
God Ranked Mercenary

Norman, a high ranked mercenary lost his life on his wedding due to his past catching up to him. He had the acknowledgement of me, the author, I. So, he got to reincarnate or transmigrated or both (A/N- IDK). Follow him on his journey to become a god-ranked Mercenary feared by all loved by one. I am a new writer hope you like my book. do like share and sub *cough* i forgot its not youtube *hehe*. what i meant to say is plz comment and find me mistakes.

KrowFengZi · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 11 End of Azure Bandits III

I returned to the camp after I parted with Icy. I told Icy to hide somewhere near the river. I thought of creating chaos and use it to kill the bandits.

But I didn't go back to my residence, instead I went towards the center of the camp. I went to the Dark Iron level bandits and pretended as I was running fast.

I reached them and panted and said between pants, " The girl, huuf, she —"

They quickly reacted and asked, " What happened to the girl? '

" She ran away. All her injuries were healed somehow. I saw her going towards the woods. I saw her as I was getting up from getting soaked in the river after I drink some wine with my bud."

" Where did she go? " One of the bandits asked me while the other went to ring the bell waking other bandits up.

I pointed a direction said, " I saw her going into the woods from near the turning point of the river. She ran away very fast, I tried chasing her but returned to tell this to you. "

The bandit grew angry and slapped me, " You piece of shit, couldn't even catch a little girl. I will deal with you later. "

I lowered my as I thought, " You are going to die soon, I am not gonna take a grudge on this. ".

As this was occurring, the other bandit already gathered all the bandits. He ordered, " The girl is missing and we need to find her. We will form two groups, one will be lead by me and the other will be lead by Creek. We must find her, if we don't, Boss is going to kill us. "

On mention of the boss, the bandits shivered, they quickly took some weapons from a house. I also went ahead and took a weapon. The weapon quality was surprisingly good. It was a sword. I chose a sword because it is easy to use.

The two lead bandits grouped the other bandits and I was into the group of Creek, the bandit who slapped me. They rushed to find Icy. One group went straight ahead in the bush and we went towards the intersection of the river and woods.

As I reached the point of intersection, I signalled Icy. I reached near one bandit and broke his neck before he could let out any noise. Icy bit him and took him away from the scene. I went up ahead and killed two others.

Five were remaining and I targetted one and killed him and Icy leaped at one and killed him by ripping off one head.

Icy made a loud noise by killing him and this alerted the other bandits. The bandits turned to look at us and Icy and I leaped at the two side kicks and finished them quickly before they could understand their situation.

Lastly, we looked at the lead bandit. The lead bandit also looked at us and anger grew in his eyes. He looked at Icy and recognised her. He then looked at me and laughed, " Good good, you must be a infiltrator. How did you know that this tigress was here? "

" I didn't know it, I just found your hiding place and decided to finish ya all " I shrugged as I said, " But you know, I know this is a point of no return. So, let's fight. "

I rushed to him and swung my sword with full force but it barely scratched him. The sword in my hand became dull at once. Damn I thought this sword is good but its just not cutting for this fight.

" Ha ha, that didn't even scratched me. Is that the best you got? ". Nope he didn't say anything like this. Instead he got punched as I had a moment of relapse.

" Not good " I was punched to the face and rolled away stopping near the river. In this meantime, Icy leaped at him from behind. But as if he had eyes behind him. He just turned back and punched Icy too.

She rolled just like me and mewled like she got hurt. I got angry by this. But the angrier I became, the more cool headed I thought. After Luna and I died, I changed.

I asked Z, " Z, is there any way to beat this guy? "

[ Norman, I suggest that you use that crude knife of yours to try and hurt him. It will work. ]

I was in disbelief and said to Z, " Are you sure? Let's follow your suggestion this time PA. ".

I took out the crude knife and rushed towards Creek and slashed him on his neck with the knife. Creek just laughed, " You won't even scratch me with this knife. "

But before he could continue, his neck began spewing blood crazy. Creek now didn't have any mocking expression on his face and just had a look of teror. He said, " No this can't be happening."

Then his facial began twisting and he began muttering, " If I die, so be it. I am gonna take you down with me. ". He tried to punch me but I side stepped. I called Icy, " Icy come here and puch him hard on his face and take revenge for what he has done to you. "

But sadly, before Icy could come and punch Creek he died a dog's death. I walked towards Icy and said, " Don't worry, I will let you to kill the other lead bandit. "

Icy," Okay, Mas- Papa. "

Icy and I went to the other group of bandits. We reached them as they were searching a wide area. Icy and I took turns killing the bandits and finally the boss fight.

As it turned out the other bandit was much weaker than Creek and we were able to easily kill him through the combined effort of Icy and I.

I then looked towards battle log and status.

[ Azure Bandits killed ( Lvl – 13 to 15 ). Gained 4440 XP. ]

[ Leader Azure Bandits killed ( Lvl – 17 and 19). Gained 1650 XP ]

I gained much XP this time. But I haven't levelled up yet.

[ Name – Norman || Time - 2:34 am

Age – 18

Level – 10 (Bronze level)

XP - 12040 / 10000

authority Lvl - 1 ( 0% )

Cultivation scripture – N/A

Battle skills – N/A

Battle Power – 275 ]

" Oh I have enough XP, but I haven't levelled up yet why Z?" I asked.

[ Norman, every major leap in cultivation level is done through manually and it is recommended that you advance in a safe area. ]

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