
God Ranked Mercenary

Norman, a high ranked mercenary lost his life on his wedding due to his past catching up to him. He had the acknowledgement of me, the author, I. So, he got to reincarnate or transmigrated or both (A/N- IDK). Follow him on his journey to become a god-ranked Mercenary feared by all loved by one. I am a new writer hope you like my book. do like share and sub *cough* i forgot its not youtube *hehe*. what i meant to say is plz comment and find me mistakes.

KrowFengZi · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 10 End of Azure Bandits II

Tiger : " The group of bandits killed my father with the help of a traitor. The bandits then captured me and forced me to work and do all kinds of miscellaneous work for them. "

" I wanted to kill myself but I couldn't as I haven't took my revenge for them. Please help me. "

I was stumped, my mind said that she was a beast and I should kill her while my conscience said that she is just a young girl and I shouldn't kill her.

" Do not worry, even if you didn't want me to kill them, I would still end them all the same. But I need to ask you something, How can you speak like a human and turn into human?"

Tiger, " I don't know but when I entered Iron skin level, I could transform into humans and speak like a human. "

" That's new to me. Let me consider what to do now "

I mentally communicated with Z, " Z, what should I do now? Should I kill all the bandits before their boss came back or should I take the tiger with me and retreat and after I gain sufficient strength then I can come back to finish them?"

[ If you choose the first option there is 75% chance of finishing all of them and running away before the boss returns and if you retreat with the tiger, then tey will probably hunt you down before you gain any strength. ]

" You said some serious considerations and I believe 75% is very good. "

I turned to look at the tiger and said, " What's your name? "

The tiger was stumped and after a few minutes she answered back , " I don't have a name but my parents called me Lil'crown. My parents said that only the master of mine can name me. "

" Hmm, why don't I name you? To be honest I had the idea of adopting you since you said that your parents died. What do you say? "

" I need to think about it. " Lil' crown said as a look of conflict flashed on her face.

Now that I think about it, I may have went too fast and nobody says they will be adopting somebody on their first meeting.

" You - ". Before I could speak, she interrupted me, " I accept your proposal. "

" Yes, I thought clearly and I don't have anything that you might want. Even if there was, you could just kill me and get it. "

" Ok if that's your wish then I will name you. You are a tigress and a white one too. Let's call you Icy. "

" I really like that name. " Icy replied and as Icy accepted her new name, something began to flow out through my body and spread to Icy.

Icy didn't look shocked, she just closed her eyes. She accepted the intangible energy and all her injuries began to heal rapidly.

She completely transformed and became even more magnificent with glacier like fur, fangs like reinforced glass and face like a proud tiger with a hint of feminism and eyes that looked down upon the world, just like an yandere.

I just looked at her and one word came to my mind, " Perfect, just like my Luna. "

One thing, she and Luna had in common was their eyes that looked down upon the world. Luna had a bit of sadistic tendencies that I didn't experience first hand. I swear.

After Icy completely transformed, she began to take human form. unlike as most of would expect, after she transformed she didn't have any clothes on. Luckily I have Luna, otherwise I might just fell in love with her.

She was just like those chinese novels said girls with jade like beauty, kingdom toppling beauty

Yep that description fits her. But it doesn't fit my Luna. My Luna looks are at best Norman - shattering, Norman shaking, Norman master- ' cough ' hope you understand.

She took some clothes out from vod knows where and wore it in front of me and kneeled infront of me saying, " Master "

I quickly made her stand up by force and said, " Don't call me master, call me Papa. I am not your master but your foster father. "

" Sure Papa " Icy smiled. " Lets go kill all those bastards who killed your family and take revenge for you. "

" Are you sure papa? I don't want to lose someone who cared for me after my parents died. " Icy looked at me with concern all over her face.

" Don't worry I won't die, I have to find your mom before I die. " I replied with a smile. Now that I think of it, this may be the first time I smiled like for real.

---------- Some Info Dump about the relationship between Master and Servant --------

I bet most of you know this basics but I need to just refresh the concepts here. The concepts here and produced by mixer grinding many concepts about Master-Servant relationship of ACGs'.

The relation of Master-Servant is established through

1) By naming a beast or vice versa. As Beast will also tame some other beasts or humans in future chapters.

2) By using a contract.

3) By using blood ritual.

The strongest of the three is blood ritual as it continues for two lifetimes and weakest is the contract as if the servant has much greater strength than the master, they can break free from the contract.

Our MC used the naming version of the ways to establish Master-Servant relationship as he doesn't even know the concepts of the Master-Servant relationship and ways to bind it.

All the types of ways required dual agreement both by the master and the servant. In naming and blood ritual, the servants die after their master dies. Fortunately this can be stopped by the master.

By the way there is also a fourth way of establishing this relationship that is by demonic magic. You will learn about it in the future. This type of relationship doesn't require concensus between the two parties.

Demonic magic forces the target to fulfill every wish of the master and the master can kill the servant anytime.


The status of Norman is here —

[ Name – Norman || Time - 12:57 am

Age – 18

Level – 10 (Bronze level)

XP - 5950 / 10000

authority Lvl - 1 ( 0% )

Cultivation scripture – N/A

Battle skills – N/A

Battle Power – 275 ]

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