three wives. The Goddess of Love and Hope, Francesca The Goddess of War and Strength, Eva and The Goddess of Beauty and Immortality, Cecilia The God and Goddesses gets along very well they treat eachother as a family, they are happy but sometimes they tend to get bored and do unreasonable things but in Goddess Cecilia's case she wants to see the world right infront of her. "Thank you for granting my wish my husband and my sisters, I promise that I'll show you amazing things so that you cannot be bored anymore up there" she look up at the sky and smiled "Avanti!!"

Le_xy · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Eastern Royals

"So tiring dealing that western princess" the 2nd princess said as she sat down at the chair

"How was it?" the 3rd princess asked

"Well Golden hair and green eyes like the rumors said" she replied

"Well I do hope that princess won't pissed our parents you know" she pick up a cookie

"If they does I pray for their safety" the 4th princess said while sipping her tea, then the 1st and 3rd princess stand up

"Then we'll go now sisters" the 3rd princess said

"Let's meet later" the 1st princess said and they both exit the room

"Sister do you think Goddess will show herself this time?" the 4th asked

"Who knows but if ever she show herself our eyes will be very blessed because of her beauty, Anthyi" the 2nd princess said and look at the window

"I hope she reveal herself" Anthyi said so the 2nd princess smiled at her

"Should we pray?" she asked and Anthyi smiled back

"Let's pray sister Diana" they both kneel down infront a painting of Goddess Cecilia

"Looks like the gates are opening now Your Highness" the eastern knight said and the king nod

"Remember to not do anything stupid" the king steal a glance at his sons

"Yes father" the princes answered at the same time

"THE EASTERN EMPIRE IS ENTERING" the carriages starts to enter the south empire

"Veils" the queen whispers to herself

"Your highness looks like the citizens are watching" the knight reports

"Not just the citizen present here but all kingdom, the whole empire is watching us" the king answered back and closed his eyes

In the southern empire there are 6 Kingdoms; Cecilia, Emily, Cintia, Yuna, Veince and Xy, they are all names of female that is part of the Goddess family

"Western Empire, are we taking down that first?" a man in a black robe asked

"Don't get excited so much" the man in a knight uniform answered as they watched the parade through a crystal

"Let's see how they will get our goddess blessings" the man in knight uniform said again and smirk

"Good day eastern royalties, I'm Ashley Rue De Lunar, the 1st princess this is my sister --" the 1st princess said and bow slightly

"Samantha Gabriela De Lunar, the 3rd princess" the 3rd princess follow up and bow slightly too

"Oh my..." the queen was stunned by how bright and respectful the 2 princess are

The 1st princess is wearing a Green Dress with green veil while the 3rd princess is wearing a yellow dress and red veil

"This is such a pleasure to be escorted by the princess' themselves" the king replied as they one by one dismount the carriage

"No, this is a tradition to us" the 1st princess said

"Brother what is that?" the 2nd prince asked as he point to a statue

"That's a statue of a butterfly" the 3rd princess answered and smile inside her veil

"Butterfly?" the 2nd prince titled his head

"Yes, our goddess loves butterflies and she keeps some of them" the 3rd princess answered again

"And that statue butterfly is a magical creature that our Goddess keeps" the 1st princess adds and they both start walking while the royals and maids follow them

"Aren't they beautiful even though I can't see their faces" the queen said

"I agree the aura that they are releasing is very calming" the king replied

"I have a question" the 1st prince raise his hand

"Please ask away" the 1st princess immediately respond

"Will the Goddess show herself today?" he asked, the 3rd princess totally zipped her lips

"We don't know, it depends on what is the Goddess mood, even though she might not show herself today anyone can still receive her blessings" the 1st princess answered

They stopped at the door

"I hope we can meet inside" the 1st princess said and they both bow

"Please" the 3rd princess said and give a sign to the knight to announce their arrival

"They are not coming?" the queen tilt her head as she watched the 2 princess walk away quietly

"Hmm... Maybe some kind of tradition?" the king tried to answer but he himself doesn't know

"ANNOUNCING THE ARRIVAL OF THE EASTERN ROYALTIES" the knight announce and the king asked the queen's hand

"fufufu is this for show?" the queen asked and the king just smiled to her

"KING GILBERT PHINXE AND QUEEN MARIA PHINXE" they walk in the room side to side

The people in the hall just clap their hands and doesn't say a single word

"1ST PRINCE WILBERT PHINXE" the 1st princess enter with a confident smile on his face

"2ND PRINCE DANIEL PHINXE" he enter the hall as everyone can see the prince is shaking for being nervous

The 2nd prince timidly look around the hall to see the faces of the guests then suddenly he catch a glimspe of purple eyes within the crowd, then he saw a woman without a veil warmly smiling at him as her purple eyes shines

"Daniel" the 1st prince tap his shoulder making him back his senses

"Good day King Caspian" King Gilbert said and king Caspian smiled and greet him back

"Thank you for coming King Gilbert and also Queen Maria, as the rumors said you are the flower of the east" the king Caspian said and everyone starts to whispers

"Nice to meet you Queen Maria, I hope we can be friends" the Queen stand up and walk towards Queen Maria and offer her a handshake

"Oh!! Of course Queen Frey" she smiled back and immediately shake the Queen's hand with both of hers

"fufufu" Queen Frey giggle, Queen Maria released her hand

"Let's talk more later" King Caspian said and the queen return to her seat

"Then we will enjoy ourselves for awhile" King Gilbert said and bow

"Hahahaha Enjoy yourselves in your whole stay" king caspian replied, they bow to them and walk towards their table right next to the northern royalties


"Finally it's starting" King Arthur said

"1ST PRINCESS ASHLEY RUE DE LUNAR" as the 1st princess step inside the hall everyone is clapping happily, green dress represents the West

"2ND PRINCESS DIANA FEI DE LUNAR" red dress represents the east

"3RD PRINCESS SAMANTHA GABRIELA DE LUNAR" who is wearing a yellow dress that represents the north

"4TH PRINCESS ANTHYI MARGARET DE LUNAR" wearing a purple dress that represents the south