
Goddess Cecilia

In this world there is one God named 'Originus' who is the creator of everything sitting next to him is his three wives. The Goddess of Love and Hope, Francesca The Goddess of War and Strength, Eva and The Goddess of Beauty and Immortality, Cecilia The God and Goddesses gets along very well they treat eachother as a family, they are happy but sometimes they tend to get bored and do unreasonable things but in Goddess Cecilia's case she wants to see the world right infront of her. "Thank you for granting my wish my husband and my sisters, I promise that I'll show you amazing things so that you cannot be bored anymore up there" she look up at the sky and smiled "Avanti!!"

Le_xy · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Goddess Cecilia

In this world there is one God named 'Originus' who is the creator of everything sitting next to him are his three wives.

The Goddess of Love and Hope, Francesca.

The Goddess of War and Strength, Eva and The Goddess of Beauty and Immortality, Cecilia.

The God and Goddesses always watching those who are living in their world, they give them gifts and create saints to be able to have communication with them.

Humans are the God and Goddesses knowledge and because of that humans tend to compete and compare among themselves to be able to have some rewards from the God and Goddesses.

But there are rumors between the humans about Goddess Cecilia, rumors that came from nowhere and half of it are facts and half of it are lies. Cecilia Lian De Saoin, a citizen at the south. She was only 5 years old when she was given the title 'The Most Beautiful Fair Lady' by the Originus himself. He was attracted to her beauty when she turned 18, that's why he decided to turn her to a demi god and ask her to live with him, she doesn't have the rights to refuse it's the God who created her, so she agreed instantly and without hesitations.

They said the other two Goddesses doesn't get along with her because unlike the two, Cecilia likes peace and music whenever the God or the Goddesses are bored she tend to play it for them but in end up only Originus enjoys it and because of that she is often sent down and live with humans as punishment of the two Goddess.

But in reality that is not the case, she's growing bored and want to explore the world and the God and Goddesses allowed her to leave.

"Be careful okay!! Just beat the hell out of them if they try to harass you!!" Eva said while clenching her fist

"Calm down sister we will be watching her so we can just punish them silently" Francesca smiled evily

"Both of you calm down" Originus finally stand up and approach the little Cecilia

"Cecilia..." she look up at him


"CALM DOWN!!" Francess and Eva said at the same time and hit his head at the same time too

"Uhhh... My little Cecilia do you have to go?? If you wish to explore our world we can watch it from here" he hug Cecilia while rubbing his cheek to her cheek

"My God please let me go" she struggles and tries to pull away but their strength are way apart

"Our Husband please stop" Francess pulled Cecilia while Eva pulled away Originus

"I know that you guys are worried and I deeply thank you for that but for some reason I love others to hear my music, I want to hear new stories, I want to know different herbs" she look at the three who is listening to her

"I want to feel emotions once again" she smiled to them

"Then if you got tired just come back here" Originus said with a smile making her feel at ease

"You are always welcome here Little Cecilia" Eva said with a proud smile in her face

"You are my husband's wife and my sister, I hope you'll find what you truly wanting to find" Francesca pat her head and she just nod

"See you!!!" she waves her hand while running towards to a black door

The God and Goddesses gets along very well they treat eachother as a family, they are happy but sometimes they tend to get bored and do unreasonable things but in Goddess Cecilia's case she wants to see the world right infront of her.

"This world is made by God Originus that is why it is beautiful" she whispers to herself

"Thank you for granting my wish my husband and my sisters, I promise that I'll show you amazing things so that you cannot be bored anymore up there" she look up at the sky and smiled
