
Chapter 1: The Prodigy

Kai stared at the crimson sky, the sun setting behind the jagged mountains that bordered his village of Eldoria. He wiped sweat from his brow and continued practicing his sword forms in the fading light. At sixteen, Kai was already the most promising warrior in the village, but today he felt no pride. The echoes of the battle at the village gates still haunted him.

His father, Aric, the greatest warrior Eldoria had ever known, had fallen to the Dark Legion. Kai's hands trembled as he remembered the sight—his father, surrounded by a sea of enemies, fighting bravely until the end. The village elders had mourned him as a hero, but Kai could only think of the empty space at the dinner table and the silence in their home.

"Kai!" The voice of his best friend, Lena, broke his reverie. She approached, her eyes filled with worry. "You've been out here all day. You need to rest.

"Kai shook his head. "I can't rest. Not until they're avenged. I have to become stronger.

"Lena sighed. "Your father wouldn't want you to destroy yourself over this. Come on, let's go home.

"Reluctantly, Kai sheathed his sword and followed Lena back to the village. As they walked, they passed the charred remains of homes destroyed in the recent attack. Eldoria was a peaceful village, nestled in the foothills of the Arid Mountains, but the Dark Legion had changed everything. They had come without warning, a black tide of death and destruction, and now they threatened to consume all of Eldoria.

When they reached Kai's home, he paused at the threshold. The small, humble house felt emptier without his father's presence. His mother was inside, preparing what little food they had left. She looked up as they entered, her eyes red from crying.

"Kai, you're home," she said softly, her voice cracking. "I was worried."

"I'm fine, Mother," Kai replied, trying to sound strong. "I'll be out again early tomorrow to train."

She nodded, her expression weary. "Just... be careful, Kai. You're all I have left now."

Kai clenched his fists, anger and determination burning within him. He would not let his father's death be in vain. He would train harder than ever before, and one day, he would defeat the Dark Legion.