

"Hmm, let's see...*pfft* *cough**cough*.

Young man, it seems that even in death bad luck is on your side." said god while feeling amused with the result of the spin.

"W-what do you mean god?" asked the nervous young man.

"Well you see, you landed on tier 1 level of cheat/abilities,

Let's put it on a perspective of that you have a 1% chance of getting it out of 100 choices"

"Does that mean I'm basically f*cked in my next life god"

"Not necessarily child, you see even if I said that it's just tier 1, doesn't necessarily meant it's bad, it's just that compared to other tiers of abilities it just can't hold a candle compared to them. " explained god.

"Oh I see, in that case may I see what ability I gained? " asked the young man excitedly

"Sure young man, since this is a tier 1 cheat/ability collection, it's a compilation of abilities that you can choose 1 from" said god while passing the young man a stone tablet similar to what Moses had.


Pov of the young man

'Heh heh, let's see... W-wha-?! Is this for real.'


Abilities for the unfortunate

-ability to summon 1000 dead bugs

-ability to sit still

-super strength for 1 sec with 5x multiplier(can only be used 3 times per day)

-ability to breathe underwater through your a**hole

-ability to bend spoon

-ability to attract high moving projectiles to your body

-ability to fly 5 meter from the ground while naked

-ability to eat while asleep

-ability to change hair color


"God have mercy, can I at least take two instead of one? " I asked god in a pleading manner.

"Unfortunately no, young man, just be thankful that you can choose something instead of nothing." answered god in an amused tone.

What can I do now, let's see,

Summon dead bugs? Nope,

Wtf though, who made this list...

Ability to sit still would be kinda useful in case I begin to learn sage mode, but it's not that important because I can just achieve it with enough practice.

And the super strength is tempting but the cool down is undesirable

The ability to breathe underwater is kinda useful even if it's through my other hole but since I wont necessarily always swim so it's kinda useless for me,

All the remaining abilities to choose from is kinda useless if I think about it.

The only viable option for me to go is the ability to fly, even if I'm naked, I can just use henge to cover my privates...

And also think about the possibilities, muawahahah,



I decided...

"I choose the ability to fly while naked god!" I shouted to god with a slight blush on my cheeks.

"Hoo~i didn't youre that kind of person...I think I chose the wrong person" said god teasingly.


"*cough**cough* Back to topic, now that you have chosen your ability, you would now be allowed to hijack a body of a recently deceased baby or be reborn again in the Narutoverse, now what would you prefer?"

"W-what, what do you mean hijack?"

"You see young man, in the infinite Multiverse of the Narutoverse, there are realities where for example, Sakura died while being born, so her soul passed on leaving her empty vessel which is her body that you can enter, essentially hijacking it but not really.

So I can just pick that reality where the one you want to pick is dead so you can replace him/her" explained god

Wow that's kinda disturbing if you think about it. So whose body can I hijack, I'd really like to have Naruto's body but, I don't think I can do what he did with his infamous talk no jutsu to enemies I might encounter, I can't also imagine the fox working with me, since the Kyubi only agreed to be friend with Naruto because of the originals pure heart. So Naruto is a no go. But if I trained together with his Uzumaki vitality together with the fox chakra heal, I think I can rule that planet, muwahahahaha...Hmm tempting...

Hmm while Sasuke is also tempting, but if I replaced him I would essentially forfeit my foreknowledge of the Shippuden Finding Sasuke, but those eyes tho and not to mention the fangirls, I can get some boink whenever I wanted, kukukuku...

. Let me ask god first a few questions.

"So Uhm, is there any limitations of the people that I can replace?"

"In fact there is, you can only choose characters that belonged to the generation of Naruto, and you can't also replace the two main protagonist since they have a destiny to fulfil and they contain two souls. Then everyone else is fair game." answered god

Oh, that make sense, since those two has other tenants on their body, Indra and Asura.

Now that my choices are narrowed who would be my best bet that would enable me to survive the Naruto world, and ultimately conquer it. Now that I think about it, what solar system does the planet of Naruto belonged to, welp just another mystery for me to solve,

Let's see, I can choose anyone from the Konoha twelve to any of the genin from the other villages.

So many choices but, who should I pick...

A/N what's up madlang people,

You guys got any recommendations?

Comment it bellow

And as always good day

Give me suggestions so I can improve my style


Did you know that our observable universe is so vast that we can be compared to dusts in a grand scheme of things.