

Karl is a student at Oxford university in New York. He lives with his aunt. He discovers that he lives in a world filled with supernatural entities able to shatter mountains with a snap of a finger. He is unable to remember anything below the age of 10. Earth has a strong 'Will' called 'Jal' which prevents normal humans from seeing anything supernatural. The supernatural entities are Gods, Vampires, Angels, Werewolves, Demons, Espers,etc. Will Karl be able to fight fate and walk his own path with strong women-oops companions.

Eternal_Jiminii · Fantasy
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57 Chs

Mother and daughter

"All these years I had thought my dear daughter will remain lonely in life. How sad I have been but it seems you had some plans in mind."

Lia sat on the bed and looked at her mother who had a playful glint in her eyes. Now she wasn't the ruthless Queen most supernaturals knew but a mother.

"It's not what you are thinking, am just fulfilling my part of the deal. I don't know how he was able to cure the curse. Given how had it was to get a cure in this vast world, it proves how much a debt I owe though even he appears ignorant about it."

The Queen's eyes twinkled as she caught on something. "Which deal are you talking about." Various thoughts flashed through her mind. Could it be Marr...no no it can't be then....Her gaze shifted back at her daughter.

"I couldn't believe he just asked to train and gain more insight on the supernatural. As strange as it is that's all he asked for. Even I was shocked at first."

The Queen's eyebrows rose for a second at this. Given how much she put in searching for the cure of that deadly curse, it was a great shock that that's all he asked for. She contemplated for a second. "Well can I meet him now." She couldn't help but ask her daughter.

"Sorry mother but maybe next time. How could a Queen go to meet a nobody. It will stir unnecessary attention just wait until its right time." Lia skillfully turned her down. No way could she let her mother meet him now. They barely knew each other so it would take time. But most importantly what she feared was her mother's reaction when she met him. The Queen always had eyes for the strong so it was right to turn her request down.

Karl was not that strong as Vampire standards were so the Queen might become disappointed. Lia looked at the woman who was a mature version of herself. She had her eyes closed.

"Alright I won't press the matter any longer." The Queen said as she opened her eyes. She did a small gesture and Lia appeared in her embrace. She chuckled abit and showed Lia her wrist. Now that her daughter was cured, she hard to make sure that she grew stronger. The curse greatly restricted her potential. This was a very sour topic to the Queen but now things are different.

Lia's eyes glowed bright crimson and her fangs elongated. She immediately bit the wrist. Lillith's blood was very intoxicating to Vampires as she was an ancient being and at the same time the solo Vampire Progenitor, the very beginning of all Vampires. Lia drank a few drops and fell unconscious.

Lillith's blood was just that powerful. It gave Vampires a huge boost in power. Though she naturally only allowed a few to taste her blood. This was a sacred act. Now alone, she looked towards the cave where Karl was.

What surprised her was that he was of a different race she couldn't fathom. Definitely he isn't human. Given how long she has lived this was really strange.

"Things are getting interesting. I won't intervene. Let's just let things flow, I will meet you in the near future." She focused on her dear daughter. The future seemed interesting. She had to prepare her for the storm which might come.

Though everything was peaceful in her world, it was because she was powerful enough to fight back. She had many enemies. Her daughter needed many allies.

"Ignorance is a bliss. I won't let anything harmful come your way as long as am alive." Lillith patted the young woman's red head as she slept off. It didn't take long for the mother-daughter pair to sleep. It had been long since she had a peaceful nap. She didn't forget to erect a powerful barrier which isolated them from the world.

Karl was sweating bullets. The cosmic energy was very dense. It gave him a hard time to absorb faster. His body floated off the ground in a meditation pose. The cave started shaking violently. This alerted Kina but before she could make a move. A powerful blast of power took place. Debris flew everywhere and dust rose.

Karl was passing through unbearable pain. He felt the energy tear him from inside as it passed through his veins. His body gave off a golden glow. He felt a surge of cosmic energy now rushing towards him. He bit his tongue to keep his consciousness. Dark clouds gathered in the sky and lightning cracked.

This phenomenon was witnessed by those nearby. The maids were shocked. How could such a thing happen. An abrupt change in weather was extremely rare in the Vampire world. Instinctively they turned towards a certain cave but they were surprised by a barrier erected around it. Kina was the one who was more shocked. That barrier definitely wasn't hers. So how.....